James Humphreys
Research Officer - Solohead Research FarmResearch Interests
Dr James Humphreys is a Principal Research Officer and expert in sustainable pasture-based dairy production. He has 25 years’ experience of systems-scale experiments at Solohead Research Farm and farm-scale studies on commercial dairy farms.
His current focus is on developing economically competitive systems of dairy production to achieve national emissions reduction targets.
Current Projects
Developing a blueprint for low or zero nitrogen fertilizer use for low-emissions pasture-based dairy farming, 2021-2026. Teagasc Core Funding 1361.
Strategies for Circular Agriculture to reduce GHG emissions within and between farming systems across an agro-ecological gradient (CircAgric-GHG), 2022-2025. ERA-NET Co-fund, https://www.circagric.org/.
Lowering the Carbon and Ammonia footprints of pasture based dairy production (LoCAM-dairy), 2020-2024. Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, 2019R521.
Farm Sustainability Tools for Efficient Nutrient management (FaSTEN), 2020-2024. Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, 2019R501.
Ph.D. in Crop Science, University College Dublin 1995
M.Agr.Sc. in Crop Science, University College Dublin 1993
B.Agr.Sc. in General Agriculture, University College Dublin 1990