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Suckler Cow Efficiency Programme

By Charlie Devaney,

Beef Advisor,

Teagasc Castlerea.


The Suckler Cow Efficiency Programme is the new Suckler Cow Scheme that will replace both the BDGP & BEEP-S schemes that finished at the end of 2022. This will be a five year programme, with a proposed opening date of the middle of March and a proposed closing date of the middle of May this year.

The payment rates for the new scheme

The first 10 cows will be paid at rate of 150 Euro per cow and after that it will be at a rate of 120 euro per cow. The Eligibility Requirements are as follows;

1 – You have to be a member of Bord Bia at the time of application

2 – Submit a Biss application each year

3 – Calve down at least 50% of the reference number of animals each year

4 – There will be mandatory training during the first 2 years of the scheme


Reference Number

The reference number of animals for the scheme will be based on the average of the best 3 years from 2016 – 2021. A lower reference number can be picked at the time of application. This reference figure can be reviewed each year.


Replacement Strategy

When it comes to the sires in years 1 & 2, 80% of calves produced on the holding must come from 4/5 star sire. This increases to 85% in years 3 & 4 and 90% in year 5. For the dams from the 31st of October 2023 50% of dams/females over 16 months of age must be 4/5 star, from the 31st of October 2025 this increases to 65% and from the 31st of October 2027 this is 75%.



At least 70% of the reference number on the farm must be genotyped each year without repetition. These can be cows, heifers, calves or bulls.

Weighing requirement

The suckler cow and calf pair have to be weighted each year but not before the calf is at least 100 days old. These weights have to be recorded on the ICBF website by the 1st of November annually.

Data Recording

A range of data needs to be recorded through animal events, records and surveys. This is similar to what was recorded in the BDGP, such as calf quality, cow docility, milk-ability etc.


This new suckler scheme is quite complex. It’s important that any farmer hoping to join this scheme makes himself/herself fully aware of what the scheme involves. As suckler farmers can we afford not to join this scheme? My honest opinion is no.

Teagasc provides a Local Advisory and Education service to farmers. They have offices based in Roscommon Town  (Tel: 090 6626166), Castlerea (Tel: 094 9620160) and Longford Town (Tel: 043 3341021), You can find us on Facebook @Teagascroscommonlongford, twitter @teagascRNLD and YouTube. And follow the hash-tag #RNLDwebinars for information about local farm webinars. Email; RoscommonLongfordAdvisory@teagasc.ie