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Tirlan Farmer Updates 2023

End of year review 2023

FarmerCountyPasturebase Grass Grown MP             tonnes DM/haClosing CoverEstimated MS/Cow 2023Empty Rate %NUE%Carbon Footprint 2022 kgCO2e per kg FPCM, LCA% Area in Clover on MP
Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 13.4 716 470 18 28 0.86 62
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 13.3 722 515 9 28 0.92 65
Jack Kearney Cork 13.5 700 503 10 31 0.81 85
John Ryan Tipperary 11.3 592 527 9 25 0.86 61**
Kevin Murphy Wexford 14.1 578 520 5 28 0.89 55
*Mullen Farm Meath 13.6 568 455 13.7 27 1.01 73
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 14.2 549 451 16 32 0.78 73**
Shay Ryan Wexford 14.5 615 460 13 25 0.96 56
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 13.5 655 490 12 19 0.91 84
Tom Fennelly Laois 13.0 621 480 14 33 0.91 61**
* Winter milk **Whole farm  
Average   13.4 632 487 11.9 27.6 0.89 69

This is an overview of some of the Teagasc Tirlán Signpost Future Farm monitor group figures for 2023. It is made up of some of the usual KPI's that we are familiar with like MS per cow and empty rate. I have included some of the newer sustainability metrics that have been created from the 2022 Sustainability Signpost reports like NUE%. I have also included the clover score metrics as this was completed twice this year in April and August/September. Most of the clover is on the milking platform but some scores cover the whole farm. It is good to see the progress with clover and we will be looking at how the monitor farms manage their clover again in 2024.

As we look ahead to 2024, I hope to bring you more exciting developments and keep you informed of the progress made throughout the year. Again, there will be opportunities throughout the year to meet with the farmers through farm walks, videos and online communications. Most importantly Thank You to the 10 monitor farmers and their families for all their help and information. Without them the programme would not be as successful as it is.

I wish you all a very happy Christmas look forward to working with you in 2024.

Week of the 24th November 2023

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaCarbon Footprint 2022 kgCO2e per kg FPCM, LCA
Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 13.3 5.04 3.94 154 1.23 4 716         0.86
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 11.7 5.31 4.11 96 1.14 5 722 322     12 0.92
Jack Kearney Cork 10.0 5.61 4.22 225 1.01 1.5 695 197     10 0.81
John Ryan Tipperary 11.0 6.03 4.37 175 1.18 4 592         0.86
Kevin Murphy Wexford 8.0 5.78 4.28 183 0.83 4           0.89
*Mullen Farm Meath 19.5 4.67 3.67 158 1.68 3.5 568 223     3 1.01
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 14.1 5.09 4.01 113 1.32 2 887 414 1700 20 12 0.78
Shay Ryan Wexford 13.6 5.24 4.14 141 1.32 4 450 156       0.96
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 10.8 5.25 4.45 125 1.11 3 655 308 1600 13 15 0.91
Tom Fennelly Laois 10.4 5.22 4.09 151 1.00 3 668         0.91
* Winter milk                    
Average   12.2 5.32 4.13 152 1.18 3.4 661 270 1650 17 10 0.89
Average 26/11/2022 14 5.34 4.11 146 1.35 4.2 750 316 1614 0 20  

Group Overview

fieldThe drier farms in the Future Farm monitor programme are finishing up grazing in the next week or two. Many others finished up grazing with the wet weather in October. Grazing on those farms was limited to 2/3 hours when ground conditions allowed. Some of the herds are now milking OAD and drying off in batches has already started. SDCT is being used using the criteria of no mastitis cases/antibiotics given plus an average SCC under 50. Dry cow tubes purchased are based on results from mastitis cases that were sampled during the year. Also some of the group had the free consultation from their vet via AHI and this gave them a good overview for the dry cow period. Silage samples are being taken and results show good DMD silage ranging from 69 to 74 so far from results in. Crude proteins are also good at 13-14%. Farms are now carrying out their closing farm cover. Today with Francis Nolan in Co. Kilkenny, his closing cover is 722kgs DM/ha and the 1st paddock closed has a cover of 1000kgs DM/ha on it. There has been good drying out of the paddocks in the last few days.

Week of the 10th November 2023

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaGHG emissions per ha farmer (IPCC)
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 13.4 4.92 3.93 140 1.22 4 841 224 1500 0 19 11.3
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 13.1 5.16 4.04 131 1.24 4.5           11.0
Jack Kearney Cork 11.0 5.42 4.16 206 1.09 3 658 186 1900 25 10 10.6
John Ryan Tipperary 13.0 5.67 4.17 185 1.32 4 632 147 1300 0 9 12.0
Kevin Murphy Wexford 11.0 5.65 4.12 145 1.11 4.5           11.3
*Mullen Farm Meath 20.0 4.76 3.68 134 1.74 4 568 223 1000 15 3 13.2
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 12.2 5.04 3.79 171 1.11 4     1400 17   12.2
Shay Ryan Wexford 15.5 5.15 4.10 139 1.48 4 450 156 1250 20 17 13.2
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 12.0 5.00 4.20 95 1.20 4 715 335 2000 12 14 10.1
Tom Fennelly Laois 11.9 5.24 3.93 162 1.12 3 668 255 2600 13 21 9.7
* Winter milk                    
Average   13.3 5.20 4.01 151 1.26 3.9 647 218 1619 13 13 11
Average 11/11/2022 15 5.25 4.05 122 1.43 4.1 759 279 1832 29 24  

