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Frank Buckley

Research Officer - Animal Breeding

Research Interests

Animal breeding with particular emphasis on the role of crossbreeding within dairy breeding strategies

Current Projects

Current RMIS projects: 5781, 5894, 6027, 6080, 6081, 6114


PhD in Animal Science. University College Dublin

Bachelor of Agriculture Science, University College Dublin

Scientific publications (peer viewed)

Begley, N., Buckley, F, Burnside, E.B., Schaeffer, L., Pierce, K. and Mallard, B.A. (2009). Immune responses of Holstein and Norwegian Red X Holstein calves on Canadian dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science 92: 518-525 ISSN 0022-0302

Begley, N., Buckley, F, Pierce, K.M., Fahey, A.G. and Mallard, B.A. (2009). Differences in udder health and immune response traits of Holstein-Friesians, Norwegian Reds, and their crosses in second lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 92: 749-757 ISSN 0022-0302

Begley, N., Pierce, K. and Buckley, F (2009). Milk production, udder health, body condition score and fertility performance of Holstein-Friesian, Norwegian Red and Norwegian Red x Holstein-Friesian cows on Irish dairy farms. European Association for Animal Production 126: 191-198

Mee, J.F., Buckley, F, Ryan, D. and Dillon, P.G. (2009). Pre-breeding Ovaro-Uterine Ultrasonography and its Relationship with First Service Pregnancy Rate in Seasonal-Calving Dairy Herds. Reproduction Domestic Animals 44: 331-337 ISSN 0936-6768

Minchin, W., Buckley, F, Kenny, D.A., Keane, M.G., Shalloo, L. and O'Donovan, M. (2009). Prediction of cull cow carcass characteristics from live weight and body condition score measured pre slaughter. Irish Journal of Agricultural & Food Research 48:75-86 ISSN 0791-6833

Minchin, W., O'Donovan, M., Kenny, D.A., Monahan, F.J., Shalloo, L. and Buckley, F (2009). Effect of grass silage and concentrate based finishing strategies on cull dairy cow performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics. Meat Science 81: 93-101 ISSN 0309-1740

O'Halloran, F., Bahar, B., Buckley, F, O'Sullivan, O., Sweeney, T. and Giblin, L. (2009). Characterisation of single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the bovine lactoferrin gene sequences across a range of dairy cow breeds. Biochimie 91: 68-75 ISSN 0300-9084

Prendiville, R., Pierce, K.M. and Buckley, F (2009). An evaluation of production efficiencies among lactating Holstein-Friesian Jersey, and Jersey x Holstein - Friesian cows at pasture. Journal of Dairy Science 92: 6176 - 6185 ISSN 0022-0302

Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F., Snijders, S.E.M. and Crosse, S. (1999). The Effect of Cow Genetic Index and Grass Based Feeding System on the Performance of Spring-Calving Holstein-Friesian Cows in Second Lactation. Cattle Practice 7: 1, 125-126, March-1999 2846 A1 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F, Dillon, P.G., Crosse, S., Flynn, F.A. and Rath, M. (2000). The performance of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows of high and medium genetic merit for milk production on grass-based systems. Livestock Production Science 64: 107-119 ISSN 0301-6226 4422 A1 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F, Dillon, P.G., Rath, M. and Veerkamp, R.F. (2000). The relationship between genetic merit for yield and live-weight, condition score, and energy balance of Spring-calving Holstein-Friesian dairy cows on grass-based system of milk production. Journal of Dairy Science 83: 1-9 ISSN 0022-0302 4423 A1 (RMIS 4176)

O'Connell, J.M., Buckley, F., Rath, M and Dillon, P. (2000). The effects of cow genetic merit and feeding treatment on milk production, herbage intake, and grazing behaviour of dairy cows. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 39: 369-382. A1 (RMIS 4176)

Evans, R., Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G. and Veerkamp, R. F. (2002). Genetic parameters for production and reproduction of Spring-calving Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in Ireland. Irish Journal of Agricultural & Food Research 41: pp.43-54 ISSN 0791-6833 7281 A1 (RMIS 4658)

Berry, D.P., F. Buckley, P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2002). Genetic parameters for level and change of body condition score and body weight in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 85:2030-2039. A1 (RMIS 5066)

Kennedy, J. P. Dillon, P. Faverdin, L. Delaby, F. Buckley and M. Rath. (2002). The influence of cow genetic merit for milk production on response to level of concentrate supplementation in a grass based system. Animal Science 75:433-445. A1 (RMIS 4629).

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Evans, R., Rath, M. and Veerkamp, R. F. (2002). Genetic parameters for level and change of body condition score and body weight in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 85: pp.2030-2039 A1 (RMIS 5066)

Buckley, F., K. O'Sullivan, J.F. Mee, R.D. Evans, and P. Dillon. (2003). Relationships among milk yield, body condition, cow weight, and reproduction in spring-calved Holstein-Friesians. Journal of Dairy Science 86: 2308-2319. A1 (RMIS 5070)

Dillon, P., S F. Buckley, P. O’Connor, D. Hegarty and M. Rath. (2003) A comparison of different dairy cow breeds on a seasonal grass-based system of milk production. 1. Milk production, live weight, body condition score and DM intake. Livestock Production science 83: 21-33. A1 (RMIS 4350)

Dillon, P., S. Snijders, F. Buckley, B. Harris, P. O’Connor and J.F. Mee (2003). A comparison of different dairy cow breeds on a seasonal grass-based system of milk production. 2. Reproduction and survival. Livestock Production science 83: 35-42. A1 (RMIS 4350)

Berry, D.P., F. Buckley, P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2003). Genetic relationships among body condition score, body weight, milk yield and fertility in Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 86: 2193-2204. A1 (RMIS 5066)

Kennedy, J. P. Dillon, K O’ Sullivan, F. Buckley and M. Rath. (2003). The effect of genetic merit and concentrate supplementation level on the reproductive performance of Holstein-Friesian cows in a grass-based milk production system. Animal Science. A1 (RMIS 4629)

Berry, D.P., F. Buckley, P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp (2003). Genetic correlations among body condition score, body weight, milk yield and fertility using random regression models. Journal of Dairy Science. 86: . A1 (RMIS 5066)

Berry, D.P., F. Buckley, P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2003). Genotype X environment interaction for milk yield, body condition score, and body weight in a grass based system using random regression models. Livestock Production Science 83: 191-203. A1 (RMIS 5066)

Buckley, F., J.F. Mee, K. O'Sullivan, R.D. Evans, D.P Berry, and P. Dillon. (2003). Insemination factors affecting conception rate in seasonal calving Holstein-Friesian cows. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development. 43: 543-555. A1 (RMIS 5070)

Linnane, M, Horan, B., Connolly, J, O'Connor, P., Buckley, F. and Dillon, P.G. (2004). The effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian and feeding system on grazing behaviour, herbage intake and productivity in the first lactation. British Society of Animal Science Animal Science. 78:169-178. A1 (RMIS 4985)

Horan, B., Dillon, P., Faverdin, P., Delaby, L., Buckley, F. and Rath, M. (2005). The interaction of strain of Holstein-Friesian and pasture-based feed systems on milk yield, body weight and body condition score. Journal of Dairy Science 88: 1231-1243. A1 (RMIS 4985)

Horan, B., Faverdin, P., Delaby, L., Buckley, F. Rath, M. and Dillon, P. (2005). The effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian and feeding system on grazing behaviour, herbage intake and productivity in the first lactation. British Society of Animal Science 78: 169-178. A1 (RMIS 4985)

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley F. (2005). Empirical Algebraic Modelling of Lactation Curves using Irish Data, Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. 44: 1-13. A1

Dillon, P., D.P. Berry, R.D. Evans, F. Buckley and B. Horan (2005). Consequences of genetic selection for increased milk production in European seasonal pasture based systems of milk production. Livestock Science. 99: 141-158. A1 (RMIS 4176)

Meade, K.G., E.W. Hill, F. Buckley and D.E. MacHugh. (2005). Convenient detection of single nucleotide polymorphism haplotypes in the bovine growth hormone gene using amplification-created restriction sites. Animal Genetics. 2005 Apr;36(2):175-7. A1 (RMIS 4980)

Buckley, F., C. Holmes and G. Keane (2005). Genetic characteristics required in dairy and beef cattle for temperate grazing systems. XX International Grassland Congress, Cork Satellite Meeting, July 3-5. A1

Daly M., Buckley F., Ross P.R. and Giblin L. (2006). Polymorphisms within the lactoferrin gene promoter in various cattle breeds. Animal Biotechnology. 17 (1): 33-42. A1 (RMIS 4980, 4985)

Evans, R.D., P. Dillon, F. Buckley, D.P. Berry, M. Wallace, V. Ducrocq, and D.J. Garrick. (2006). Trends in milk production, calving rate and survival of cows in 14 Irish dairy herds as a result of the introgression of Holstein-Friesian genes. Animal Science. 82: 423-433. A1

Quinn, N., Killen L. and F. Buckley. (2006). Empirical albegraic modelling of live weight of Irish dairy cows over lactation. Livestock Science. 103: 141-147. A1

Quinn, N., Killen L., and F. Buckley. (2006). Modelling fat and protein concentration curves for Irish dairy cows. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. 45: 13-23. A1

Berry, D. P., B. Horan, M. O’Donovan, F. Buckley, E. Kennedy, M. McEvoy, and P. Dillon (2007). Genetics of Grass Dry Matter Intake, Energy Balance, and Digestibility in Grazing Irish Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci 2007 90: 4835-4845. A1 (RMIS 4176)

Berry, D., F. Buckley, and P.G. Dillon. (2007). Body condition score and live-weight effects on milk production in Irish Holstein - Friesian dairy cows. Animal 1:9-1351-1359. A1

Quinn-Whelton, N., Killen L., T.P. Guinee and F. Buckley. (2007). Detection of Abnormal Recordings in Irish Milk Recorded Data. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. 46:117-127. A1

S. Walsh, F. Buckley, D.P. Berry, M. Rath, K. Pierce, N. Byrne and P.Dillon. (2007). Effect of breed, feed system and parity on udder health and milking characteristics. J Dairy Sci 90:5767-5779. A1 (RMIS 4980)

Buckley, F., B. Horan, N. Lopez-Villalobos and P. Dillon (2007). Milk production efficiency of varying dairy cow genotypes under grazing conditions. In proceedings of Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2007, University of Melbourne, September 18-20, p74-83 A1 (RMIS 4980)

Dillon, P.G., K. MacDonald, C.W. Holmes, N. Lopez-Villalobos, F Buckley, B. Horan and D.P. Berry. (2007). Cow genetics for temperate grazing systems. In proceedings of Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2007, University of Melbourne, September 18-20. p152-184 A1 (RMIS 4980/5246)

S. Walsh, F. Buckley, D.P. Berry, M. Rath, K. Pierce, N. Byrne and P.Dillon. (2008). Effects of breed and feeding system on milk production bodyweight, body condition score, reproductive performance and postpartum ovarian function. J Dairy Sci (In Press). A1 (RMIS 4980)

Begley, N., F. Buckley, E. Burnside, L. Schaeffer, K. Pierce and B.A. Mallard. (2008). Immune Responses of Holstein and Norwegian Red×Holstein Calves on Canadian Dairy Farms. J Dairy Sci (In Press). J Dairy Sci (In Press). A1 (RMIS 5246)

Begley, N., F. Buckley, K. Pierce, A.G. Fahey and B.A. Mallard. (2008). Differences in udder health and immune response traits of Holstein-Friesian, Norwegian Red and Norwegian Red×Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in second lactation. J Dairy Sci (In Press). A1 (RMIS 5246)

Begley, N., K. Pierce and F. Buckley. (2008). Milk production, udder health, body condition score and fertility performance of Holstein-Friesian, Norwegian Red and Norwegian Red×Holstein-Friesian cows on Irish dairy farms. In: European Association of Animal production (EAAP), Occasional Scientific Book – ‘Breeding for robustness in cattle’ (In Press). A1 (RMIS 5246)

Mee, J.F., F. Buckley and P. Dillon. (2008). Utero-ovarian status prior to first service and subsequent fertility performance in seasonal calving-Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals (in press). A1 (RMIS 5070)

Minchion, W., M. O’Donovan. D.A. Kenny, F.J. Monahan, L Shalloo and F. Buckley (2008). Effect of grass silage and concentrate based finishing strategies on cull dairy cow performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics. Meat Science (In press). A1 (RMIS 5395)

O'Halloran, F., B. Bahar, F. Buckley, O. O'Sullivan, T. Sweeney and L. Giblin (2008). Characterisation of single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the bovine lactoferrin gene sequences across a range of dairy cow breeds. Biochimie. (In press). A1 (RMIS 4980)

N. Lopez-Villalobos, D.P. Berry, B. Horan, F. Buckley, J. Kennedy, M. O’Donovan, L. Shalloo, P. Dillon. (2008). Genetics of residual energy intake in Irish Grazing dairy cows. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 68: 97-101.

Other Scientific publications

Mee, J.F., Buckley, F, Ryan, D. and Dillon, P.G. (2009). Pre-breeding ovaro-uterine ultrasonography and its relationship with first service pregnancy rate in seasonal-calving dairy herds. (Abstract) Reproduction Domestic Animals 44: 331-337 ISSN 0936-6768

Buckley, F (2009). Irish Dairying - New Thinking for Challenging Times. Teagasc IE p1-140 ISBN

Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F.., Mee, J.F., Evans, R. and Veerkamp, R.F. (2001). Irish dairy research including genetic strain trial comparison - Lessons for New Zealand Dairying. In: Proceedings of the Dairy Farming Annual, Massey University, New Zealand, 01-Jan-2001, 17-31 5799 A2

Buckley, F.. and P. Dillon. (2003) Evidence of Genotype x Environment interactions for fertility in dairy cattle. European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction, Annual Conference, University College Dublin, September 5, 2003. A2

Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F., Evans, R.D., Berry, D.P. and Horan, B. (2004). Consequences of genetic selection for high milk production for seasonal pasture based systems. In: EAAP - 55th Annual Meeting, Bled, Slovenia, 05-Sep-2004, 182. A2

Buckley, F.., C. Holmes and G. Keane (2005). Genetic characteristics required in dairy and beef cattle for temperate grazing systems. XX International Grassland Congress, Cork Satellite Meeting, July 3-5. A2

Buckley, F.. (2007). Crossbreeding Research at Moorepark. Semex National Dairy Conference Glasgow, Scotland, January 13-14. A2

Buckley, F.. (2007). Comparison of alternative breeds at Moorepark. International Red Cow Conference, Malmo, Sweden, July 11-13. A2

Buckley, F.., B. Horan, N. Lopez-Villalobos and P. Dillon (2007). Milk production efficiency of varying dairy cow genotypes under grazing conditions. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2007, University of Melbourne, September 18-20. A2

Dillon, P.G., K. MacDonald, C.W. Holmes, N. Lopez-Villalobos, Buckley, F., B. Horan and D.P. Berry. (2007). Cow genetics for temperate grazing systems. Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2007, University of Melbourne, September 18-20. A2

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Rath, M. and Veerkamp, R.F. (1999). The relationship between performance traits, energy balance, gross feed efficiency and pedigree index of spring calving Holstein Friesian dairy cows on grass based systems of milk production. In: Proceedings BSAS Occasional Meeting - Conference on 'Fertility in the High Producing Dairy Cow', Galway, Ireland, 20-Sep-1999, pp.38 3212 A7 (RMIS 4176)

Hegarty, D, Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F. and Rath, M (1999). Milk Production, feed intake and energy utilisation in dairy cows of different breeds. (Abstract) Irish Journal of Agricultural & Food Research Vol. 38 (2) pp.269 ISSN 0791-6833 4026 A8 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Crosse, S. and Rath, M. (1997). The effects of genetic merit and feed system on nutrient utilisation by first-lactation dairy cows. (Abstract) Irish Journal of Agricultural & Food Research 36:1, ISSN 0791-6833 332 A8 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Crosse, S. and Rath, M. (1998). Effect of genetic index and feeding system on the performance of spring-calving dairy cows in second lactation. (Abstract) Irish Journal of Agricultural & Food Research 37 (1) 129 ISSN 0791-6833 1508 A8 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G., Snijders, S.E.M., Crosse, S. and Buckley, F. (1998). Evaluation of dual-purpose dairy cattle under grass-based spring milk production systems. (Abstract) Irish Journal of Agricultural & Food Research 37 (1) 129 ISSN 0791-6833 1383 A8 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F., Snijders, S.E.M. and Crosse, S. (1998). The effect of cow genetic index and grass based feeding system on the performance of Spring calving Holstein Friesian cows in second lactation. In: International Symposium on Metabolic Stress in Dairy Cows. (BSAS - EU Concerted Action - BCVA). 28-3, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28-Oct-1998, Page 15 2358 A7 (RMIS 4176)

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Evans, R., Rath, M. and Veerkamp, R.F. (2002). Genetic parameters for level and change of body condition score in dairy cows. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, France, August 19-23. A7 (RMIS 5066)

Buckley, F., P. Dillon, R.D. Evans and J.F. Mee. (2003). Evaluation of dual-purpose cows on a seasonal grass-based system of milk production. British Society of Animal Science. York, UK. 24-26th March 2003 p. 58. A7 (RMIS 4350)

Dillon, P., J. Kennedy, P. Faverdin, L. Delaby, Buckley, F. and M. Rath. (2003). The influence of cow genetic merit for milk production on response to level of concentrate supplementation in a grass based system. British Society of Animal Science. York, UK. 24-26th March 2003 p. 57. B2 (RMIS 4629) A7

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2003). Genetic correlations among body condition score, body weight, and fertility in dairy cows. British Society of Animal Science. York, UK. 24-26th March 2003 p. 55. (RMIS 5066) A7

Buckley, F.., J.F. Mee, N. Byrne, M. Herlihy and P. Dillon. (2004). A comparison of reproductive efficiency in four breeds of dairy cow and two crossbreeds under seasonal grass-based production systems in Ireland. Journal of Dairy Science 87: Suppl. 1 (Abstract 526). A8 (RMIS 4980)

Buckley, F.., J.F. Mee, N. Byrne, M. Herlihy and P. Dillon. (2004). A comparison of reproductive efficiency in four breeds of dairy cow and two crossbreeds under seasonal grass-based production systems in Ireland. American Dairy Science Association/American Society of Animal Science/Poultry Science Association, Joint annual meeting, St. Louis Missouri, July 25-29. A7 (RMIS 4980)

Dillon, P., B. Horan, Buckley, F., J.F. Mee and M. Rath (2004). Effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian cow and grass based feeding system on milk production, body weight, body condition score and reproductive performance. Journal of Dairy Science 87: Suppl. 1 (Abstract 537). A8 (RMIS 4985)

Dillon, P., B. Horan, Buckley, F., J.F. Mee and M. Rath (2004). Effect of strain of Holstein-Friesian cow and grass based feeding system on milk production, body weight, body condition score and reproductive performance. American Dairy Science Association/American Society of Animal Science/Poultry Science Association, Joint annual meeting, St. Louis Missouri, July 25-29. A7 (RMIS 4985)

Buckley, F., Mee, J.F. and Dillon, P.G. (2004). The association between ultrasound reproductive tract scoring and commonly used veterinary therapeutics with pregnancy rates in spring-calved Holstein-Friesian cows. (Abstract) Journal of Animal Science Vol. 82 Suppl1. P. 257. A8 (RMIS 5070)

