Calving Checklist
Calving Checklist (PDF)
To do list
- Are cows scanned?
- Use ICBF expected calving profile to determine calving dates, cows with twins, peak workload.
- Cows vaccinated against scour, IBR etc.
- Dry minerals for 6 weeks pre-calving
- Are cows clean? (Tails/Flank)
- Have you got frozen colostrum/biestings?
- Are calving cameras clean & serviced
- Are calving sensors working and have new batteries?
- Have you ordered sufficient tags?
- Calving gloves
- Calving lubricant
- Calving jack
- Good calving ropes & spares
- Iodine
- Chlorohexidine
- Stomach Tube/Feeding bottle
- Electrolyte/Kaolin Powder
- Thermometer
- Warming box/calf jacket
- Calciject/Magniject
- Flutter valve
- Cow lifter
Points to remember
- Well grown first calvers are essential
- Use correct navel care routine
- Plan your calvings to minimise problems
- Observe all calvings if possible
- Clean pens & housing to minimise disease
- Intervene only when necessary