Farmer Focus

Shay Ryan cows in fieldToday with Shay Ryan, near New Ross, Co Wexford we completed a grass walk. AFC is lower than Shay would have liked but he is confident that he will have sufficient grass for the spring. Shay has put in over 15% of new reseeds this year and with these and other clover paddocks that is why the farm cover is low as these all have been grazed off in the last few days. With grazing these clover reseeds tighly now it ensures as much light as possible into these swards over the winter time. All the heifers have been housed this week. Cows were out today with only a small area to be grazed. Shay has started drying off the lowest yielding cows. A milk recording was completed in early October to assist in selecting any cows for SDCT and he will carry out another milk recording in November for the balance of the herd. Shays advisor Kay O Connell has organised for the silage to be analysised next week and in December the whole farm is going to be soil sampled. This time of year is ideal to get these jobs done.

Week of the 20th October 2023

Farmer County Litres / Cow Fat % Protein % SCC kg MS/Cow Meal kg Average Farm Cover  Cover /LU Pre Grazing Yield  Demand/Ha Growth Rate/Ha NH3 emissions per ha farmed kg NH3
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 15.5 4.79 3.91 147 1.38 4 579 154 2000 28 53 49
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 15.4 5.12 3.93 99 1.39 4 605 249 1800 35 18 48
Jack Kearney Cork 12.5 5.53 4.11 162 1.24 3 612 173 2300 53 32 52
John Ryan Tipperary 14.5 5.38 4.19 204 1.43 4 787 183 1800 43 20 69
Kevin Murphy Wexford 14.2 5.42 4.26 99 1.42 4           62
*Mullen Farm Meath 19.5 4.66 3.73 205 1.69 4 486 191 850 15 31 51
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 12.5 5.21 4.10 120 1.20 2 1031 404 2000 46 29 47
Shay Ryan Wexford 16.3 5.15 4.14 153 1.56 4 612 156 1600 31 56 54
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 13.5 5.29 4.32 130 1.34 4 973 433 1700 34 45 43
Tom Fennelly Laois 13.3 5.52 4.22 138 1.33 2 924 347 2500 43 46 40
* Winter milk                    
Average   14.7 5.21 4.09 146 1.40 3.5 734 254 1839 36 37 28
Average 21/10/2022 18 4.97 4.20 116 1.70 4.4 911 303 1961 38 50  

October Focus

Over the last few days the weather forecast has affected a number of things on all the farms. Many had been working through closing paddocks and planning what paddocks to graze when and opting to leave this years clover reseeds to graze later on. With over 60-70mm of rain in various farms some herds have been housed at night and allocations of grass have been to 2 to 3 hours grazing by day. Monitor farms have started to supplement with silage from 2 to 6kgs as dry matter of grass has fallen to near 10%. AFC's have fallen as well and good graze outs have been harder to attain. Depending on soil type and the rain fall amounts grass growth has been variable. Milk yields have fallen back by 2 to 3 litres as well. Cull cows have been removed to reduce demand. Also alot of milk recording has been done in the last week to see which cows will be suitable for teat sealer only at dry off. Some herds have been drying off any cows yielding below 10 litres or in poor body condition. Hopefully weather will pick up shortly and remaining parts of the autumn rotation plan can be completed.

Tor the autumn rotation plan: 30% by 20th October, another 30% by 1st November, final 40% during November. For the spring rotation plan: 30% in February, 30% from 1st march to st Patrick's day, last 40% by 5th April. Heavy farm targets for autumn should be 7 to 14 days earlier and for the spring 7 to 14 days later.

Week of the 6th October 2023

Farmer County Litres / Cow Fat % Protein % SCC kg MS/Cow Meal kg Average Farm Cover  Cover /LU Pre Grazing Yield  Demand/Ha Growth Rate/Ha NUE%
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 16.5 4.75 3.83 120 1.46 3 758 202 2000 53 29 28
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 18.7 4.94 3.93 95 1.66 4           28
Jack Kearney Cork 16.1 5.12 4.09 192 1.53 3 835 237 1800 57 60 31
John Ryan Tipperary 15.5 5.12 4.03 329 1.46 3 1189 276 2300 43 63 25
Kevin Murphy Wexford 16.0 5.23 4.12 147 1.54 4 927 281 1960 40 61 28
*Mullen Farm Meath 21.0 4.46 3.94 180 1.82 3.5 574 208 1200 50 46 27
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 15.6 4.97 3.94 96 1.43 2 1102 432 2400 46 43 32
Shay Ryan Wexford 18.0 4.67 4.10 87 1.63 4 729 213 1700 48 52 25
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 15.0 5.00 4.26 94 1.43 2 1019 391 2000 38 54 19
Tom Fennelly Laois 14.6 5.17 4.07 132 1.39 2 1024 352 2300 46 52 33
* Winter milk                    
Average   16.7 4.84 4.03 147 1.54 3.1 906 288 1962 47 51 28
Average 07/10/2022 19 4.83 4.08 119 1.73 4.3 942 309 1900 36 57  

