Trevor Boland July/August update
The average growth rates for July were almost 50kg/DM/ha/day and with demand at 38kg/DM/ha/day , the days ahead increased from 16days to 30. Paddocks with heavy covers i.e. >1500kgsDM/ha were removed as surplus bales . In August ,due to the lack of rain, the average growth rates declined but by the end of the month there was 24 days head which is on target. Groups of stock graze the paddock every 3 days. As cows start calving In August there will be an increased demand for grass so it will be important to increase farm covers into September. No chemical N as been applied in order to encourage clover. Clover seed has been incorporated into some swards both last year and also in May of 2022. Swards are grazed tightly and before covers gets too heavy i.e.>1200kgsDM/ha.
The ICBF weaning performance report highlights that the weaning efficiency of the overall herd is at 44% above the national target of 42%.
The 2021 calves averaged a daily gain of 1.05kgs for the bulls and 0.99kgs for the heifers. To increase the ADG the weaned bulls have been offered meal at 1kgs/head/day since the beginning of July. This has been increased to 3kgs/head/day by the end of July as the target sale date becomes closer.
Animal Health
As the cows will start calving at the end of July – they have kept on bare ground with restricted grazing to ensure that they calve in a “fit” not “fat” condition. Stockholm tar and a fly pour on has been given to protect against summer mastitis.
As the weanlings were on a summer diet of grass-they have received 2 doses for lungworms and stomach worms at this stage.