Buckley, F., Mee, J.F. and Dillon, P.G. (2004). The association between ultrasound reproductive tract scoring and commonly used veterinary therapeutics with pregnancy rates in spring-calved Holstein-Friesian cows. American Dairy Science Association/American Society of Animal Science/Poultry Science Association, Joint annual meeting, St. Louis Missouri, July 25-29. A7 (RMIS 5070)

Mee, J.F., Buckley, F. and Dillon, P.G. (2004). Utero-ovarian Status prior to first-service -I. Relationships with dairy cow fertility. (Abstract) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition p99. A8 (RMIS 5070)

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2004). Statistical Modelling of Lactation Curve Data, Proceedings of CompStat 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Physica-Verlag 1677-1684. A7

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2004) Modelling Lactation Curves for Irish dairy Cows, 34th ICAR Session, Sousse, Tunisia. June 1-3. A7

Technical Publications

Buckley, F, Begley, N., Prendiville, R., Byrne, N., Condon, T. and Curtin, B. (2009). Crossbreeding the dairy herd - promising results from Moorepark. Tresearch Vol 3 No. 2 Summer 23-25 ISSN 1649-8917 

Barrett, E., Buckley, F and McParland, S. (2009). Heritability values for some conformational and other defects in young thoroughbred national hunt horses. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2009, p. 111

Begley, N., Buckley, F, Pierce, K. and Evans, R.D. (2009). Estimates of breed and heterosis effects for fertility and survival traits among Holstein and Norwegian Red dairy cattle. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2009, p.147

Buckley, F (2009). Crossbreeding : Is it more profitable?. In: National Dairy Conference, Mullingar & Killarney, 18-Nov-2009, p.93-104

Buckley, F (2009). Condition scoring - benefits and guidelines. In: Proceedings of the Cattle Association of Veterinary Ireland Annual Conference, Tullamore, 02-Oct-2009, p.28-29

Dillon, P.G., Berry, D. and Buckley, F (2009). Breeding for profit - current best practices. In: Positive Farmers Conference, South Court Hotel, Limerick, 15-Jan-2009, 43-63

Minchin, W., O'Donovan, M., Buckley, F, Kenny, D. and Shalloo, L. (2009). An evaluation of the financial implications of different finishing strategies for cull dairy cows. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2009, p.27

Palladino, R.A., Buckley, F, Prendiville, R., Murphy, J.J., Callan, J. and Kenny, D.A. (2009). Effect of dairy cow breed on milk fatty acid composition, under grazing conditions. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2009, p.113

Prenderville, R., Pierce, K. and Buckley, F (2009). Production, feed efficiency and grazing behaviour of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and their F1 cross. In: Teagasc Walsh Fellowships Seminar 2009, RDS, Dublin, 11-Nov-2009, p.2

Prendiville, R., Pierce, K., Byrne, N. and Buckley, F (2009). Milk production efficiency of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey x Holstein - Friesian cows at pasture. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2009, p. 108

Prendiville, R., Pierce, K., Byrne, N. and Buckley, F (2009). Comparative production performance and grazing behaviour of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey x Holstein-Friesian cows in grass based production systems. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2009, p. 116

Thackaberry, C., Pierce, K., Prendiville, R., Byrne, N. and Buckley, F (2009). Milk production, body condition score at breeding and reproductive performance of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey×Holstein-Friesian cows under Irish grass-based conditions. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2009, p.145

Begley, N. and Buckley, F (2009). Norwegian Red - a viable option for seasonal grazing systems - Irish Dairying New Thinking for Challenging Times (Moorepark Open Day 2009). Teagasc IE pp. 51-53

Buckley, F (2009). Breeding for Profit - Current Best Practices in Moorepark Dairy Levy Research Update on Solohead Open Day Series No. 11 : Using Clover to Cut Costs on Dairy and Beef Farms. Teagasc IE p.34-39

Buckley, F (2009). Breeding for Profit - Current Best Practices in Moorepark Dairy Levy Research Update Series No. 10 : Technologies to increase the efficiency of milk production in the BMW region. Teagasc IE p. 26-31

Buckley, F and Berry, D. (2009). Genetics for grass-based systems - Irish Dairying New Thinking for Challenging Times (Moorepark Open Day 2009). Teagasc IE pp. 41-46

Butler, S. and Buckley, F (2009). Increasing cow fertility and heifer availability - Irish Dairying New Thinking for Challenging Times (Moorepark Open Day 2009). Teagasc IE pp. 28-34

Butler, S., Buckley, F and Mee, J.F. (2009). Management for Sustainable Reproduction in Moorepark Dairy Levy Research Update on Solohead Open Day Series No. 11 : Using Clover to Cut Costs on Dairy and Beef Farms. Teagasc IE p.49-51

Butler, S., Buckley, F and Mee, J.F. (2009). Management for Sustainable Reproduction in Moorepark Dairy Levy Research Update Series No. 10 : Technologies to increase the efficiency of milk production in the BMW region. Teagasc IE p. 41-43

Kennedy, E., Buckley, F and Butler, S. (2009). Replacement heifers - an under-managed resource! - Irish Dairying New Thinking for Challenging Times (Moorepark Open Day 2009). Teagasc IE pp. 35-40

Kennedy, E., Buckley, F and Gleeson, D. (2009). Developing new systems of heifer rearing - Moorepark Dairy Levy Update:Components of Dairy Herd Expansion: Heifer Rearing and Herd Health. Teagasc IE p. 7-13

Prendiville, R., Thackaberry , C. and Buckley, F. (2009). Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey x Holstein-Friesian at Ballydague - Irish Dairying New Thinking for Challenging Times (Moorepark Open Day 2009). Teagasc IE pp.54 - 56

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Crosse, S. and Rath, M. (1997). The effects of genetic merit and feeding systems on nutrient utilisation in first lactation dairy cows. In: Agricultural Research Forum, UCD, 03-Apr-1997, 323-324 167 B2 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F. (1998). Managing and feeding high genetic merit dairy cows at pasture. R&H Hall Technical Bulletin No. 2 1442 B1 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F. and Dillon, P.G. (1998). The effect of genotype and feeding system on the performance of Holstein Friesian cows at pasture. In: Irish Grassland Association, Dairy Conference, Limerick, 17-Apr-1998, 1-15 1441 B2 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Crosse, S. and Rath, M. (1998). The effect of cow genetic index and feeding system on the performance of spring calving dairy cows in second lactation. In: Agricultural Research Forum, UCD, 19-Mar-1998, 211-212 1464 B2 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F. (1998). Effects of genetic merit and feeding on Spring calving dairy cows. In: Proceedings of 50th Ruakura Dairy Farmers'' Conference, Waikato, New Zealand, 12-May-1998, pp.50-56 2699 B2 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F. and Cliffe, D. (1998). Achieving high intakes and performance from spring-calving cows at pasture. In: Irish Grain and Feed Association and Teagasc, Dairy Production Department, Moorepark, Cahir House Hotel, Cahir, Co, 23-Apr-1998, 17-40 1432 B2 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G., Crosse, S., Buckley, F., Fitzgerald, J.J. and Sexton, S. (1998). An evaluation of the role of dual-purpose dairy cattle under Irish grass-based spring milk production systems. In: Agricultural Research Forum, UCD, 19-Mar-1998, 213-214 1465 B2 (RMIS 4350)