Farmer Focus

laptop and paperworkThis week I spent that morning with Janck and Larry Kearney in Rathcormac, Co Cork. We reviewed the farms slurry storage for next year and looked at the animal numbers in relation to the change in nitrates. The Kearneys do not have to make too many changes. We did figures up on what grass the farm is growing and match it to the farms overall stocking rate. I find this a great exercise to complete as it refocuses the mind on the importance of grass grown and what the farm can support without having to pay for huge extra forage bills. We did an outline for closing up of paddocks. The Kearneys graze 80% in October and balance in November. With their soil type this works well plus the demand for grass in the spring is greater with over 85% calving in 6 weeks. We looked at the dry, wet fields, clover fields, this years reseeds etc. There is alot of components to manage to get this balance right of what to graze and when. The main thing is to ensure the plan allows to close at an AFC of 650 at the start of November with the aim of opening in spring at 1000.

Week of September 22nd

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaCarbon Footprint 2022 kgCO2e per kg FPCM, LCA
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 17.6 4.65 3.85 105 1.54 3 812 222 1700 51 73 0.86
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 18.5 5.06 4.00 134 1.72 4 1100 453 2000 35 70 0.92
Jack Kearney Cork 17.5 4.73 3.95 113 1.56 2 787 223 1800 57 71 0.81
John Ryan Tipperary 17.5 4.76 3.80 222 1.54 3 988 229 2600 43 35 0.86
Kevin Murphy Wexford 18.0 4.95 4.11 117 1.68 4 1104 316 2250 56 58 0.89
*Mullen Farm Meath 21.5 4.52 3.79 201 1.84 3 640 199 1600 58 49 1.01
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford                       0.78
Shay Ryan Wexford 19.0 4.64 4.00 134 1.69 3 957 244 2100 63 82 0.96
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 18.2 4.72 4.07 63 1.65 2 1164 418 2250 42 59 0.91
Tom Fennelly Laois 16.4 5.17 4.05 115 1.56 2 1078 370 2500 49 81 0.91
* Winter milk                    
Average   18.2 4.80 3.96 134 1.64 2.9 959 297 2089 50 64 0.89
Average 23/09/2022 20 4.76 3.90 113 1.77 4.7 765 246 1555 38 53  

Farmer Focus

ground grazed in field on farm walkThis week with Francis Nolan in Co. Kilkenny our grass walk focused on getting ground grazed so that the last of the dairy washings and small bit of slurry could be spread. He has a combination of both wet and dry ground on the MP. Francis's cows are currently grazing 2000 plus covers of grass so the percentage grazed is low. Francis is hoping to spread  what he has over a very large area as he is conscious that at this time of year the grass does not require the same quantity of nutrients compared to during the summer months. Over the next few days he will graze lower covers to get more ground grazed. We learned of the slurry extension to the 7th of October so this will also help. Francis has started to get some of the hedges side trimmed where ground conditions allow. The recent reseeding of 13 acres 2 weeks ago has struck very well. The wet summer meant reseeding got delayed for Francis. He has grown 12.3 tonnes DM/ha to date on the milking platform. He had a 9% empty rate with the cows for a 12 weeks breeding season so he is happy with that.

Week of September 8th

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/Ha
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 19.6 4.49 3.71 106 1.66 3 821 219 2000 53 46
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 20.2 4.71 3.91 31 1.74 3 810 342 1700 34 37
Jack Kearney Cork 20.0 4.73 3.81 117 1.76 2 918 260 2000 57 74
John Ryan Tipperary 21.5 4.46 3.79 149 1.83 3 1178 268 2450 44 82
Kevin Murphy Wexford 20.0 4.86 4.00 101 1.83 3 1151 330 2300 56 95
*Mullen Farm Meath 20.5 4.36 3.70 210 1.70 2.5 982 231 1900 77 72
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 17.8 4.56 3.79 135 1.53 1.5 1005 369 2100 49 63
Shay Ryan Wexford 20.2 4.45 3.95 130 1.74 1.75 1004 243 2250 66 69
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 19.5 4.44 3.93 79 1.68 1.5 990 336 1800 45 79
Tom Fennelly Laois 18.5 4.72 3.81 95 1.63 1 952 312 2000 52 72
* Winter milk        
Average  19.8 4.58 3.84 115 1.71 2 981 291 2050 53 69
Average 09/09/2022 20.9 4.64 3.74 120 1.78 5.4 478 197 1155 29 30

Farmer Focus

Donal Kavanagh Fields with clover layoutThis week in Donal Kavanagh's from Baltinglas, Co Wicklow we carried out the second clover while doing the grass walk. Our first score was completed in April and the farm had no high clover score which is where we would have 20% plus clover in the sward. We use the Teagasc clover score sheet to help us determine what is the score of none, low, medium and high clover in the paddocks. In April Donal had 67% of the milking platform with no clover, 18% low and 15% medium. Through reseeding in April, allowing cows to graze at lower covers of 1200kgDM/ha to encourage clover in the swards and reduced N, Donal has increased his clover % on the platform. Now he has 8% high, 31% medium, 23% with low clover and 38% with no clover. Reduced levels of nitrogen is being applied on the medium and high clover swards via chemical and/or organic manures. This is one of the climate actions Donal has adapted since he started on the monitor programme and one he will continue to work on.

