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Walsh Scholarships 25th Anniversary

The Teagasc Walsh Scholarships Programme, founded in 1993 in honour of Dr Tom Walsh, is a postgraduate programme whereby Teagasc offers up to 50 scholarships each year. The scholarships are offered mainly at PhD level to graduates to undertake postgraduate research in agriculture, food, environmental science, agri-food economics, rural development, horticulture, and other related disciplines. For many years, Teagasc, through the Walsh Scholarships Programme, was the main funder of postgraduates in Ireland, and over the years the organisation has supported large numbers of high quality students in Irish and foreign universities.

Scholarships are awarded in both our:

Each year a seminar is held where Walsh Scholars nearing completion of their work present their findings. The 25th Anniverasry Seminar is in Johnstown Castle on October 5th 

 Walsh Fellowships Programme - Celebrating 25 years of Postgraduate Agri-food Research


*The Programme changed name to 'Walsh Scholarships' in January 2020