Accurate genetic evaluations for profitability in sheep
Nóirín McHugh, Alan Bohan, Áine O’Brien, Laurence Shalloo, Donagh Berry
Industry impact: The national sheep flock comprises 2.6 million breeding ewes and supports over 36,000 rural families. Key to sustainable genetic gain for the national sheep industry are accurate genetic evaluations on traits pertinent to Irish sheep production systems, each optimally weighted within a national breeding objective. Teagasc, in conjunction with Sheep Ireland, developed new mathematical and statistical approaches to differentiate genetically elite from inferior animals. Deterministic calculations revealed clear potential gains in profit through breeding. This, coupled with the calculation of economic value of each trait using the Teagasc lamb production bio-economic model, has enabled the updating of the national sheep breeding objectives across a range of production, maternal and health traits. The €uro-star breeding objectives are available to all Irish sheep producers for the selection of both terminal and replacement animals, and offer a more accurate selection tool for choosing animals for the next generation.
Other contributors and collaborators: Sheep Ireland.
Funding: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Research Stimulus Funding.