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Shona Baker

Post-Doctoral Researcher – Multi4More

Research Interests

My research interests revolve around enhancing the sustainability and productivity of grass-based ruminant livestock production systems. I am particularly intrigued by the potential of multispecies swards, incorporating legume and herb species, to reduce nitrogen fertiliser dependency while maintaining sward productivity and animal performance.

By investigating the interactions between different plant functional groups, my research aims to optimise the composition and management of these swards, improving resource utilisation, minimising environmental impacts, and fostering biodiversity within grassland ecosystems.

Current Projects



2016 – BA(Mod), Plant Science, TCD

2018 – MSc, Wildlife Conservation and Management, UCD

2023 – PhD, The productivity and nutritive value of multispecies swards compared to perennial ryegrass only and perennial ryegrass-white clover swards, UCD

  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Kelly, A., Boland, T., Evans, A.C.O., Murphy, P.N.C., Sheridan, H. 2023. Multispecies swards outperform perennial ryegrass under intensive beef grazing. Agriculture Ecosystems and the Environment, 345, 108335. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108335
  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Kelly, A., Boland, T., Evans, A.C.O., Murphy, P.N.C., Sheridan, H. 2023. A comparison of the nutritive value of perennial ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and white clover and multispecies based farmlet systems. Grassland Research,1-11. http://doi.org/10.1002/glr2.12052
  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Brennan, E., Boland, T., Evans, A.C.O., Kelly, A., Sheridan, H. 2023. Dry matter production and botanical composition of multispecies and perennial ryegrass swards under varying defoliation management. Grass and Forage Science, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1111/gfs.12615
  • Baker, S., Sheridan, H. and Tracy, S. R. 2019.A phenotypic assessment of plant and soil interactions in diverse Multispecies forage plant systems. IPSAM 2019 Conference, June 2019. [oral presentation]
  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B and Sheridan, H. 2019.The impact of sward composition and management on productivity and quality of herbage. Oral presentation – ESRM postgraduate research day 2019, December 2019. [oral presentation]
  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Brennan, E., Lott, S., Boland, T. M., Kelly, A., Sheridan, H. 2020. A comparison of dry matter yield and botanical composition of three sward types managed under a beef production system. Institute of Food and Health Research Day, September 2020. [poster presentation]
  • Godwin, F., Boland, T. M., Baker, S., Lott, S, Sheridan, H., Lynch, M. B., Murphy, P., Kelly, A. 2020. The impact of sward type on animal performance and herbage production in a dairy calf-to-beef system. Poster submission - Institute of Food and Health Research Day 2020, September 2020.
  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Brennan, E., Lott, S., Boland, T. M., Kelly, A., Sheridan, H., 2021.The impact of sward composition and management on the productivity of herbage. 31st Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium, Healthy Planet, Healthy Communities, held online with co-hosts Environmental Research Institute in UCC, June 2021. [oral presentation]

  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Kelly, A., Boland, T., Evans, A.C.O., Murphy, P.N.C., Sheridan, H., 2022. Multispecies exceed the productivity of higher-fertilised pure stands of perennial ryegrass under beef rotational grazing. Proceedings of the 27th European Grassland Federation Conference, Grassland at the heart of circular and sustainable food systems, 340-342, Caen, France, June 2022. [oral presentation]

  • Boland, T. M., Sheridan, H., Lynch, M. B., Murphy, P., Baker, S., Godwin, F., Kelly, A. 2022. The impact of sward type on animal performance and the carbon footprint of beef production. 8th International Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference, June 2022.

  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Kelly, A., Boland, T., Evans, A.C.O., Murphy, P.N.C., Sheridan, H., 2022. Forage quality and structural characteristics of three sward types managed under a beef rotational grazing system. 13th International Congress of Ecology, Frontiers in Ecology: Science & Society, Geneva, Switzerland, August 2022. [poster presentation]

  • Baker, S., Lynch, M. B., Godwin, F., Kelly, A., Boland, T., Evans, A.C.O., Murphy, P.N.C., Sheridan, H., 2022. Management of multispecies with reduced N compared to high N grass monocultures. IFS International Fertiliser Society 75th Anniversary Conference, Cambridge, UK, December 2022. [poster presentation]