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Dairy eProfit Monitor 2011 V 2010 - Teagasc/Glanbia Group

  201120102011 V 2010
        Difference % Difference
No. of Farms   10 10    
Dairy Land Ha Ha 61.53 57.38 +4.15 +7%
Avg Cow No   124.80 115.70 +9.10 +8%
Stocking Rate LU/Ha 2.04 2.07 -0.03 -1%
Dairy Milking Platform Ha   49.11 50.38 -1.27 -3%
MP Stocking Rate (LU/Ha)   2.89 2.60 +0.30 +11%
Total Litres produced litres 649037 650465 -1,428 -0%
Litres Sold litres 617452 626858 -9,406 -2%
Co-Op Price (c/Litre) C/litre 35.35 31.20 +4.15 +13%
Total Milk Sales (€) C/litre 33.56 30.01 +3.55 +12%
+ Cow & Calf Sales & Calf Transfers C/litre 8.75 5.93 +2.82 +48%
Minus Cow & Repl Purchases & Repl Trans C/litre 5.53 5.47 +0.05 +1%
Plus/Minus Inventory Change C/litre -0.32 1.04 -1.36 -131%
Gross Output C/litre 36.46 31.51 +4.95 +16%
        +0.00 +0%
Purchased Concentrate C/litre 3.22 4.13 -0.91 -22%
Home Grown Concentrate C/litre 0.00 0.00 +0.00 +0%
Purchased Forage C/litre 0.18 0.21 -0.04 -17%
Fertiliser C/litre 2.45 1.86 +0.59 +32%
Lime C/litre 0.04 0.04 -0.00 -10%
Veterinary C/litre 1.22 0.92 +0.30 +32%
AI/Breeding C/litre 0.81 0.69 +0.11 +16%
Contractor C/litre 1.57 1.48 +0.09 +6%
Seed and Spray C/litre 0.27 0.21 +0.06 +30%
Milk Recording & Parlour C/litre 0.59 0.41 +0.17 +41%
Silage Additive & Polythene C/litre 0.07 0.09 -0.02 -19%
Levies and Transport C/litre 0.47 0.25 +0.22 +89%
Straw C/litre 0.12 0.14 -0.02 -15%
Sundry Var. Costs C/litre 0.37 0.39 -0.02 -4%
Total Variable Costs C/litre 11.36 10.82 +0.54 +5%
        +0.00 +0%
Gross Margin C/litre 25.11 20.69 +4.41 +21%
        +0.00 +0%
Hired Labour C/litre 1.44 1.33 +0.11 +8%
Mach. Running C/litre 1.56 1.24 +0.32 +26%
Mach. Leases C/litre 0.28 0.38 -0.11 -28%
OD & Credit Int. C/litre 0.05 0.26 -0.21 -81%
Loan Interest C/litre 0.93 0.62 +0.32 +52%
Car (Farm) C/litre 0.38 0.29 +0.09 +30%
E.S.B. (Farm) C/litre 0.53 0.42 +0.11 +27%
Phone (Farm) C/litre 0.14 0.12 +0.02 +13%
Dep. Build. C/litre 1.18 1.18 +0.00 +0%
Dep. Machinery C/litre 0.83 0.81 +0.02 +3%
Repairs and Maint. C/litres 0.93 0.77 +0.06 +8%
Insurance C/litre 0.47 0.47 +0.00 +1%
Prof. Fees C/litre 0.41 0.45 -0.05 -11%
Sundry Fixed Costs C/litre 0.37 0.32 +0.05 +17%
Land Lease C/litre 1.49 1.18 +0.32 +27%
Quota Lease C/litre 0.04 0.03 +0.01 +42%
Total Fixed Costs C/litre 10.94 9.87 +1.07 +11%
Net Profit C/litre 14.17 10.83 +3.34 +31%
REPS C/litre 0.31 0.39 -0.07 -19%
CAS Dairy C/litre 0.19 0.19 +0.00 +2%
Specific Dairy Premia C/litre 0.08 0.02 +0.07 +412%
Net Profit (Incl all DP's) C/litre 14.76 11.41 +3.34 +29%
        +0.00 +0%
Dairy Cash Expenses C/litre 19.61 18.07 +1.54 +9%
Dairy Cash Receipts C/litre 39.97 34.13 +5.84 +17%
Cash Flow Ratio (Dairy)   49% 53% -0.04 -7%
Cash Flow Ratio (Whole Farm)   52% 55% -0.02 -4%
Net Profit (before Labour) C/litre 16.20 12.75 +3.45 +27%
N. Profit (before Labour)/Est Lb. Unit C/litre 6.33 5.33 +1.00 +19%
Direct Payments as % Net Profit   4.40 4.93 -0.52 -11%
Replacement Costs € C/litre 1.09 1.52 -0.43 -29%
        +0.00 +0%
Total No of Replacements Introduced   36 35 0 +1%
Replacement Rate %   28% 30% -2% -8%
        +0.00 +0%
Litres Produced/Cow litres 5217 5614 -398 -7%
Fat%   3.92 3.86 +0.06 +1%
Fat KG per Cow 0.00 211 223 -12 -6%
Protein%   3.38 3.37 +0.02 +1%
Protein KG per Cow 0.00 182 194 -13 -7%
Fat & Protein KG per Cow 0.00 392 418 -25 -6%
SCC   183 200 -17 -9%