Kevin Hanrahan
Head of Rural Economy and Development ProgrammeResearch Interests
Economic analysis of agricultural input and output markets; economic analysis of agricultural factor markets in particular agricultural land; partial equilibrium modelling of Irish and European agriculture; economics of agriculture and climate change; microeconomic analysis of impact of agricultural policy reform; analysis of the impact of trade policy reform on Irish and EU agriculture; economics of Irish beef production.
Current Projects
CAP reform post 2013
Agriculture 2025 (FAPRI-Ireland Aggregate Sector Modelling)
Environment 2025 (FAPRI-Ireland Environmental Modelling) – supported by the EPA
Situation and Outlook for Irish agriculture
Agricultural Land Markets (Stimulus with UCD)
Agriculture and Risk. (Stimulus with UCC and CIT)
Irish TIMES (EPA STRIVE with UCC and the ESRI)
BA (Mod.) (Economics) and M.Litt. (Economics), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
Professional Membership
O'Brien, D., Shalloo, L., Crosson, P., Donnellan, T., Farrelly, N., Finnan, J., Hanrahan, K., Lalor, S., Lanigan, Gary, Thorne, F. and Schulte, R. (2013). An evaluation of the effect of greenhouse gas accounting methods on a marginal abatement cost curve for Irish agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental Science & Policy, In press
Loughrey, J., Donnellan, T., Hanrahan, K. and Hennessy, T. (2013). Agricultural Labour Markets in the EU and Candidate Countries. In Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Johan Swinnen and Louise Knops, October 2013.
Loughrey, J., Hennessy, T., Hanrahan, K. and Donnellan, T. (2013). Determinants of Farm Labour Use: A Comparison between Ireland and Italy. In Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Johan Swinnen and Louise Knops, October 2013.
Loughrey, J., Hennessy, T., Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T., Raimondi, Valentina, Curzi, Daniele and Olper, Alessandro (2013). The impact of decoupled payments on off-farm labour supply: Evidence from Ireland and Italy. In In Land, Labour and Capital Markets in European Agriculture: Diversity under a Common Policy, Edited by Johan Swinnen and Louise Knops, October 2013.
O'Neill, Stephen and Hanrahan, Kevin. 2012."Decoupling of agricultural support payments: the impact on land market participation decisions," European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 39(4), pages 639-659.
Chantreuil, Frédéric, Hanrahan, Kevin F., Leeuwen, Myrna (Eds.) (2012) The Future of EU Agricultural Markets by AGMEMOD. Springer, 2012, XVI, 128
Erjavec, Emil, Chantreuil Frederic, Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T., Salputra Guna, Kozar Maja and van Leeuwen Myrna (2011). Policy assessment of an EU wide flat area CAP payments system. Economic Modelling, 28(4), 1550–1558.
Guna Salputra, Frederic Chantreuil, Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T., Myrna van Leeuwen and Emil Erajavec (2011). Policy harmonized approach for the EU agricultural sector modelling. Agricultural Research, Vol 20(2011) 119- 130
Howley, P., Donnellan, T. and Hanrahan, K. (2011). CAP reform: Environmental implications for Ireland. Irish Journal of Agri-Environmental Research pp 1-14 Vol. 8
Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T. and Chantreuil, F. (2010). Agricultural Policy Change in the EU: Analyzing the Impact at Member State and Aggregate EU Levels. Journal of International Journal of Agricultural Trade and Development Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 83-100
Hanrahan, K., Donnellan, T., Salamon, P. and Chantreuil, F. (2008). How to deal with the challenges of linking a large number of individual national models: the case of the AGMEMOD Partnership. German Journal of Agricultural Economics. 57:8 17
Tsakiridis, Andreas (with J Breen UCD)
Tzemi, Domna (with J Breen UCD)