- 27 March 2018 - Review of Pat Bowden farm walk (PDF, 2.8MB)
- Making the leap to a calf to beef system (PDF, 3.2MB)
- Greene, tracking winter weights and Ryan, 10 tips for reseeding (PDF, 4MB)
- Giving calves a head start in life (PDF, 2.8MB)
- Aim for a minimum weight gain of 0.6kg per day (PDF, 4.2MB)
- Flynn farm walk, Autumn Rotation Planner (PDF)
- Using meal to add the finishing touch (PDF)
- Christy Dowd, grass measuring and summer fertiliser management (PDF)
- Joe Farrell quality silage (PDF)
- High beef output is the key to profits (PDF)
- Case Study - JohnLalor: Aiming for a gross margin of €1,000/HA (PDF)
- Go back to basics with calf rearing (PDF)
- Planning Ahead for 2016 (PDF, 2.2MB)
- Breaking the grip of parasites(PDF)
- Counting the costs of poor winter housing (PDF, 1.7MB)
- How to manage autumn grassland (PDF, 3.8MB)
- Grass is key to expansion (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Planning for higher output(PDF, 3.2MB)
- Ambitious targets (PDF, 2.3MB)
- green_acres_may_26 (PDF, 4.6MB)
- GreenAcres_articleApril (PDF, 1.6MB)
- FarmingIrishIndependent-31032015 (PDF, 2.5MB)