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Development of On-Farm Co-Digestion of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste and Animal Manure for Bioenergy Production and Resource Recycling

Project Summary

Using laboratory- and pilot-scale studies, this project aims to develop and evaluate an on-farm anaerobic digestion system co-digesting municipal solid waste and pig manure and to evaluate the biosafety and quality of the spent digestate. The project’s specific research objectives are: 1. To understand the characteristics of the municipal solid waste generated in different Irish towns and to study the biodegradation of its packing material in anaerobic conditions; 2. To investigate the performance of laboratory- and pilot-scale anaerobic digesters co-digesting pig manure and municipal solid waste under various operational conditions; 3. To study the quality and biosafety of the digestate to ensure compliance with the EU animal by-products regulations and to provide sufficient data for establishment of an Irish digestate quality standard; 4. To conduct cost-benefit analyses and GHG emission mitigation for on-farm anaerobic digesters; 5. To develop design, operation and maintenance guidelines for on-farm anaerobic co-digesters; and 6: To disseminate findings to farmers, local authorities and regulatory bodies.

Expected benefits

  • Evaluates a sustainable energy generating use of pig manure
  • Evaluates a low value but high energy product for co-digestion with pig manure
  • Create an additional income stream on pig farms from the energy produced and potentially via gate fees for the municipal solid waste.

Teagasc Personnel:

Funding body:

  • Science Foundation Ireland – Investigators Programme

 For More details contact:

Green Farm Workshop