Milk Quality Workshop 2023
A milk quality workshop took place in January 2023. Presentations from the workshop are available below. All presentations in PDf format
- Residue specifications for premium dairy products - Fionnuala Malone, Tírlán
- Update on TCM, chlorate and microbial data in bulk tank milk - Bernadette O'Brien, Teagasc
- Chlorate levels in water and its impact on milk residues - Lorna Twomey, Teagasc & MTU, David Gleeson, Teagasc and Ambrose Furey MTU
- Chlorine free cleaning protocols for the farm - David Gleeson & Lorna Twomey
- Impact of chlorine free cleaning in the factory on the microbial quality and residue concentrations of milk powder - Lorna Twomey, Teagasc & MTU, David Gleeson, Teagasc and Ambrose Furey MTU
- Milk Quality Ireland-Framework, training and technical application - Eamonn farrell, ICOS
- Water heating options and efficiencies on-farm -John Upton, Teagasc
- Considerations for the use of non-antibiotic dry cow therapy - Pablo Silva Boloña, C. Clabby, A. Valldecabres, P. Dillon