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Teagasc National Farm Survey: the sustainability of small farming in Ireland

Emma Dillon, Thia Hennessy, Brian Moran, John Lennon, John Lynch, Mary Brennan, Trevor Donnellan

Research Impact Highlights 2018

Industry impact: A special survey of small farms conducted through the Teagasc National Farm Survey highlighted that half of all small farms (those with an agricultural output of <€8,000) are in an economically vulnerable position. Despite the low levels of production on these farms (of which there are over 52,000) they account for 37% of farms nationally and are primarily located in the border and western regions. In addition to the economic and environmental situation on these farms, the survey garnered information on the future farming intentions of respondents, as well as sentiment on rural isolation and security. The data has also helped to inform related work which is ongoing in the area of social sustainability measurement. The report was launched at a stakeholder conference on rural viability in Teagasc Ashtown, Dublin, where it prompted much discussion among policy makers and representatives from farm organisations and rural development agencies. The research gained much media attention, resulting in a number of press articles and radio interviews. Two articles have been published in TResearch (Teagasc’s research and innovation magazine) and the findings are currently being written up for peer review publication. See the full report at: Small Farms Survey

Other contributors and collaborators: University College Cork.

Funding: Teagasc grant-in-aid funding.