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Marine Derived Healthy Pet Food Ingredients

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Value Proposition

Our novel process enables the extraction of heart healthy proteins, from marine processing waste streams, for application as high-value functional ingredients in the human and animal food markets. Our demonstrator products have shown key health improvements such as reduced blood pressure and weight gain observed in older dogs at clinical trial stage.


Humanisation of pets, in particular dogs, has inspired a growing interest and concern in pet health care. Aging pets in the UK, Europe and US with rich diets are requiring increasing amounts of pharmaceutical interventions to reduce blood pressure; diabetes and weight gain, contributing to increased costs to owners. Such “pet parents” are willing to pay a premium for pet health care and solutions targeted at numerous ailments such as weight management, fitness and cardiovascular health. 

Development Stage

The technology has had extensive pre-commercialisation research carried out including optimisation of process, scale-up costing, and production of test dog biscuits/kibble containing the protein hydrosylates, for clinical trials.


This novel ingredient is based on marine processing waste stream with ample supply in Irish and European fisheries. Clinical trials in dogs, feeding them biscuits containing the protein hydrosylates, have demonstrated:
Significant reduction in blood pressure compared to control studies
Reduction in weight gain vs controls
Easily digestible and improved palatability vs controls

To find out more contact: Karen Dawson engage@teagasc.ie

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