Russell Adams
Research Officer – Catchment Water Quality ModellerResearch Interests
- Catchment Modelling
- Nature Based Solutions
- Catchment Science
- Sediment and Contaminant Hydrology
- Hydrogeology
- Hydrology
Current Projects
The Impact of Cover-Crop Management on Lamb Performance and Nitrate Leaching (2024-2028)
PhD “Hydrogeology of Abandoned Mines”; Civil Engineering. Newcastle University 2001.
MSc Engineering Hydrology. Newcastle University 1990.
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering, Manchester University 1989.
Doody, D., Adams, R. (2021) “Managing the Risk of Phosphorus Loss from Slurry Application in NI”. Signpost Seminar
Adams, R., Quinn, P., Barber, N. (2018) “Modelling flow pathways, sediment and phosphorus fluxes in two contrasting headwater catchments using high frequency monitoring data”. 3rd International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis