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Patrick Conaghan

Research Officer

Research Interests

  • Breeding improved cultivars of perennial ryegrass, white clover and red clover for forage.
  • Developing and testing novel plant breeding methodology.
  • Developing and applying genetic and genomic technologies to improve forage traits.

Current Projects

Designing forage grass and clover with enhanced value for animal production, sustainability and profitability

  • Conaghan, P., O'Kiely, P., Halling, M.A., O'Mara, F.P. and Nesheim, L. 2012.  Yield and quality response of perennial ryegrass selected for high concentration of water-soluble carbohydrate to N application rate.  Crop Science 52:2839-2851.
  • Conaghan, P., O’Kiely, P. and O’Mara, F.P. 2012. Possibilities of increasing the residual water-soluble carbohydrate concentration and aerobic stability of low dry-matter perennial ryegrass silage through additive and cultivar use. Grass and Forage Science 67:177-198.
  • Conaghan, P. and Casler, M.D. 2011. A theoretical and practical analysis of the optimum breeding system for perennial ryegrass. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 50:47-63.
  • Conaghan, P. and Casler, M.D. 2010. Opportunities using new technologies: Marker-assisted selection. In: Grasses for the Future. Perennial Ryegrasses: Current and Future Genetic Potential (ed. M. O’Donovan and D. Hennessy), Teagasc, Cork, Ireland, pages 69–97.
  • Conaghan, P., O’Kiely, P. and O’Mara, F.P. 2010. Conservation characteristics of wilted perennial ryegrass silage made using biological or chemical additives. Journal of Dairy Science 93:628-643.
  • Gilliland, T.J., McGilloway, D.A. and Conaghan, P. 2009. Influence of testing procedure on evaluation of white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 48: 227-242.
  • Conaghan, P., O’Kiely, P., Howard, H., O’Mara, F.P. and Halling, M.A. 2008. Evaluation of Lolium perenne L. cv. AberDart and AberDove for silage production. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 47:119-134.
  • Conaghan, P., Casler, M.D., McGilloway, D.A., O’Kiely, P. and Dowley, L.J. 2008. Genotype × environment interactions for forage yield of perennial ryegrass sward plots in Ireland. Grass and Forage Science 63:107-120.
  • Conaghan, P., Casler, M.D., O’Kiely, P. and Dowley, L.J. 2008. Efficiency of indirect selection for dry matter yield based on fresh matter yield in perennial ryegrass sward plots. Crop Science 48:127-133.
  • Lovett, D.K., Bortolozzo, A., Conaghan, P., O’Kiely, P. and O’Mara, F.P. 2004. In vitro total and methane gas production as influenced by rate of nitrogen application, season of harvest and perennial ryegrass cultivar. Grass and Forage Science 59:227-232.

Raghuveer Sripathi (University of Wisconsin-Madison)