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Avion Phillips


Research Interests

The soil is one of the most complex and compelling resources of the natural world. My work focuses on taking the scientific knowledge we have, about how the soil functions and performs the many ecosystem services we rely on, and translating it into information that can be used to inform policies.  I am so passionate about this work because it is at the core of making scientific knowledge accessible and useful not only to policy makers but all stakeholders.

Current Projects

 I am currently working with David Wall on the European Joint Programme for Soil. Teagasc is responsible for leading the Science to Policy work package of the EJP SOIL Programme.



  • 2020   MSc. Double Degree in Environmental Science with specializations in                  Environmental Management and Soil Resources and Land Use                            University of Hohenheim, University of Natural Resources and                              Life Sciences, Vienna 
  • 2016    BSc. Biology and Environmental Natural Resource Management                          University of the West Indies (First Class Honors)

Avion has published the below scientific papers:

Rechberger MV, Roberti D, Phillips A, Zehetner F, Keiblinger KM, Kandeler E, Gerzabek MH. Cadmium retention and microbial response in volcanic soils along gradients of soil age and climate on the Galápagos Islands. J Environ Qual. 2021 Sep;50(5):1233-1245. doi: 10.1002/jeq2.20275

Bellanger Yannick, Phillips Avion, Lelong Philippe, Jourdan Toni, Rutherford Mike G. Complement to the inventory of Phasmatodea of Trinidad (Phasmatodea, Prisopodidae, Prisopodinae). In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 122 (2),2017. pp. 239-243.DOI : https://doi.org/10.3406/bsef.2017.3204