Jack and Larry Kearney - Rathcormack, Co. Cork
Teagasc Tirlan Future Farm
Go To: Current Farm Update
- Jack is farming in Rathcormac in East Cork in partnership with his parents Larry & Annette. They are farming 78 Ha of which 44 Ha are owned.
- In 2023 they milked 160 cows & have 40 replacement heifers.
- The calving interval is 374 days with a 88% six week calving rate.
In the video below Jack Kearney outlinines the importance of doing the 1st grass walk of 2023 and the decisions he makes from it.
Farm Update

Kearney Farm Update - End of Year Review 2024
Pasturebase Grass Grown MP tonnes DM/ha: 12.5
Closing Cover: 845
No of Grass Measures: 37
Average No of Grazings: 10.6
EBI 2024: 232
Empty Rate %: 14
6 Week Calving Rate: 96
Estimated MS/Cow 2024: 525
Overview of Kearney Farm
Jack Kearney gives an overview of the farm, he is farming in partnership with his parents Larry and Annette. He also outlines the sustainability issues they will be undertaking
Early Grass Management on the Kearney Farm - March 2022
Jack Kearney Teagasc Glanbia Future Farm Cork - Review of 2020
Jack Kearney, Glanbia Future Farm Cork gives us a review of the 2020 season.