Dillon, P.G., Snijders, S.E.M., Meaney, W.J., Keane, J. and Buckley, F. (1998). An evaluation of the rate of dual-purpose dairy cattle relative to Friesian and Holstein Friesian cattle under Irish grass-based systems of milk products. Avonmore Waterford Group Progress Report 1 February, 1998 1482 B5 (RMIS 4350)

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Rath, M. and Veerkamp, R. F. (1998). The relationship between performance traits, energy balance and pedigree index of spring calving Holstein Friesian dairy cows on grass based systems of milk production. Teagasc In-House Ann. Walsh Fellowship Sem RDS, Dublin, 02 Nov., 98. 1 page 2281 B5 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G., Crosse, S., Buckley, F., Meaney, W.J., Snijders, S.E.M. and Keane, M.G. (1998). An evaluation of dual-purpose dairy cattle relative to Friesian and Holstein Friesian cattle under Irish grass-based Spring milk production systems. Progress Report No. 1. Teagasc and AWG February 1998 31 pages 2080 B5 (RMIS 4350)

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Rath, M. and Veerkamp, R.F. (1999). The relationship between performance traits, energy balance, gross feed efficiency, and pedigree index of Spring-calving Holstein-Friesian dairy cows on grass-based systems of milk production. In: Agricultural Research Forum of the Irish Grassland and Animal Production Association 25th Annual Mee, UCD, 25-Mar-1999, 13-14 2734 B2 (RMIS 4658)

Hegarty, D., Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F. and Rath, M. (1999). Milk production, feed intake and energy utilization in dairy cows of different breeds. In: Agricultural Research Forum of the Irish Grassland and Animal Production Association 25th Annual Mee, UCD, 25-Mar-1999, 15-16 2735 B2 (RMIS 4350)

Maher, J., Stakelum, G., Buckley, F. and Dillon, P.G. (1999). The effect of level of daily grass allowance on the performance of spring-calving dairy cows. In: Proceedings of Irish Grassland Association DAIRY Conference, 1999, Limerick (Limerick Inn), 16-Apr-1999, 25-42 2848 B2

Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F.(1999). An evaluation of high genetic merit cows using forage and pasture based systems. Teagasc IE Project Report 4176 ISSN End of Projec 3273 B3 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F. Dillon, P.G., Mee, J.F., Evans, Ross and Veerkamp, R. (2000). Moorepark Farm Fertility Study - Initial Results. In: Grass Ireland 2000 - Proceedings Dairy Conference, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 29-Mar-2000, pp 24-37 4403 B2 (RMIS 4658)

Buckley, F. Dillon, P.G., Evans, Ross and Ryan, G. (2000). Moorepark Farm Fertility Study - Initial Results. Open days/handouts/Teagasc literature Solohead Open Day Booklet: 6 July 2 4416 C1 (RMIS 4658)

Buckley, F. Dillon, P.G., Mee, J.F., Evans, Ross and Veerkamp, R. (2000). Trends in genetic merit for milk production and reproductive performance. In: Dairying 2000 - Oppertunities for the new millenium - Proceedings Teagasc Dairy Conference, Silver Springs Hotel, Cork, 16-Nov-2000, pp 43-60. B2

Dillon, P., Buckley, F.,. Fitzgerald J. and Sexton, S. (2001). An Evaluation of the Role of Dual-Purpose Dairy Cattle under Irish Grass-Based Spring Milk Production Systems. Final report, project number 4350. Teagasc, 19 Sandymount Avenue, Dublin 4. B3 (RMIS 4350)

Buckley, F., Dillon, P., Mee, J.F. and Murphy, J.J. (2001) Condition Score - An aid to management In: Proceedings of the Teagasc National Dairy Conference, Killarney, pp. 31-40. B2 (RMIS 4658)

Dillon, P., Buckley, F., Mee, J.F., Evans, R.D., Berry, D. and Veerkamp (2001) Breeding objectives for the Irish dairy industry – genetic and management aspects. Teagasc, 19 Sandymount Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. B3 (RMIS 5066)

Buckley, F., Dillon P., Mee J.F., Evans R.D., Berry D.P., O’Sullivan K. and Veerkamp R.F. (2001). Associations between pedigree index, phenotypic traits and reproductive performance in daughters of Holstein-Friesian sires on Irish commercial dairy farms. Final report Project no. 4658. Teagasc, 19 Sandymount Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. B3

Kennedy, J., Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F. (2001). Nutritional and grazing management strategies to enhance the fertility and survival rate of high genetic merit cows in grass-based systems of production. Teagasc IE 1-16 ISSN 6522 B3

Buckley, F., O'Sullivan, K., Mee, J.F., Evans, R. and Dillon, P.G. (2002). Association between body condition score and reproductive performance in Spring-calving Holstein Friesian cows. In: Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 14-Mar-2002, p.24. B2 (RMIS 5070)

Evans, R., Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F. and Veerkamp, R.F. (2002). Genetic parameters for production and reproduction of spring-calving Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in Ireland. In: Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 11-Mar-2002, p.51 B2 (RMIS 4658)

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Evans, R., Rath, M. and Veerkamp, R.F. (2002). Genetic parameters for level and change of body condition score in dairy cows. In: Proceedings of Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 11-Mar-2002, p.52 B2 (RMIS 5066)

Horan, B., Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F., Mee, J.F., O'Connor, P. and Rath, M. (2002). Comparison of different strains of Holstein-Friesian cows managed under different grass-based systems of milk production. In: Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, 14-Mar-2002, p.54 B2 (RMIS 4985)

Horan, B., Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F., Mee, J.F. and O'Connor, P. (2002). Comparison of different strains of Holstein-Friesian cows managed under different grass-based systems of milk production. Agricultural Res. Forum Poster B2 (RMIS 4985)

Evans, R.D., Buckley, F., P. Dillon and R.F. Veerkamp. (2002). Genetic parameters for production and reproduction of spring-calving Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in Ireland. In Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore. 11-12th March 2002. p.51 B2 (RMIS 4658)

