Responsible Rodenticide Use
Safeguard our Wildlife 80% of barn owls found dead tested positive for rodenticide. Effective rodent control is essential for food hygiene and human health. However Wildlife can be exposed to rodenticides by Primary poisoning: Injesting rodenticides or Secondary poisoning by feeding on live rodents - with toxins in their systems or scavenging on dead rodents - that died from poisoning.
The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) minimises the negative impacts of rodenticides (rat poisons) on wildlife.
Plan (Integrated Pest Management)
Survey the site
Remove alternative food sources
Make and keep a site plan
Use enough baiting points
Record the quantity of bait used and where placed
Never leave bait exposed to non-target animals and birds
Inspect bait regularly
Top up bait points as required
Search for dead rodents
Collect and dispose of rodent bodies - Dead rodents carry rodenticide residues
Do NOT leave rat bait down continuously - Not more than 35 days