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Dominika Krol

Research Officer

Research Interests

I am a research officer in the area of agricultural gaseous emissions. I also hold an adjunct lecturer position in the College of Science and Egineering at NUI Galway. My research interest include impact of nitrogen management on nitrogen fluxes in grazed grassland systems, especially quantification and mitigation of nitrous oxide and ammonia in agricultural systems. I am interested in sustainable manure management and contributing to refinement of national emission inventories.

I am a member of Manure Management Network and a co-editor of the 2020 ammonia MACC ‘An Analysis of the Cost of the Abatement of Ammonia Emissions in Irish Agriculture to 2030’.

My research team currently consists of 2 post-doctoral researchers and a technician, 4 PhD students and one MSc student, I am also co-supervising 5 PhD students. I regularly give lectures in agricultural gaseous emissions to third level students in NUIG, UCD and WIT and get involved in public outreach and stakeholder engagement activities.

Research Team

Post-doctoral Research Fellows:

  • Maxwell Owusu-Twum (Triple A)
  • Lorraine Balaine (MilKey, based in Athenry)


  • George Gleasure (Triple A)

PHD Students:

  • Aude Mancia 
  • Ali Sultan Khan 
  • Emily Davis 
  • Shaun Connolly 
  • Úna Sinnott 
  • Nilanthi Dualagala 

Current Projects

  • Abating Ammonia in Agriculture (Triple A)
  • Develop management practices for Irish farm based biogas plants to optimize production, environmental and economic benefits, which includes two Walsh scholarships:
    o environmental and economic sustainability of biogas / biomethane production in Ireland through anaerobic digestion of slurry and various grass feedstocks
    o System optimization for the anaerobic co-digestion of slurry with monoculture and mixed species grass feedstocks
  • Decision support System for sustainable and GHG optimized milk production in key European areas (MilKey) @EragasMilKey
  • Green Energy Boosting Technology: A novel treatment for farm slurries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to generate Energy (GEBTechTM)@GebtechT
  • Dis-aggregated ovine emission factors associated with dung and urine deposition in upland and lowland production systems



  • 2021   Managing People - Management Development Programme QQI 6
  • 2014   Crop Nutrition Management Fetac level 6
  • 2013   PhD Environmental Science Trinity College Dublin
  • 2008   MSc Environmental Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
  • 2006   BSc Environmental Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Dr Krol has published over 20 peer reviewed scientific papers since 2015. Her publication list can be found on Orcid, Google Scholar and Publons accounts:

Dominika's ORCID account

Dominika's Google Scholar account

Dominika's Publons account

N. Cowan, J. Maire, D. Krol, J.M. Cloy, P. Hargreaves, R. Murphy, A. Carswell, S.K. Jones, N. Hinton, M. Anderson, D. Famulari, M.J. Bell, P. Stack, P. Levy, U. Skiba, J. Drewer (2020). Agricultural soils: A sink or source of methane across the British Isles? European Journal of Soil Science, 2020, 1-21. DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13075

D.J. Krol, P.J. Forrestal, D. Wall, G.J. Lanigan, J. Sanz-Gomez, K.G. Richards (2020). Nitrogen fertilisers with urease inhibitors reduce nitrous oxide and ammonia losses, while retaining yield in temperate grassland. Science of the Total Environment 725, 138329

R.M. O'Neill, N.T. Girkin, D.J. Krol, D.P. Wall, F.P. Brennan, G.J. Lanigan, F. Renou-Wilson, C. Müller, K.G. Richards (2020). The effect of carbon availability on N2O emissions is moderated by soil phosphorus. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 142, 107726

J. Maire, D. Krol, D. Pasquier, N. Cowan, U. Skiba, R.M. Rees, D. Reay, G.J. Lanigan, K.G. Richards (2020). Nitrogen fertiliser interactions with urine deposit affect nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 290, 106784

E. Clagnan, S. Rolfe, S.F. Thornton, D. Krol, G. Lanigan, K. Richards, P. Tuohy, O. Fenton (2020). Nitrogen transformation processes and gaseous emissions from a humic gley soil at different water filled pore space. Soil & Tillage Research 198, 104543

N.J. Hoekstra, R.P.O. Schulte, P.J. Forrestal, D. Hennessy, D. Krol, G.J. Lanigan, C. Müller, L. Shalloo, D.P. Wall, K.G. Richards (2020). Scenarios to limit environmental nitrogen losses from dairy expansion. Science of the Total Environment 707, 134606