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Research Walsh Scholars

The scholars are called Walsh Scholars to commemorate the late Dr Tom Walsh, a national leader in developing agricultural and food research in Ireland and the first director of both the Agricultural Research Institute and the National Advisory and Training Service, which were merged to form Teagasc in 1988.

The Teagasc Walsh Scholars Programme is a postgraduate programme for graduates to undertake postgraduate research in agriculture, food, environmental science, agri-food economics, rural development, horticulture and other related disciplines.

Read about our current Walsh Scholars and the research topics they are pursuing.

Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Programme

Animal & Bioscience Department

Grassland Science Department

Livestock Systems Department

Pig Development Department

Crops, Environment and Land-Use Programme

Crops Research Department

Agri-Environment Research Department

Forestry Development Department

Horticulture Development Department

Agricultural Catchments

Environment, Soils and Land Use

Food Programme

Food Biosciences Department

Food Safety Department

Food and agricultural Innovation Department

Food Chemistry & Technology Department

Food Industry Development Department

Food Quality and Sensory Science Department

Rural Economy and Development Programme

Agricultural Economics and Farm Surveys Department

Agrifood Business and Spatial Analysis Department

Farm Management and Rural Development Knowledge Transfer Department

Business Planning and Performance Evaluation Department