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Next generation breeding and reproduction

Advancements in genomic evaluations (PDF) Advancements In Genomic Evaluations (Part.1) (PDF)
Advancements In Genomic Evaluations (Part.2) (PDF) 
Milking more information from DNA (PDF) Milking More Information From DNA (PDF) 
Breeding for improved animal health (PDF) Breeding For Improved Animal Health (PDF) 
Breeding for improved efficiency in a growing herd (PDF) Breeding For Improved Efficiency In A Growing Herd (PDF) 
Potential to improve product quality (PDF) Potential To Improve Product Quality (PDF) 
Decision support tools: what your data can do for you (PDF) Decision Support Tools: What Your Data Can Do For You (Part.1) (PDF)
Decision Support Tools: What Your Data Can Do For You (Part.2) (PDF) 
Teagasc's Next Generation dairy herd (PDF) Teagasc's Next Generation Dairy Herd (PDF) 
Next Generation Jersey (PDF)  
A comparison of high EBI Holstein-Friesian (HF) to Jersey x HF and Norwegian Red x Jersey x HF crossbreds in spring milk production systems (PDF)  
Oestrous activity in dairy cows (PDF) Oestrous Activity In Dairy Cows (PDF) 
End of season management to improve cow performance (PDF) End of Season Management To Improve Cow Performance (PDF) 
Uterine health in a pasture based production system (PDF) Uterine Health In A Pasture Based Production System (PDF) 
Sexed semen: does timing of AI matter? (PDF) Sexed Semen: Does Timing of AI Matter (PDF) 
Prediction of bull fertility (PDF)  
A dairy-beef index (DBI) to rank beef bulls on profitability for use on dairy females (PDF) A Dairy-Beef Index To Rank Beef Bulls On Profitability For Use On Dairy Females (PDF) 
Dairy-beef performance under three stocking rate intensities (PDF) Dairy - Beef Performance Under Three Stocking Rate Intensities (PDF) 
Can beef genetics play a role in your dairy herd? (PDF)  
Grange dairy calf-to-beef system evaluation (PDF) Grange Dairy Calf-To-Beef System Evaluation (PDF)