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What are the main breeding targets?

90% submission rate in the first three weeks of the breeding season, six week calving rate of 90% and empty rate of less than 10% for a 12 week breeding season.

How many inseminations does it take to get a heifer milking in three year's time?

Approximately 5.5 straws are required to result in a heifer milking in three years’ time. Conception rate is about 50%, male female ratio is about 50% and there will be some heifer losses, which requires the 5.5 straws.

What is the target breeding weight for heifers?

The objective is to have heifers calving at two years of age; target mating weight for HF is 330kg and 295kg for Jersey X. To achieve these gains heifers must gain 0.7 kg/day up to two years of age.

What heat detection aids work with dairy cows?

Farmers use all heat detection aids, they all work as an aid to identifying cows in heat. Teaser bulls are being used more widely now. Tail paint: the farmer’s best friend during the breeding season.