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Stuart Green

Research Officer

Research Interests

Since 1998 Stuart has been the Remote Sensing (RS) Specialist in the Spatial Analysis Unit in Teagasc, interested in using terrestrial earth observation technologies to understand issues important to rural Ireland and Irish agriculture.

Current Projects

  • CforRep- Multi million euro project (Stimulus) with UCD, UL and UCC for improving Carbon Reporting-Teagasc is  PI for the RS element http://www.ucd.ie/cforrep/
  • Drainmap- Using UAV on the farm, with NUIM-Internally funded
  • IdealHNV, Stimulus Funded project with IT Sligo examining new ways to map HNV farms http://idealhnv.wordpress.com/
  • TALAM- EPA funded project looking at new geo-statistical methods to report change in upland habitats
  • Sat4Grass: Using field spectroscopy measurements and satellite to measure grassland yield and paddock management. – Internally funded

Professional Membership

Founder of the Irish earth Observation Researcher Symposium.
• Maintains the http://earthobservation.wordpress.com/ blog

Byrne, A. W., Quinn, J. L., O'Keeffe, J. J., Green, S., Paddy Sleeman, D., Wayne Martin, S., Davenport, J. (2014), Large-scale movements in European badgers: has the tail of the movement kernel been underestimated?. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12197

Byrne, A.W., Acevedo, P., Green, S. and O’Keeffe, J., (2014). Estimating badger social-group abundance in the Republic of Ireland using cross-validated species distribution modelling. Ecological Indicators, 43(0): 94-102.

Green, S. and Donoghue, C., (2013). Assessing the Geographic Representativity of Farm Accountancy Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2(1): 50-66.

J. Whelan, J. Fry, and S. Green, Focus on the changing concept of landscape during the evolution of the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in the Republic of Ireland. Tearmann, 2012. 8: p. 25-44.

Kramers, G., Holden, N.M., Brennan, F.P., Green, S. and Richards, K. (2012). Water content and soil type effects on accelerated leaching after slurry application. Vadose Zone Journal doi:10.2136/vzj2  25994


Michael Corcoran UCD (UCD supervisor Prof Tadgh O’Keefe): Development of Medieval farm systems in Moated Sites.

IftiKhar Ali UCC (UCC supervisor Dr Fiona Cawkwell): Pasture Biomass estimates from Time Series Satellite Data


2013: Andre Byrne (UCC supervisor Prof John Davenport): Spatial Population Model of Meles Meles in Ireland

2011: Jackie Whelan (UCD supervisor Dr John Fry): Statistical approaches to Landscape Character Assessment