Kepak Farm May/June Update 2023
Click here for a pdf version of the Kepak Update May June 23.
Crop Agronomy:
- Leaf 3 fungicides on winter wheat were a little delayed due to weather which further increased septoria pressure. A full rate of Revystar XL + Folpet was applied along with the second PGR.
- A shorter than normal fungicide interval was seen between leaf 3 and flag leaf due to quicker than normal leaf emergence. With septoria pressure heightened robust rates of Aquino (Inatreq active) + Turret + Folpet were used.
- Disease levels in crops have reduced greatly due to the efficacy of the first and second fungicide coupled with a reduction in rainfall.
- Winter barley received its final fungicide at the end of May, 1/2 rate of Decoy + Commet + 1.5lt/ha Folpet. Disease levels still remain low but crows have started to attack the crop.
- Second cut silage was harvested in late May. Compaction issues were visibly noticed following first cut.
Maize Planted:
- Last years catch crops were destructed by topping and discing. 3,500 gls/ac of cattle slurry was applied using LESS system and incorporated into the soil pre drilling.
- The conventional maize was sown under plastic on the 13th May with an additional 160 units N/ac of incorporated into the seed bed.
- The 15 acres of strip-till maize was sown on 20th May with 92 units N/ac placed into the seedbed.
- With little to no rain since these crops were planted, the conventional maize is doing better than the strip-till maize which is showing signs of drought stress.
Figure 1: Maize planted
Upcoming topics:
- LiDAR - signpost farms between May and end June.