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2002). Genotype X environment interaction for body condition score, body weight and milk yield using random regression models. 7th World Congress on genetics Applied to Livestock Production. 32:341-343. B2. (RMIS 5066)

Dillon, P., Buckley, F., R. Evans, J. Kennedy, D. Berry, B. Horan, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2002). Breeding objectives for Irish seasonal calving pasture based system of milk production. Proceedings of the 2002 Mid-Atlantic Dairy Grazing Conference. 29th-31th July 2002. Park Inn, Gateway, NC, USA. B2 (RMIS 4176, 4629, 4980, 4985, 5066)

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Mee, J.F., Evans, R., Kenneally, J. and Hurley, C. (2002). Body condition scoring. Benefits and guidelines. Joint Teagasc/Irish Farmers Journal leaflet. Teagasc IE pp. 1-4 ISSN 7292 B3 (RMIS 4658)

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2003). Genotype by environment interactions using random regression models. In Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore. 3-4th March 2003 p. 110. B2 (RMIS 5066)

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, M. Rath, and R.F. Veerkamp. (2003). Genetic parameters for body condition score, body weight, milk yield and fertility in Irish dairy cattle. In Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore. 3-4th March 2003 p 14. B2 (RMIS 5066)

Horan, B., Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F. Mee, J.F., O'Connor, P. and Rath, M. (2003). Effect of strian of Holstein-Friesian cow and grass based feeding systems on milk production, liveweight and body condtion score. In: Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 04-Mar-2003, Page 112. B2 (RMIS 4985)

Mee, J.F. and Buckley, F.(2003). Management, nutrition and breeding strategies to improve dairy herd fertility. In: Proceedings of the National Dairy Conference, Cork and Cavan, 12-Nov-2003, page. 134-157. B2 (RMIS 5070)

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2003). Modelling Lactation Curves for Irish Dairy Cows, Proceedings of 23rd Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, 2003, Mullingar. B2

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., Dillon P., Evans R.D., Rath M. and Veerkamp R.F. (2003). Genetic selection to maximise dairy herd survivability. Proceedings of the Irish Grassland Association Dairy Conference. Castletroy park hotel, Limerick. 17th April, 2003. p 73-85. B2 (5070)

Meade K., Buckley, F. and MacHugh D. (2003). Genomic analysis of genes influencing fertility and lactation in dairy cattle. Final report Project no. 4955. Teagasc, 19 Sandymount Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. B3

Daly, M., Buckley, F. Dillon, P.G., Meaney, W.J., Ross, R.P. and Giblin, L. (2004). Lactoferrin: genetic variants and expression patterns in bovine breeds (Abstract). In: Thinking Beyond Tomorrow - A Safe and Nutritious Food Chain for the Consumer, Dublin, 17-Jun-2004, p.148. B2 (RMIS 5198)

Evans, R.D., Dillon, P.G., Buckley, F. Wallace, M., Ducroc, V. and Garrick, D. (2004). Trends in milk production, fertility and survival of Irish dairy cows as a result of the introgression. In: Agriculture Research Forum 2004, Tullamore, 01-Mar-2004, 52. B2 (RMIS 5062)

Herlihy, M., Mee, J.F., Byrne, N., Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G. and Rath, M. (2004). Re-establishment of ovarian activity, and reproductive performance in different breeds of dairy cattle. In: Proceedings of the Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 01-Mar-2004, pp 54. B2 (RMIS 4980)

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2004) Modelling Lactation Curves for Irish Dairy Cows, Performance Recording of Animals: State of the Art 2004. Wageningen Publications. (In Press). B2

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2004) A Statistical Analysis of Lactation Curve Data, Proceedings of Agricultural Research Forum 2004, Tullamore, Co.Offaly. Pg 68. B2

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2004) A Statistical Analysis of Lactation curves, 24th Conference on Applied Statistics in Ireland, 2003, Galway Bay and Country Club Hotel, Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland. B2

Buckley, F., Dillon P. and Byrne N. (2004). Evaluation of NRF and NRF*HF dairy cattle in Ireland. Geno Annual Meeting. November 4th 2004. Rica Hotel, Norway. B2 (RMIS 4350/4980/5246).

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2005). Modelling Liveweight change over a Lactation in Irish Dairy Cows. Book of Abstracts of the 56th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production, Uppsala Sweden. Pg. 119. B2

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2005) Modelling Lactation Curves for Irish Dairy Cows", Performance Recording of Animals: State of the Art. Wageningen Publications. Pg 257 – 264. B2

Quinn N., Killen L., Buckley, F. (2005) Statistical Modelling of the Liveweight of Irish Dairy Cows, Proceedings of Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, Co.Offaly. Pg 43. B2

Berry D.P., Buckley, F., Dillon P. and Veerkamp R.F. (2005). Dairy cattle breeding objectivescombining production and non-production traits for pasture based systems in Ireland. Final report Project no. 5066. Teagasc, Oak Park, Carlow. B3

Berry D.P. and Buckley, F. (2006). Maximising farm profit through the use of high EBI genetics. In Moorepark Dairy Levy Research Update, Series 2. Moorepark, Dairy Production Research Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork, www.teagasc.ie. B3

Walsh S., Buckley, F., Rath M., Byrne N. and Dillon P. (2006) The effect of dairy cow breed, feeding system, parity and stage of lactation on somatic cell score, Proceedings of Agricultural Research Forum 2006, Tullamore, Co.Offaly. Pg 43. B2

Kearney B. Daly M., Casey O., Buckley, F., McCarthy T., Ross P. and Giblin L. (2006) Characterisation of Leptin gene polymorphisms in bulls progeny tested for body condition score, Proceedings of Agricultural Research Forum 2006, Tullamore, Co.Offaly. Pg 106. B2

Kearney, B., Daly, M., Buckley, F. McCarthy, T.V., Ross, R.P. and Giblin, L. (2006). Genotyping progeny tested bulls in the Irish Dairy Herd for polymorphisms in possible candidate genes for body condition. (Abstract). In: 57th Annual meeting of the European Association of Animal Production, Antalya, Turkey, 17-Sep-2006, 12: pg 279 14357 B2

Begley N., Buckley, F., Rath M., Condon T., Mee J.F. and Dillon P. (2006) The association between breed, age, body weight, body condition score and the commencement of cyclicity in maiden dairy heifers, Proceedings of Agricultural Research Forum 2006, Tullamore, Co.Offaly. Pg 107. B2

Minchin W., M. O’Donovan, D.A. Kenny, F.J. Monahan, L. Shalloo and Buckley, F.. (2007) Finishing strategies for cull dairy cows. Proceedings of Agricultural Research Forum 2007, Tullamore, Co.Offaly. Pg 47. B2

