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  • Surplus Grass removed as bales
  • Building P & K levels
  • 60 ton of lime spread
  • Docks are sprayed on the outfarm


  • Cows identified for culling
  • 2023 calves are weaned gradually
  • Bulls calves are sold off the farm directly
  • Another weighing prior to sale


The NMP plan highlights the following;

  • 60% pH > 6.2 (94 ton )
  • 12% P Index 3 & 4
  • 68% K Index 3 & 4

In order to correct the low P levels, Michael applied Super P ie  0.16.0 in early September to the 2 outfarms. He had 1 ton of 10.10.20 from Spring and he applied that at 1 bag/acre over the homeblock. As the P indexes  are low Michael has switched from low P & K compounds to fertiliser with higher P levels  eg 10.10.20 & Super P.

In the first week of October , 60 ton of lime was applied covering 30 acres. There is another 34 ton to be applied shortly

One of the outfarms in Funschina  had a high percentage of docks . Forefront was applied and proved very successful in killing the docks.

Picture 1: Soil Fertility Summary 

At the beginning of September there was plenty grass on farm. As covers where getting to strong to graze-these area were taken out as bales. Due to the continuous wet weather  the cows grazed off the heavier parts of the farm in early to mid October as a precaution . By the end of October, ground conditions were a challenge and it proved difficult to get dry cows back to grass.

 Picture 2: Grass wedge in the first week of September 

 Picture 3: Dry cows grazing off covers October 16th

Picture 4: Plenty of grass but ground conditions are a challenge 




10 cows have been identified for culling. The reasons include producing a poor calf, age and a large udder. The calves were weaned off the cows and they are getting 3 kg of meal. Due to the poor weather., Michael is feeding them indoors but they have access to an adjacent field. They are in excellent condition and the plan is to sell the cows live through the mart. There are 14 heifers in calf to replace the culls. 

Picture 5: Dry cows will be sold live 

Michael sold 21 weanling bulls directly off farm to a repeat customer at the end of October. It is an arrangement that works well for both. Michael has the weanlings weaned, dosed and vaccinated prior to sale. They are also getting 2kgs of meal/head/day for the last number of weeks. The plan is to sell 10 of the most forward heifers and keep the remainder over the winter.

Picture 6: CH weanling bulls av. 300kg on Oct 7th