Download the Clover Content Scorecard (pdf) 

Week of August 26th

Farmer County Litres / Cow Fat % Protein % SCC kg MS/Cow Meal kg Average Farm Cover  Cover /LU Pre Grazing Yield  Demand/Ha Growth Rate/Ha
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 19.5 4.66 3.67 160 1.67 3 662 177 1500 53 100
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 19.8 4.65 3.96 99 1.76 3 837 353 1650 34 68
Jack Kearney Cork 20.7 4.59 3.75 102 1.78 2 698 198 1600 57 73
John Ryan Tipperary 21.6 4.58 3.72 159 1.85 4 982 223 1800 62 82
Kevin Murphy Wexford 20.7 4.80 3.90 119 1.85 3 830 238 1550 56 70
*Mullen Farm Meath 20.0 4.19 3.71 210 1.63 2.5 898 203 1700 80 76
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 18.4 4.51 3.64 151 1.50 1.5 959 284 2400 61 54
Shay Ryan Wexford 21.0 4.34 3.84 113 1.77 2 959 232 1700 66 104
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 22.0 4.44 3.88 69 1.83 1.5 866 266 1700 49 53
Tom Fennelly Laois 19.4 4.67 3.73 73 1.67 1 977 320 2000 52 62
* Winter milk        
Average   20.3 4.54 3.78 126 1.73 2 867 249 1760 57 74
Average 26/08/2022 21 4.47 3.66 105 1.71 5.2 501 151 1005 32 35

Farmer Focus

This week on the farm of Shay Ryan's near New Ross, Co. Wexford we concentrated on completing a second clover score for the milking platform. The one completed in April of this year showed that 48% of the milking platform had either a low, medium or high clover content. This figure now rose to 62% on the same area. This has been achieved through reseeding paddocks and grazing management. By getting into paddocks with low clover content at a lower cover, it allows in more light and allows more clover to grow. Also concentrating fertiliser applications of P and K and reducing Nitrogen spread on these paddocks has also helped. After grass measuring this week Shay is taking out a paddock for bales. This is being done this week to ensure that this ground is back in for building autumn covers. A plan was also devised for the last round of fertiliser which will take place by the end of August. Shay knows that the earlier the application the better the responce. He has very little slurry to be spread so that is accounted for plus the dairy washings for the last round of nutrients. Remember all slurry has to be spread by the end of September as the closed period begins 1st of October.

Week of August 11th

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/Ha
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 20.6 4.25 3.58 122 1.66 3 554 137 1500 57 52
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 22.1 4.37 3.86 145 1.82 3.5 718 259 1500 39 56
Jack Kearney Cork 21.6 4.35 3.71 78 1.79 3 739 209 1500 57 76
John Ryan Tipperary 20.8 4.76 3.76 199 1.83 4 866 187 1400 65 83
Kevin Murphy Wexford 22.4 4.76 3.85 85 1.99 3 862 247 1800 56 88
*Mullen Farm Meath   4.66 3.44     3 665 181 1400 66 68
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 20.7 4.34 3.57 94 1.64 1.5 895 247 1500 65 71
Shay Ryan Wexford 22.5 4.13 3.77 87 1.83 2 735 178 1550 66 33
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 22.1 4.43 3.79 58 1.82 2 822 284 1600 44 59
Tom Fennelly Laois 18.5 4.53 3.58 99 1.55 1 838 265 1600 54 72
* Winter milk        
Average   21.3 4.46 3.69 107 1.77 3 769 219 1535 57 66
Average 12/08/2022 23 4.39 3.65 101 1.84 4.0 571 166 1305 53 45

Farmer Focus

Discussion Group on farm of Kevin MurphyTeagasc Tirlan Signpost farmer Kevin Murphy, Gorey hosted a local dairy discussion meeting on August 12th. The group was facilitated by Signpost advisor Colm Doran & we had Eddie Burgess & Mark Boland from the Ag Catchments Programme. The meeting focused on the actions that Kevin has taken on his farm to mitigate climate change and also to protect water quality. Two of the main focuses discussed were the use of sexed semen and incorporation of clover.

Kevin is part of the Clover 150 programme with Teagasc & he has 42% of the MP with clover incorporated. He uses the medium leaf varieties & has found a better clover take by going in April rather than later in the year. From May, N spread is cut by 50% on 20% clover content paddocks to 10 kgs/ha either via fertiliser or dirty water. 2 of the best paddocks with over 20% clover content has 12.8 tonnes & 11.7 tonnes with 8 grazings already grown so far this year. These paddocks are sown with 100% Nashota plus Buddy white clover. Kevin had 2 surplus paddocks out with bales made. He has pre mowed some of the MP over the last 4/5 weeks & he is happy where the AFC is & he is ready to build covers for the autumn.

We completed the 2023/24 fodder budget. Kevin is very happy with a 20% surplus after a comprehensive budget was done up. 

