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Jie Huang

Walsh Scholar

Research Interests

I am interested in exploring better management and improvement of reforestation and afforestation programmes under threat of climate change by investigating plantconservation and ecology, particularly in relation to plant-related invasive pathogens or plants using multi-disciplinary tools including genetics, genomics, pathology and phenotyping.

Current Projects

BroadGen – Genetic diversity and resilience of commercially important broadleaved tree species in Ireland.

I am currently working on the BroadGen project which aims to provide baseline knowledge to support reforestation programmes with higher tolerance to pathogens by:

  1. Assessing genetic diversity and population structure of alder, downy birch, silver birch, ash and sycamore from seed orchards in Ireland,
  2. Exploring the susceptibility of ash and alder to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Phytophthora sp, respectively, by inoculation experiments, and
  3. Phenotyping the disease severity in Ash gene-banks under field conditions.


  • B.Sc - Landscape, Guangxi University, China
  • M.Sc – Forest Ecology, Guangxi University, China

Professional Membership

Australian Systematic Botany Society (August 2021 – August 2023)

  • Huang, J.; Wee, A. K. S. 2021. The first complete chloroplast genome of medical plant Terminalia neotaliala. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5:3, 2442-2443. DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2020.1776647

Oral presentation

  • Huang, J.; Cvetković, T.; Hinsinger, D.D.; Strijk, J.S.; Wee, A.K.S. 2021. The ecological genomics and distribution of potentially invasive mangrove species Laguncularia racemosa in China. Australian Systematic Botany Society Annual Conference 2021 (Virtual). July 12-16, 2021.

Poster presentation

  • Huang, J. & Wee, A.K.S. 2019. Spread and colonization of introduced mangrove species Laguncularia racemosa in China. Hong Kong University International Undergraduate Science Research Conference 2019. July 3-5, 2019, Hong Kong.
  • Huang, J. & Wee, A.K.S. 2019. Spread and colonization of introduced mangrove species Laguncularia racemosa in China. International Congress of Conservation Biology. July 21-25, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.