Minchin W., M. O’Donovan, D.A. Kenny, F.J. Monahan, L. Shalloo and Buckley, F.. (2007) Forage and concentrate based finishing strategies for cull dairy cows. 2007, Proceedings of Bristish Society of Animal Science, Annual Conference 2007, Southport Theatre and Floral Hall Complex, UK. Pg. A7

Begley, N., Buckley, F., E. Burnside, L. Schaeffer, M. Rath and B.A. Mallard. (2007). Variation in immune response in Holstein-Friesian and Norwegian Red x Holstein Friesian calves on Canadian farms. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2007, p. 63 14306 B2

Prendiville, R., M. Rath, E. Kennedy, N. Byrne, and Buckley, F. (2007). Milk production live weight, body condition score and grazing behaviour of first lactation Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey x Holstein-Friesian cows. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2007, p.94 14141 B2

Walsh, S., Buckley, F., D. Berry, M. Rath, N. Byrne and P.G. Dillon (2007). The effect of dairy cow breed and feeding system on milking characteristics. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2007, p.75 14126 B2

Kearney, B, M. Daly, Buckley, F., T. McCarthy, R.P. Ross and L. Giblin. (2007). Bovine leptin promoters identified with different levels of expression. In: In: Book of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Dublin, Ireland, 26-Aug-2007, p 83 B2

Minchin, W., M. O'Donovan, D. Kenny, Buckley, F. and L. Shalloo (2007). An economic evaluation of four fattening strategies for cull cows. In: International Farm Management Association Conference, University College Cork, 15-Jul-2007, p. 78 15284 A7

Berry, D., B. Horan, M. O'Donovan, Buckley, F., E. Kennedy, M. McEvoy and P.G. Dillon (2007). Potential to genetically alter intake and energy balance in grass fed dairy cows. (Abstract) European Association for Animal Production Session 01, p. 4 15219 A8

Beecher, C., M. Daly, K. Klostermann, W.J. Meaney, Buckley, F., T. McCarthy, R.P. Ross and L. Giblin, L. (2007). Characterisation of the bovine innate immune response following deliberate intramammary infection with Streptococcus dysgalactia. (Abstract). In: In: Conference Proceedings Heifer Mastitis Conference 2007, Ghent, Belgium, 24-Jun-2007, pp120-121 14338 B2

Kearney, B, M. Daly, Buckley, F., T. McCarthy, R.P. Ross and L. Giblin. (2007). Bovine leptin promoters identified with different levels of expression. In: In: Book of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Dublin, Ireland, 26-Aug-2007, p 83

Buckley, F. N. Begley, R. Prendiville, N. Byrne and B. Curtin (2007). Crossbreeding the dairy herd- THE WAY TO GO?. Teagasc IE p.24-33 ISSN Series 5 13699 B3

Buckley, F. D.P. Berry and B. Horan (2007). Genetics for Grass-Based Milk Production. Teagasc IE p. 57-68 ISSN 1 84170 486 5 13718 B3

Butler, S., J.F Mee and Buckley, F. (2007). Achieving 90% calving rate in six weeks. Teagasc IE p. 69-75 ISSN 1 84170 486 5 13719 B3

C. Beecher, M. Daly, K. Klostermann1, W.J. Meaney, Buckley, F., T.V. McCarthy, R.P. Ross and L. Giblin 2008. Streptococcus dysgalactiae Elicits a Fast and Prolonged Innate Immune Response in the Bovine Mammary Gland. International Symposium on Animal Functional Genomics, Edinburgh, April 7th – 9th. Proceedings pp. 39

C. Beecher, M. Daly, K. Klostermann1, W.J. Meaney, Buckley, F., T.V. McCarthy, R.P. Ross and L. Giblin 2008. Difference in immune gene expression following deliberate intramammary challenge with the non-pathogenic Lactococcus lactis vs. the pathogenic Streptococcus dysgalactiae. Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore. March 12th – 13th Proceedings pp. 136

C.Beecher, M.Daly, K.Klostermann, W.J.Meaney, Buckley, F., T.V.McCarthy, R.P.Ross and L.Giblin. 2007. Characterisation of the bovine innate immune response following deliberate intramammary infection with Streptococcus dysgalactiae. Heifer Mastitis. 24-26th June, Ghent, Beligum, pages 120-121.

Buckley, F. N. Begley, R. Prendiville, N. Byrne and B. Curtin (2008). Crossbreeding the dairy herd - a real alternative. In: Proceedings of Irish Grassland Association DAIRY Conference, 2008, Cork (Silver Springs), 22 Jan 2008, 25-42 B2

Buckley, F. N. Begley, R. Prendiville, N. Byrne, T. Condon and B. Curtin (2008). Crossbreeding the dairy herd – promising results from Moorepark. In: TResearch, Vol. 3, no. 2, Summer 2008, 23-25 B1

Walsh, S., Buckley, F., K. Pierce, N. Byrne and P.Dillon (2008). The effect of dairy cow breed on milk production, reproductive performance and survival characteristics. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p.79 B2

Walsh, S., Buckley, F., K. Pierce, N. Byrne and P.Dillon (2008). Effect of dairy cow breed and feed system on body weight and body condition score. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p.122 B2

Minchin W., M. O’Donovan, D.A. Kenny, L. Shalloo and Buckley, F.. (2008). An evaluation of four over-wintering strategies prior to finishing at pasture on physical and carcass characteristics for cull dairy cows. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p.32 B2

Minchin W., M. O’Donovan, D.A. Kenny, Buckley, F. and F.J. Monahan. (2008). Effect of grass silage and concentrate feeding treatments on meat quality characteristics of cull dairy cows. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p.120 B2

Begley, N., Buckley, F., K. Pierce and B.A. Mallard. (2008). Comparison of immune response in Holstein-Friesian, Norwegian Red and Norwegian Red x Holstein Friesian cows and it’s association with somatic cell count. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p. 63 B2

Prendiville, R., K. Pierce, N. Byrne and Buckley, F.. (2008). Milk production efficiency of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey x Holstein Friesian cows in early lactation at pasture. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p. 96 B2

Prendiville, R., K. Pierce, N. Byrne and Buckley, F.. (2008). Comparative milk production, body condition score and reproductive performance of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey x Holstein Friesian cows under Irish grass-based conditions. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p. 78 B2

Keane, M.G. and Buckley, F.. (2008). Beef production from Holstein-Friesian, Norwegian Red and Jersey young bulls. In: Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 12-Mar-2008, p. 87 B2

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Mee, J.F., Evans, R., Kenneally, J. and Hurley, C. (2002). Body condition scoring. Benefits and guidelines. Joint Teagasc/Irish Farmers Journal leaflet. Teagasc IE pp. 1-4 ISSN 7292 B7 (RMIS 4658)

Practical/Popular Publications

Buckley, F. and Dillon, P.G. (1997). High merit cows still perform well at Moorepark. Irish Farmers Journal April, 1997 1193 C1 (RMIS 4176) 

Berry, D.P., F. Buckley, P. Dillon, R.D. Evans, and R.F. Veerkamp. 2002. Genetic parameter estimates for body condition score measured by two different sources. Meeting with AI industry & Dairy Herdbooks. Silver Springs Hotel, Cork. 31st July 2002. C2 (RMIS 5066).

Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F. (1999). Optimum cow type for Irish milk production. In - A new Agenda for Dairying - Moorepark 99 Open Day Book and Mini Conference. Open days/handouts/Teagasc literature 8-15 2959. C1 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F. (2001). Dual purpose cows. In: Moorepark News issue 6, December 2001. www.teagasc.ie. C1

Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F. (2002). Achieving compact calving this spring - management and breeding issues. Irish Farmers Journal Vol.. 54 (2), no.10, p.2 6880 C1

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Berry, D.P. and Horan, B. (2003). Have confidence in the EBI. Todays Farm Vol. 13, No. 6 8227 C1

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Mee, J.F. and Condon, T. (2003). Pre-breeding scanning-latest Teagasc Moorepark results. Irish Farmers Journal ,Supple.3, W/E 8, March.P.9 8923 C1

Buckley, F., Mee, J.F., Condon, T. and Dillon, P.G. (2003). Moorepark study-shock fertility treatment results. Irish Farmers Journal ,W/E 10 May, pages 24-25 8925 C1

Buckley, F., Mee, J.F., Condon, T. and Dillon, P.G. (2003). A question of fertility. Irish Farmers Journal ,W/E, 17 May, page 27 8926 C1

Buckley, F., P. Dillon, R.D. Evans and J.F. Mee. (2004). Evaluation of Red dairy cow breeds at Teagasc Moorepark Ireland. C1 (RMIS 4350/4980/5246)

Buckley, F. and Dillon, P.G. (1997). High merit cows still perform well at Moorepark. Irish Farmers Journal April, 1997 1193 C1 (RMIS 4176)

Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F. (1999). Optimum cow type for Irish milk production. In - A new Agenda for Dairying - Moorepark 99 Open Day Book and Mini Conference. Open days/handouts/Teagasc literature 8-15 2959. C1 (RMIS 4176)

Buckley, F. Dillon, P.G., Evans, Ross and Ryan, G. (2000). Moorepark Farm Fertility Study - Initial Results. Open days/handouts/Teagasc literature Solohead Open Day Booklet: 6 July 2 4416 C1 (RMIS 4658)

Dillon, P.G. and Buckley, F. (2002). Achieving compact calving this spring - management and breeding issues. Irish Farmers Journal Vol.. 54 (2), no.10, p.2 6880 C1

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Berry, D.P. and Horan, B. (2003). Have confidence in the EBI. Todays Farm Vol. 13, No. 6 8227 C1

Buckley, F., Dillon, P.G., Mee, J.F. and Condon, T. (2003). Pre-breeding scanning-latest Teagasc Moorepark results. Irish Farmers Journal ,Supple.3, W/E 8, March.P.9 8923 C1

Buckley, F., Mee, J.F., Condon, T. and Dillon, P.G. (2003). Moorepark study-shock fertility treatment results. Irish Farmers Journal ,W/E 10 May, pages 24-25 8925 C1

Buckley, F., Mee, J.F., Condon, T. and Dillon, P.G. (2003). A question of fertility. Irish Farmers Journal ,W/E, 17 May, page 27 8926 C1

Allison R. (2003). Using strain as a breed comparison. Farmers Weekly, November 7-13, 2003 (following an interview with F. Buckley).

Buckley, F. (2003). Interested in Crossbreeding? In: Moorepark News issue 11, December 2003. www.teagasc.ie. C1

Buckley, F. (2004). Two clear strategies are available to breed the cow of the future. Irish Independent, Winter AI supplement, November 2, 2004.C1 (RMIS 4980/4985/5246)

Buckley, F. (2004). Norwegian Red heifers on trial. Irish Independent, June 22, 2004.C1 (RMIS 4980/4985/5246)

Buckley, F., P. Dillon, R.D. Evans and J.F. Mee. (2004). Evaluation of Red dairy cow breeds at Teagasc Moorepark Ireland. Red Cow Journal. C1 (RMIS 4350/4980/5246)

Buckley, F. (2004). Major crossbreeding study. In: Moorepark News issue 13, July 2004. www.teagasc.ie. C1

Buckley, F. (2005). Bessere Fruchtbarkeit durch Einkreuzung. (invited article on crossbreeding in German farming press. C1 (RMIS 4350/4980/5246)

Pihlstrom O. (2005). Stavanger Aftenbald (Norwegian Newspaper), February, 2005 (following an interview with F. Buckley regarding crossbreeding research at Moorepark).

Buckley, F. (2005). Evaluation of Alternative dairy cow breeds. Northeast Organic Producers Alliance News (USA), November 2005, Volume 5, Issue 4. (invited article on crossbreeding in USA organic milk producers press.C1 (RMIS 4350/4980/5246)

Buckley, F. (2006). Exciting prospects for mixing breeds. Irish Independent, Spring AI supplement, March 7 2006.C1 (RMIS 5246/5502)

Buckley, F. (2006). Jerseys are added to the Moorepark crossbreeding trial. In Moorepark News issue 18, April 2006. www.teagasc.ie. C1

Kennedy, J (2007). Update on Norwegian Red on-farm study. Irish Farmers Journal (following an interview with F. Buckley at Moorepark), W/E, 12 May, page 31 C1

Kennedy, J (2007). Jerseys performing well at Ballydague. Irish Farmers Journal (following an interview with F. Buckley at Moorepark), W/E, 26 May, page 29 C1

Kennedy, J (2007). Jersey crossbreds delivering in Moorepark. Irish Farmers Journal (following an interview with F. Buckley at Moorepark), W/E, 15 September, page 30 C1

Kennedy, J (2008). ‘Buckley adds fuel to crossbreeding fire’ (following presentation by F. Buckley at Irish Grassland Association dairy conference in January 2008), Irish Farmers Journal, W/E, 26 January, page 33 C1

Buckley, F.and S. Butler (2008). Replacement heifer management to maximise performance. In: Irish Farmers Journal, W/E, 9 February, page 32 C1

Margaret Kelleher – A comparison of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Jersey×Holstein-Friesian dairy cows under varying stocking rates, with particular interest in grazing strategy and derivation of optimal breeding strategies