Week of July 14th

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/Ha
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 24.0 4.31 3.51 135 1.93 4 850 227 1500 53 88
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 25.1 4.33 3.72 87 2.02 2.5 528 167 1550 45 72
Jack Kearney Cork 24.2 4.33 3.53 92 1.96 2 699 187 1400 60 93
John Ryan Tipperary 23.6 4.12 3.62 158 1.88 4 600 121 1250 74 50
Kevin Murphy Wexford 22.9 4.44 3.75 72 1.93 4 755 191 1600 55 53
*Mullen Farm Meath 22.0 4.12 3.52 210 1.73 2.5 782 307 1500 46 61
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 22.5 4.20 3.52 122 1.73 1.5 771 214 1500 65 58
Shay Ryan Wexford 22.5 4.14 3.69 110 1.80 2.5 496 126 1450 59 122
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 22.6 4.26 3.56 51 1.77 2 684 240 1400 41 55
Tom Fennelly Laois 21.4 4.56 3.48 92 1.77 2 645 178 1600 58 50
* Winter milk        
Average   23.1 4.28 3.59 113 1.85 3 681 196 1475 56 70
Average 08/07/2022 24 4.28 3.66 101 1.96 3.2 651 180 1473 57 58

Group Focus

This week we had a group discussion meeting on the farm of Shay Ryan, Rochestown, New Ross, Co Wexford. We have about 6 of these meetings a year which is a great way to see how the monitor farm programme is going for the farmers involved. This meeting focused on reviewing the groups 2022 Sustainability figures. We discussed how an increased level of Protected Urea could be bought and spread on farm and what were the challenges for this, like availability and trying to build soil fertility. Another discussion took place on what has worked on farm to reduce chemical N on the farms. Things like knowing the NPK content for their slurries and correct timing of applications was vital and will continue. We had Bridget Lynch Researcher from Teagasc Johnstown Castle give us her expertise on Multi species and their benefits on farm. She also involved in the Agricultural Catchments programme and it was good to hear how farmers are making positive changes to water quality in these areas like the monitor farmers are doing in their areas.

group discussion meeting


Week of June 30th

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/Ha Teagasc Farm Sustainability Plan in place
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 23.5 4.36 3.47 103 1.89 4 748 195 1600 54 63   YES
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 25.2 4.07 3.62 93 1.94 3 653 206 1400 45 71   YES
Jack Kearney Cork 23.6 4.29 3.48 67 1.89 3 633 169 1350 60 82   YES
John Ryan Tipperary 22.5 4.22 3.46 120 1.78 4 749 151 1400 74 79   YES
Kevin Murphy Wexford 24.9 4.36 3.77 84 2.09 6 722 204 1050 32 92   YES
*Mullen Farm Meath 24.0 4.05 3.35 190 1.83 3.5 751 295 1500 46 75   YES
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 22.9 4.02 3.34 145 1.68 1.5 817 221 1600 67 75   YES
Shay Ryan Wexford 23.0 4.14 3.60 108 1.83 3.5 801 186 1500 69 105   YES
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 23.6 4.26 3.65 50 1.85 2.5 628 209 1550 44 62   YES
Tom Fennelly Laois 21.6 4.56 3.47 86 1.79 3 672 203 1300 53 69   YES
* Winter milk            
Average   23.5 4.23 3.52 105 1.86 3 717 204 1425 54 77    
Average 24/06/2022 26 4.20 3.60 96 2.00 3.8 633 170 1491 51 52    

Farmer Focus - Shane Fitzgerald, Portlaw, Co. Waterford

Cows grazing multi species swardOn June 29th the cows were grazing the multi species reseeds that were set on the 15th May. This was at a cover of 800kgs DM/ha to encouraging tillering and clover establishment. Multi Species swardShane reseeded 7Ha's of the milking platform this year with multi species. This now means he has 20% of the MP in multi species. This area receives no chemical Nitrogen, only dairy washings and slurry. Fertiliser is being spread on the PRG swards at a rate of 0.8 units/day using Protected Urea with Sulphur.

We completed a fodder budget for 2023/24 and the farm now has over 50% of the requirements for a 4.5 month winter. The 2nd cut plus surplus bales will fill this deficit and allow for a surplus for the farm.

This year there was 100% use of AI. the farm now has the collars for heat detection and this has greatly reduced the amount of labour for this time of year.

The 1st lactation cows got treated with Epizero as they were the only cows coughing. The policy on the farm is to only treat animals that require it and Shane has moved away from broad spectrum herd treatments.

Week of June 16th

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaBiodiversity Audit
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 24.0 3.95 3.39 81 1.81 5 533 139 1400 54 25 YES
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 26.0 4.03 3.47 106 1.95 5.5 653 206 1200 31 63 YES
Jack Kearney Cork 25.5 4.08 3.41 87 1.97 3 547 155 1400 57 70 YES
John Ryan Tipperary 24.0 4.36 3.42 112 1.92 4 700 150 1600 66 41 YES
Kevin Murphy Wexford 23.8 4.26 3.65 56 1.94 6 675 177 1600 48 64 YES
*Mullen Farm Meath 26.5 4.01 3.40 150 2.02 4.5 536 210 1500 46 61 YES
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 24.2 4.03 3.50 137 1.84 1.5 838 200 1700 75 55 YES
Shay Ryan Wexford 24.0 3.90 3.51 88 1.83 6 390 91 1300 69 46 YES
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 24.4 4.18 3.56 33 1.95 4 605 222 1700 40 48 YES
Tom Fennelly Laois 21.0 4.50 3.50 118 1.73 3 631 161 1400 61 48 YES
* Winter milk          
Average   24.3 4.13 3.48 97 1.90 4 611 171 1480 55 52  
Average 16/06/2022 25 4.10 3.60 86 2.00 2.8 640 161 1493 62 73  

Farmer Focus

This Wednesday I was on farm with Steven Fitzgerald, near Aglish, Co. Waterford. We did a grass walk and AFC was 605kgs DM/ha with a growth of 48kgs DM/ha slightly above demand. Cows are getting heavy covers of 2000+ at night and they are premowed and during the day they have 1400 covers. The cows are on 4kgs meal and this system of 1/2 high, 1/2 normal covers is holding the milk solids per cow at 1.95kgs. We made the decison to take out 2.1Ha's for silage as it it too strong for grazing or pre mowing. We also completed a predicted wedge at botha lower and higher groth rate to help plan for the farm's grass for next week. AFC will still be around 630 so no silage is going in as of yet as cover per cow will still be at 200kgs DM/ha. Steven stitched in a paddock with multi species 3 weeks ago to extend the current acreage of multi species. It is just appearing and has received 2 rounds of soiled water at a rate of 2500 gal/acre. 100% of the cows were submitted in the 1st 3 weeks and it looks like 65% held to 1st service. The herd is currently ahead of planned target so this will be reviewed to take bulls out at 9 weeks.

Week of June 2nd

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaClover Scored the MP
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 25.7 3.95 3.46 112 1.96 4 741 183 1450 57 61 YES
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 26.9 3.96 3.51 60 2.01 3 652 169 1400 60 72 YES
Jack Kearney Cork 26.0 3.91 3.48 91 1.98 3 763 192 1550 64 100 YES
John Ryan Tipperary 25.8 4.03 3.63 144 2.04 3 911 193 1700 71 134 YES
Kevin Murphy Wexford 25.7 4.14 3.75 40 2.09 4 705 176 1500 62 82 YES
*Mullen Farm Meath 27.0 4.00 3.40 190 2.06 3.5 642 252 1450 58 78 YES
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 27.5 4.01 3.47 111 2.06 1.5 1045 249 1500 75 100 YES
Shay Ryan Wexford 25.0 4.00 3.51 109 1.93 2.5 834 171 1400 73 105 YES
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 27.7 3.98 3.60 49 2.10 2.5 819 198 1800 56 61 YES
Tom Fennelly Laois 23.2 4.38 3.43 136 1.87 2.6 693 173 1400 68 97 YES
* Winter milk Group are measuring once if not twice a week a this stage        
Average  26.1 4.04 3.52 104 2.01 3 781 196 1515 64 89  
Average 27/05/2022 27 4.20 3.50 105 2.10 2.7 635 147 1427 68 80  

Farmer Focus - Shay Ryan

Shay farming near New Ross Co. Wexford is like many farmers this week with 1st cut silage in the pit. He was also busy baling surplus paddocks over the last 2 weeks. After walking the farm on Wednesday he was hoping to take out more paddocks but we completed a predicted wedge on Pasturebase for the next 7 days and he was too tight on grass. This option allowed us to put in what we thought the growth rate would be keeping in mind the dry weather spell we have at the moment. This predictorn gives the farmer confindence in the grass decisons he makes for this and next week. As the farm had a growth rate of 105kgs Shay will still spread fertiliser either 18-6-12 or Protected Urea plus Sulphur depending on the soil fertility of the paddocks and he will assess with weather and what he sees happening on the ground. Spreading a fertiliser with K & S with the Nitrogen helps to improve efficiency of nutrients. Dairy washings and watery slurry also being used to get nutrients back to the soil. The reseed is now up and even though the weed burden is low Shay will apply post emergence spray shortly.

Week of May 19th 

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaASSAP farm visit in 2023
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 29.4 3.96 3.42 117 2.23 4 784 184 1600 60 101 YES
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 28.8 3.96 3.46 154 2.14 3.5 714 174 1450 63 93 YES
Jack Kearney Cork 28.5 4.07 3.43 88 2.20 3 660 169 1400 51 81 YES
John Ryan Tipperary 27.5 4.06 3.59 130 2.17 3 628 133 1600 71 79 YES
Kevin Murphy Wexford 27.0 4.30 3.64 42 2.21 3 778 195 1600 62 105 YES
*Mullen Farm Meath 27.5 4.04 3.28 180 2.07 4 877 183 1800 72 85 YES
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 28.4 4.04 3.40 122 2.11 2.5 806 161 1800 78 67 YES
Shay Ryan Wexford 27.0 4.00 3.61 130 2.12 2.5 691 142 1650 78 102 YES
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 29.3 3.83 3.55 31 2.17 3 617 197 1600 42 83 YES
Tom Fennelly Laois 24.3 4.01 3.46 127 1.86 1.6 587 148 1400 67 93 YES
* Winter milk Group are measuring once if not twice a week a this stage        
Average  27.8 4.03 3.48 112 2.13 3 714 169 1590 64 89  
Average 13/05/2022 28 4.10 3.60 89 2.20 2.5 775 170 1577 72 84  

Farmer Focus - Donal Kavanagh

Clover on Donal Kavanagh's farmDonal is farming at Carrigeen, Baltinglass on the Wicklow/Kildare border. His milking platform is supported with an outblock that can be zero grazed. After doing a grass walk on Wednesday May 17th Donal can now take out surplus paddocks while 1st cut silage is being made this week. Donal's growth was 101kgs DM/ha and with the surplus taken out cover per cow will drop to 184 per cow and PGY will be back to 1500 kgs DM/ha. Donal is aiming for a high quality first cut for milking cow feed. He has a number of pits and the long narrow one will be filled first.

