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Wesley Browne

Farm Update November/December 2024 | Farm Update September/October 2024 | Farm update May/June 2024 | Farm update January/February 2024

Updates from previous years

Wesely Browne with his animalsWesley farms full-time in Leagh, Dunraymond, Co. Monaghan. 

He is farming 65.7Ha in four blocks: 7.3Ha planted forestry 2016 and 58.39Ha grassland. Soil type is heavy drumlin, which is typical of the area.

He is stocked at 167kgs N/HA. Wesley runs a spring calving suckler herd. All male progeny are finished as <16 month bulls, and the suitable high index females retained or sold to repeat customers for breeding, with all other heifers slaughtered at 23-24 months. He is passionate about breeding, and has been looking at replacement and terminal indexes when selection stock bulls for several years. There are currently three 5 star stock bulls on the farm; Limousin, Simmental and Saler. The current Saler and Limousin bulls are 5 stars for both replacement and terminal traits across breeds.

The farm is split into approx. 45 grazing divisions using a combination of permanent and temporary electric fencing and a good water access, which facilitates grazing 3-4 grazing groups. Wesley is measuring grass and using PBI.

There is good housng on the farm but he is considering the build of a new calving shed.

His Teagasc Advisor is Conal Murnaghan.

Breeding Performance

No. of cows: 84
Cow replacement index: 113
Heifer replacement index: 135
Calves per cow per year: 1.0

Wesley's Plan

Wesley is happy with his current system and cow numbers, and hopes to maintain his breeding performance and continue to build on his breeding values. He has also invested in building soil fertility and soil pH over the last number of years, and is keen to resample land and update his NMP. Wesley would also like to look at ways of improving his environmental impact, such as adoption of LESS, use of protected urea and the option of incorporating clover and/or multi species leys. He is interested in promoting areas of biodiversity on his farm.