Scientific Publications
Animal Bioscience Scientific Publications 2023
Antibacterial plant combinations prevent postweaning diarrhea in organically raised piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F18 - Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2023;10.
Jerez-Bogota K, Jensen M, Højberg O, Cormican P, Lawlor PG, Gardiner GE, Canibe
Association between quarter-level milk somatic cell count and intramammary bacterial infection in late-lactation Irish grazing dairy cows. JDS Communications. 2023.
Valldecabres A, Clabby C, Dillon P, Silva Boloña P.
Breed and ruminal fraction effects on bacterial and archaeal community composition in sheep - Scientific Reports. 2023;13(1).
McLoughlin S, Spillane C, Campion FP, Claffey N, Sosa CC, McNicholas Y, Smith PE, Diskin MG, Waters SM.
Characterization of controlled trials on probiotic supplementation to dairy calves: A scoping review - Journal of Dairy Science. 2023.
Genome-wide association study reveals candidate markers related to field fertility and semen quality traits in Holstein-Friesian bulls. Animal. 2023;17(6)Branco-Lopes R, Bernal-Córdoba C, Valldecabres A, Winder C, Canozzi ME, Silva-del-Río N.
Classification of cow diet based on milk Mid Infrared Spectra: A data analysis competition at the “International Workshop on Spectroscopy and Chemometrics 2022 - Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 2023;234:104755
Frizzarin M, Visentin G, Ferragina A, Hayes E, Bevilacqua A, Dhariyal B, Domijan K, Khan H, Ifrim G, Nguyen TL, Meagher J, Menchetti L, Singh A, Whoriskey S, Williamson R, Zappaterra M, Casa A.
Comparing consumer liking of beef from three feeding systems using a combination of traditional and temporal liking sensory methods - Food Research International. 2023:112747
Corcoran LC, Schlich P, Moloney AP, O'Riordan E, K M, Botinestean C, Gallagher E, O' Sullivan MG, Crofton EC.
Early detection of subclinical mastitis in lactating dairy cows using cow-level features - Journal of Dairy Science. 2023
Pakrashi A, Ryan C, Guéret C, Berry DP, Corcoran M, Keane MT, Mac Namee B.
Early life nutrition affects the molecular ontogeny of testicular development in the young bull calf - Scientific Reports. 2023;13(1)
Coen S, Keogh K, Lonergan P, Fair S, Kenny DA.
Ecosystem management using livestock: Embracing diversity and respecting ecological principles. - Animal Frontiers. 2023;13(2):28-34
Thompson L, Rowntree J, Windisch W, Waters SM, Shalloo L, Manzano P.
Effect of breed and diet on the M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum transcriptome of steers divergent for residual feed intake. - Scientific Reports. 2023;13(1)
Keogh K, McKenna C, Waters SM, Porter RK, Fitzsimons C, McGee M, Kenny DA.
Effect of brown and green seaweeds on diet digestibility, ruminal fermentation patterns and enteric methane emissions using the rumen simulation technique. - Frontiers in Animal Science. 2022;3.Roskam E, Kirwan SF, Kenny DA, O’Donnell C, O’Flaherty V, Hayes M, Waters SM.
Effect of milk flow rate switch-point settings on cow comfort and milking duration. Journal of Dairy Science. 2023;106(4):2438-48
Upton J, Browne M, Silva Bolona P.
Effect of pre-grazing herbage mass and post-grazing sward height on herbage production and intake and performance of suckler-bred steers within a weanling-to-beef production system. - Journal of Agricultural Science. 2023.
Doyle PR, McGee M, Moloney AP, Kelly AK, O'Riordan EG.
Effect of prolific breed type and silage type on ewe performance during late pregnancy. Small Ruminant Research - Higgins JT, Lott S, Markiewicz-Keszycka M, Lynch MB, McEvoy M, McGovern F, Boland TM.
Estimation of body condition score change in dairy cows in a seasonal calving pasture-based system using routinely available milk mid-infrared spectra and machine learning techniques - Frizzarin M, Gormley IC, Berry DP, McParland S.
Evaluating the use of statistical and machine learning methods for estimating breed composition of purebred and crossbred animals in thirteen cattle breeds using genomic information - Ryan CA, Berry DP, O’Brien A, Pabiou T, Purfield DC.
An evaluation of dairy product quality where chlorine-free cleaning is employed across the dairy processing chain from bacterial and chemical residue perspectives - Twomey L, Furey A, O’Brien T, Beresford T, O’Brien B, Gleeson D.
Evaluation of Environmental Sampling for Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in the Pre-Weaned Calf Area and Calving Area of Infected Dairy Farms Enrolled in a Voluntary Johne’s Disease Control Programme. Animals. 2023;13(4) - Field NL, Mee JF, McAloon CG. PubMed PMID: 10.3390/ani13040669.
Evaluation of test-day milk somatic cell count to predict intramammary infection in late lactation grazing dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 2023 - Clabby C, Valldecabres A, Dillon P, McParland S, Arkins S, O'Sullivan K, Flynn J, Murphy J, Boloña PS.
Genetic (co)variance components for slaughter traits in a multi-breed sheep population. animal. 2023;17(8) - McHugh N, Pabiou T, McDermott K, Berry DP.
Genome Sequence of an Ungulate Tetraparvovirus 1 from a Nasal Swab of an Irish Beef-Suckler Calf. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2023;12(2) - Dhufaigh KN, McCabe M, Cormican P, Cuevas-Gomez I, McGee M, McDaneld T, Earley B.