Slurry is spread back on any of the zero grazed ground at a rate of 3000 gal/acre and then the silage ground will be targeted.

Roadway on Donal Kavanagh's farmLast week Donal was able to catch up on some small jobs:

  • new bank and fence out from an already fenced watercourse to allow for a new hedge
  • new paddock entrances to gain better access in wet weather
  • spot spraying noxious weeds.

Paddocks are receiving 10-30 kgs N Protected Urea plus S depending on clover content.

Week of May 5th

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaP, K & pH soil maps
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 30.4 3.95 3.49 79 2.33 4 754 187 1400 57 63 YES
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 30.0 4.00 3.47 88 2.30 4 779 198 1450 56 60 YES
Jack Kearney Cork 29.9 4.26 3.46 144 2.38 6 619 158 1200 51 97 YES
John Ryan Tipperary 28.7 4.17 3.51 133 2.27 3 794 178 2000 67 64 YES
Kevin Murphy Wexford 28.2 4.21 3.66 80 2.28 4 705 172 1550 64 64 YES
*Mullen Farm Meath 28.0 4.02 3.45 130 2.15 4.5 717 250 1500 52 57 YES
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 27.5 4.12 3.41 118 2.07 2.5 963 200 1800 77 92 YES
Shay Ryan Wexford 28.5 3.90 3.60 120 2.20 4 537 110 1000 78 47 YES
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 29.2 4.03 3.55 31 2.22 3 754 170 1500 54 71 YES
Tom Fennelly Laois 25.6 4.32 3.58 85 2.09 1.6 730 184 2100 67 93 YES
* Winter milk                    
Average   28.6 4.10 3.52 101 2.23 4 735 181 1550 62 71  
Average 28/04/2022 28 4.10 3.50 89 2.20 3.2 706 199 1600 55 48  


This week with the pick up in grass growth alot of the monitor farms are taking the opportunity to reseed, incorporate clover and take out some surplus grass paddocks for bales.

I was with Jack and Larry Kearney, near Rathcormack in Co Cork this week. They had sprayed off 5Ha's on the milking platform, ploughed it last week and on Tuesday it was being levelled and a grass/clover seed mix of 2kgs Aberclyde, 4kgs Glenfield, 4kgs Abergain and 2kgs of Chieftain and Crusader was going in. They also spread 2 tonne of lime per acre before sowing. All was to be rolled and 3 bags of 10-10-20 was to be applied. Jack hopes that this 5Ha's will increase the clover content already present on the milking platform. We scored the paddocks on Tuesday and 14% is a high score with 28% medium and 22% low.

The Kearneys find that the full reseed method is the most successful for them to incorporate clover on the farm. They will start reducing chemical nitrogen on these high and medium paddocks from May onwards. They are feeding 5-6kgs meal as with the reseeding out demand is high and up to this week grass was tight. It is a short term solution for long term gain!

Week of April 21st

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaSustainability Action Protected Urea
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 29 4.17 3.35 139 2.25 4 1189 290 1800 55 55 YES
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 28 4.36 3.33 79 2.18 4 807 216 2500 53 22 YES
Jack Kearney Cork 29 4.20 3.44 83 2.28 5 552 141 1400 51 48 YES
John Ryan Tipperary 29 4.06 3.50 173 2.24 3.5 734 165 1750 45 34 YES
Kevin Murphy Wexford 29 4.00 3.61 78 2.27 3 821 204 1600 63 71 YES
*Mullen Farm Meath 29 3.96 3.31 193 2.13 4.5 667 232 1500 52 47 YES
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 28 4.50 3.40 130 2.17 2.5 905 191 1400 76 45 YES
Shay Ryan Wexford 28 4.16 3.45 108 2.19 3 849 168 1600 81 71 YES
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 30 4.15 3.51 47 2.27 3.5 756 268 1450 40 44 YES
Tom Fennelly Laois 26 4.13 3.56 77 2.06 2.5 789 185 1700 68 52 YES
* Winter milk                    
Average   28 4.17 3.45 111 2.20 4 807 206 1670 58 49  
Average 12/04/2022 29 4.20 3.50 88 2.20 3.2 737 226 1600 46 36  


With weather improving alot of decisions regarding surplus grass paddocks being taken out and reseeding plans being put into place this week. For many of the monitor farms growth has allowed them to increase the stocking rate and take paddocks out.

Kevin Murphy

For Kevin Murphy it has meant 5Ha's of paddocks will be taken out for silage. The PGY was above 1700kgsDM/ha and when we did a predicted grass wedge for next week and took these paddocks out the farm still had sufficient grass for the herd for the next 7 days. Kevin has also ear marked a paddock for reseeding, to be sprayed as soon as possible. This will be another 4.5Ha's out from the platform.

Clover Score

We also carried out a clover score on the farm, finding that 44% of the milking platform has clover present. We will re do this excerise in August to monitor clover content on the farm. Kevin is following the cows with fertiliser spreading 30 units of Protected Urea. Breeding will start from the 1st May for cows and heifers. Cows are currently doing 2.27kgs MS/cow on grass and 3kgs meal.

