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Technical Advice for Grassland Farmers to secure winter feed for next year

View as PDF Technical Advice for Grassland Farmers

The following immediate actions are recommended:

  • Complete a feed budget for next winter including a reserve of at least 1 months fodder
  • Close sufficient area for first cut silage based on fodder budget
  • Graze swards in rotation at a high quality growth stage (10cm height) to improve animal performance. Skip heavy swards for silage when growth allows
  • Prioritise available slurry to silage ground and lower fertility fields
  • For first cut silage, apply enough fertiliser to ensure overall supply of 100 kg/ha (80 units/acre) of Nitrogen from slurry plus fertiliser. Make sure enough P, K and Sulphur is supplied to grow the crop
  • Roll silage ground as required and where soil conditions are suitable
  • Plan for lime application this year where low soil pH needs to be addressed. Applying lime on bare ground after first cut is a good opportunity

The National Fodder and Food Security Committee is tasked by government with preparing an industry response, contingency plans and advice to assist farmers in managing their farm enterprises through a period of high input price inflation and potential supply pressures.

Supports and advice are available to all farmers through your Teagasc advisor, at your local Teagasc advisory office or on www.teagasc.ie/feedsecurity