Genome-wide association study reveals candidate markers related to field fertility and semen quality traits in Holstein-Friesian bulls. Animal. 2023;17(6) - Abril-Parreño L, Carthy TR, Keogh K, Štiavnická M, O'Meara C, Lonergan P, Kenny DA, Fair S.
Impact of age at first calving on performance traits in Irish beef herds. Journal of Animal Science. 2023;101 - Twomey AJ, Cromie AR.
Impacts of dairy cow nutrition precalving on calf health*
Mee JF.
*Presented as part of the Growth and Development Symposium: Metabolic Derangements in Calves During the Preweaning Period held in June 2022 as part of the ADSA Annual Meeting. JDS Communications. 2023.
Intake, Growth and Carcass Traits of Steers Offered Grass Silage and Concentrates Based on Contrasting Cereal Grain Types Supplemented with Field Beans, Peas or Maize By-Products
Kennedy R, Moloney AP, O’Riordan EG, Kelly AK, McGee M. Intake,
Invited review: Bovine abortion—Incidence, risk factors and causes. - Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2023
Mee JF.
Invited Review: Bovine neonatal morbidity and mortality – causes, risk factors, incidences, sequelae and prevention. - Reproduction in Domestic Animals. 2023;n/a(n/a
Mee JF.
Longitudinal measures of labour time-use on pasture-based dairy farms, incorporating the impact of specific facilities and technologies. - animal. 2023:100747
Hogan C, O'Brien B, Kinsella J, Beecher M.
Maternal and/or post-weaning supplementation with Bacillus altitudinis spores modulates the microbial composition of colostrum, digesta and faeces in pigs. - Scientific Reports. 2023;13(1)
Rattigan R, Lawlor PG, Cormican P, Crespo-Piazuelo D, Cullen J, Phelan JP, Ranjitkar S, Crispie F, Gardiner GE.
Membrane remodulation and hyperactivation are impaired in frozen-thawed sperm of low-fertility bulls. Theriogenology. 2023;195:115-21
Štiavnická M, Hošek P, Abril-Parreño L, Kenny DA, Lonergan P, Fair S.
Metabolic influence of core ciliates within the rumen microbiome - ISME Journal. 2023;17(7):1128-40
Andersen TO, Altshuler I, Vera-Ponce de León A, Walter JM, McGovern E, Keogh K, Martin C, Bernard L, Morgavi DP, Park T, Li Z, Jiang Y, Firkins JL, Yu Z, Hvidsten TR, Waters SM, Popova M, Arntzen MØ, Hagen LH, Pope PB.
Modeling the economic impacts of mobility scores in dairy cows under Irish spring pasture-based management. Journal of Dairy Science. 2023;106(2):1218-32
O'Connor AH, Shalloo L, Bokkers EAM, de Boer IJM, Hogeveen H, Sayers R, Byrne N, Ruelle E.
An observational study of ear-tagged calf mortality (1 to 100 days) on Irish dairy farms and associations between biosecurity practices and calf mortality on farms participating in a Johne's disease control program - Journal of Dairy Science. 2023
McAloon CG, Tratalos JA, O'Grady L, Green MJ, Gavey L, Graham D, More SJ, McGrath G, Mee JF.
Pasture-finishing of late-maturing bulls or steers in a suckler calf-to-beef system: Animal production, meat quality, economics, greenhouse gas emissions and human-edible food-feed efficiency - Agricultural Systems. 2023;209:103672
McGee M, Moloney AP, O'Riordan EG, Regan M, Lenehan C, Kelly AK, Crosson P.
Pedigree and genome-based patterns of homozygosity in the South African Ayrshire, Holstein, and Jersey breeds - Frontiers in Genetics. 2023;14
Visser C, Lashmar SF, Reding J, Berry DP, van Marle-Köster E. P
Prevalence of respiratory disease in Irish preweaned dairy calves using hierarchical Bayesian latent class analysis - Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2023;10.
Donlon JD, Mee JF, McAloon CG.
Risk factors for, and genetic association with, intestinal atresia in dairy calves - Animal Genetics. 2023;54(2):104-12
Keane OM, Carthy TR, Hanrahan JP, Matthews D, McEwan JC, Rowe SJ, Kenneally J, Mee JF.
Variation in the proportion of the segregating genome shared between full-sibling cattle and sheep - Genetics Selection Evolution. 2023;55(1)
Kenny D, Berry DP, Pabiou T, Rafter P.
Welfare of dairy cows - EFSA Journal. 2023;21(5):e07993. Epub 2023/05/18 - PubMed PMID: 37200854; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC10186071.
Nielsen SS, Alvarez J, Bicout DJ, Calistri P, Canali E, Drewe JA, Garin-Bastuji B, Gonzales Rojas JL, Gortázar Schmidt C, Herskin M, Michel V, Miranda Chueca M, Padalino B, Roberts HC, Spoolder H, Stahl K, Velarde A, Viltrop A, De Boyer des Roches A, Jensen MB, Mee J, Green M, Thulke HH, Bailly-Caumette E, Candiani D, Lima E, Van der Stede Y, Winckler C.
Whole blood transcriptome analysis in dairy calves experimentally challenged with bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) and comparison to a bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) challenge - Frontiers in Genetics. 2023;14
O’Donoghue S, Earley B, Johnston D, McCabe MS, Kim JW, Taylor JF, Duffy C, Lemon K, McMenamy M, Cosby SL, Morris DW, Waters SM.