Week of April 7th 

FarmerCountyLitres / CowFat %Protein %SCCkg MS/CowMeal kgAverage Farm Cover Cover /LUPre Grazing Yield Demand/HaGrowth Rate/HaSustainability Action LESS**
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 27 4.23 3.18 110 2.05 4 1084 332 1800 39 19 YES
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 28 4.69 3.17 89 2.18 8 827 375 2000 13 16 YES
Jack Kearney Cork 27 4.46 3.35 85 2.17 6 736 212 1400 45 48 YES
John Ryan Tipperary 29 4.40 3.35 134 2.31 4 704 170 1900 33 18 YES
Kevin Murphy Wexford 29 4.01 3.45 84 2.24 5 736 197 1300 45 30 YES
*Mullen Farm Meath 28 4.11 3.36 180 2.15 4.5 867 340 1400 46 47 YES
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 27 4.43 3.21 156 2.05 4 945 265 2000 53 30 YES
Shay Ryan Wexford 27 4.20 3.58 84 2.16 3.5 744 189 2000 63 32 YES
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 32 4.02 3.49 36 2.37 3.5 723 290 1400 35 37 YES
Tom Fennelly Laois 26 4.71 3.50 91 2.22 2.5 882 216 1500 61 53 YES
* Winter milk ** LESS Low Emission Slurry Spreading                  
Average   28 4.33 3.36 105 2.19 5 825 259 1670 43 33  
Average 31/03/2022 27 4.30 3.40 85 2.20 3.5 745 276 1600 38 25  

Overall Comment

After 2 weeks of rain, cows on/off grazing things have started to settle down for the monitor farmers. A rise in the protein % has begun now that herds are out grazing day and night. High levels of meal feeding were in as a lot of silage was being fed. This is being reduced this week and most silage has gone from the diet.


Most of the group have started the 2nd round, some grazing heavier 1st round covers by night and 1300-1400 2nd round by day. Fertiliser re Pro Urea, 18-6-12 is being spread, 25 units/acre and others have spread 2500 gallons slurry/acre.

Farm Walk

Tom & David Fennelly held a Clover 150 farm walk on their farm on April 7th. 150 farmers got an opportunity to hear speakers on topics of clover nutrient management, best use of the slurry on their farm, reduced N fertiliser, the ability of clover to fix 100-120 kgs N/ha, the importance of best practise on spreading N to improve water quality, the best clover cultivars to use in 2023 and how to incorporate clover into our swards.

Both Tom and David explained the white clover, red clover and multi species swards on their farm and how they are on a journey on how best to work it on their farm and reduce chemical N inputs.


Teagasc/Tirlán 24th March 2023

FarmerCounty Average Farm coverGrowth Rate% calved% grazedMeal kgLitres/ cowFat %Protein %MS/CowSCC
*Donal Kavanagh Wicklow 864 32 85 60 5.0 25.0 3.79 3.10 1.77 78
Francis Nolan Kilkenny 827 16 92 55 5.0 27.7 4.61 3.23 2.24 137
Jack Kearney Cork 739 17 93 72 5.0 25.5 4.47 3.24 2.03 188
John Ryan Tipperary 830 35 93 65 5.0 27.3 4.43 3.33 2.18 61
Kevin Murphy Wexford     94 90 6.0 26.0 4.60 3.26 2.21 84
*Mullen Farm Meath 809 24 75 85 5.0 28.0 4.23 3.33 2.18 206
Shane Fitzgerald Waterford 1049 21 81 61 5.0 25.0 4.47 3.16 1.96 99
Shay Ryan Wexford 942 35 85 65 4.0 27.0 4.30 3.35 2.13 113
Steven Fitzgerald Waterford 830 22 96 82 4.0 26.0 4.54 3.34 2.10 43
Tom Fennelly Laois 690 30 93 72 5.0 23.0 4.66 3.24 1.87 115
* Winter milk                      
Average 842 26 89 71 4.9 26 4.41 3.26 2.07 112
Average 21st Mar 22 926 15.2 82 55 4 26 4.6 3.4 2.10 103


Tricky grazing situation

Well the last 2 weeks have been tricky when it came to grazing. What has worked well for the monitor farmers is on - off grazing. Once cows have been milked they have no access to silage and are held in the yard/shed if possible before being let out to graze. Good access to paddocks when weather is wet and windy is vital. Cows having multi access points can reduce poaching.

John Ryan 

I was on farm with John Ryan in Gortnahoe, Co Tipperary,  on Thursday March 23rd and I could see how on off grazing was working. John allocated enough grass for the 2-3 hour period and then cows came back into the cubicle shed. Cows had access to silage in the shed and he is feeding 5kgs meal in the parlour. It is an awkward time but with a little bit of work in allocating grass it does work. Another device that is useful for on off grazing is a back latch or one that you can open gaps with your mobile phone. As they say every little helps!

Clover150 Farm Walk

Tom and David Fennelly in Portarlington, Co Laois R32 YA21 will be hosting one of the Clover 150 farm walks on the 6th April at 11am. All are very welcome to attend. We will be covering clover establishment & management, fertiliser strategies to maintain clover and pasture production and a focus on how this works in improving water quality. Get details of all Grass10 / Clover150 farm walks here


Teagasc/Tirlán 10th March 2023

Teagasc/Tirlán 27th February 2023 


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