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Sinead McCarthy

Research Officer

Research Interests

For many years Sinéad has been involved in many areas of nutrition and consumer research, with a focus on food and health
Since joining Teagasc in 2007, my interests lies mainly in consumer behaviour research in relation to food and health. Current projects includes consumer food choice and health behaviour, consumer acceptance of novel food technologies, functional foods, drivers of cheese consumption and sensory science
Prior to this my earlier research interests included nutritional physiology, public health nutrition and dietary intervention design and management.

Current Projects

  • Data mining of existing consumer behaviour and attitudes databases to inform consumer led NPD (ReVisData)
  • Sensory Food Network Ireland (SFNI)
  • Enhancement of texture, flavour and nutritional value of meat products for older people (Meat4Vitality)
  • National Cheese Research Programme (CheeseBoard)
  • Marine Functional Food (NutraMara)


PhD. Public Health Nutrition (UCC/TCD 2003)
Thesis: Predictors and prevalence of obesity in Irish adults
M.Sc. Food Science and Technology (UCC 1996)
The effects dietary vitamin E and lipid stability in turkey tissues.

Professional Membership

Food Safety Authority of Ireland Public Health Nutrition sub-committee member
Nutrition and Health Foundation Scientific committee member.
Safefood Consumer Behaviour Knowledge network member and steering committee member

S. McCarthy. Weekly patterns, diet quality and energy balance. Physiology & Behaviour 2014.

J. Cronin, M. McCarthy, M. Newcombe & SN. McCarthy. Paradox, performance and food: managing difference in the construction of femininity, Consumption Markets & Culture, 2014.

J. Cronin, M. McCarthy, M. Brennan, S. McCarthy. The bigger society: considering lived consumption experiences in managing social change around obesity. European Journal of Marketing, 2014.

Gráinne M. Greehy, Mary B. McCarthy, Maeve M. Henchion, Emma J. Dillon, Sinéad N. McCarthy. Complexity and conundrums. Citizens’ evaluations of potentially contentious novel food technologies using a deliberative discourse approach, Appetite, Volume 70, 2013, Pages 37-46,

G. Kavanagh, M. Henchion, M. McCarthy, S McCarthy, G William. Technological Innovation – A Route Towards Sustainability in the Irish Food Industry. Int. J. Food System Dynamics 2012 (3), 35‐49

M. Newcombe, M. McCarthy, JM. Cronin, SN. McCarthy, “Eat like a man”: A Social Constructionist Analysis of the Role of Food in Men’s Lives. Appetite, 2012.

Joyce T, Wallace AJ, McCarthy SN, Gibney MJ. Intakes of total fat, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in Irish children, teenagers and adults. Public Health Nutrition, 2009

Shaw DI, Tierney AC, McCarthy S, Upritchard J, Vermunt S, Gulseth HL, Drevon CA, Blaak EE, Saris WH, Karlström B, Helal O, Defoort C, Gallego R, López-Miranda J, Siedlecka D, Malczewska-Malec M, Roche HM, Lovegrove JA. LIPGENE food-exchange model for alteration of dietary fat quantity and quality in free-living participants from eight European countries. British Journal of Nutrition ,2009


Mr Éanna Heffernan