DairyBeef 500 Factsheets
These factsheets are based on real farm data and analysis from our DairyBeef research units in Teagasc Johnstown and Teagasc Grange. They also use data and farmer experiences from our Teagasc DairyBeef 500 demonstration farms which are purely commercial farms operated on a range of scales and soil types nationwide.
- Profitable & environmentally sustainable dairybeef
- Nutritional management of the dairy-beef calf - from arrival on beef farms to weaning
- The First 12 Weeks at Grass for Dairy-Beef Calves
- Weanling Health and Nutrition
- Vaccination programmes for dairy-beef farms
- Combating internal parasite infection on dairy-beef farms
- Grazing management for dairy-beef systems
- Silage Quality and Concentrate Supplementation
- Pasture-based systems for early-maturing dairy -beef heifers
- Finishing for early-maturing dairy-beef steers
- Finishing Holstein Friesian dairy-beef steers
- Increasing the profitability of dairy-beef systems using the Commercial Beef Value
- Calf Housing
- Maximising Animal Performance Mid-Season - Housing
- Autumn dairy-beef steer systems