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Alberto Ramos Luz

Research Officer - Fruit

Research Interests

  • Temperate Fruit Crops, especially apple and pear
  • Evaluation of cultivars and rootstocks
  • Training systems
  • Crop load management
  • Orchard management
  • Fruit quality
  • Plant growth regulators
  • Plant propagation


PhD in Plant Production, Santa Catarina State University

MSc in Plant Production, Santa Catarina State University

Technologist in Fruit Crops, University of Rio Grande do Sul State

Professional Membership

International Society for Horticultural Science

Scientific Journals

Rufato, L., Woitexen, J.W., Luz, A.R., Sander, G.F., Silva, P.S. da, Macedo,  T.A.   de,   Pereira,   M.F.G.,  Ferreira,   A.S.,   Kretzschmar, A.A. (2022). Horticultural performance of ‘Fuji Suprema’ and ‘Maxi Gala’ apple trees trained at Tall Spindle and Bi-Axis systems grafted on different rootstocks in Southern Brazil. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v.52:10, e20210419 https://doi.org/10.1590/0103-8478cr20210419

Rufato,   L.,   Luz,   A.R.,   Souza,   D.S.,   Muniz,   J.,   Machado,   B.   D., Ferreira, A.S. (2021). Pear production in Brazil: a review. Comunicata Scientiae Horticultural Journal, 12, e3865.

Luz, A.R., De Souza, D.S., Mário, A.E., Posser, A.J., Fagherazzi, A.F., Fagherazzi, M.M. (2021). The scientific history of pear research in Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, v. 1, p. 545-553. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1303.74  

Fagherazzi, M.M., Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A., Fagherazzi, A.F., Bem, B.P., Santos, M. F. S., Posser, A.J., Nerbass, F. S., Luz, A.R. (2021). Different rates of hydrogen cyanamide in bud break of 'Rocha' pear tree. Acta Horticulturae, n. 1303, p. 313-316. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1303.44

Luz, A.R., Frata, C.A., Bavaresco, C.M., Wurz, D.A., Allebrandt, R. (2019). Bunch architecture and occurrence of botrytis bunch rot on the ‘Chardonnay’ grapevine under gibberellic acid application. Revista Científica Rural, v. 21, p. 315-328. https://doi.org/10.30945/rcr-v21i2.2774

Uberti, A., Giacobbo, C.L., Lovatto, M., Lugaresi, A., Prado, J., Girardi, G.C., Luz, A.R. (2019). Performance of ‘Eragil’ peach trees grown on different training systems. Journal of Food and Agriculture, v. 31, p. 16-21. https://doi.org/10.9755/ejfa.2019.v31.i1.1895

Souza, D.S.; Luz, A.R.; Hipólito, J.S.; Mudrei, P.I.; Kretzschmar, A.A.; Rufato, L. (2018). Use of quince ‘Adams’ rootstock in European pear crop in southern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, n. 1228, p.285-292. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1228.43

Luz, A.R., Souza, D.S., Petineli, R., Hipolito, J.S., Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A. (2018). Vegetative growth control in European pear trees through physical and chemical methods. Journal of Agroveterinary Sciences, v.17, n.2, p.226-234. https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711722018226

Luz, A.R., Meyer, G. de A., Souza, D.S., Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A. (2017). Pollination and fruit set of the ‘Rocha’ pear tree in Vacaria RS. Journal of Agroveterinary Sciences, v.16, n.4, p.357-366, 2017. https://doi.org/10.5965/223811711642017357

Luz, A.R., Marchet, J., Petineli, R. (2017). Post-harvest flesh firmness maintenance of 'Red Chiripa' and 'Eragil' peaches by the pre-harvest sprays of gibberellic acid. Journal of Agronomic Sciences, v.6, n.2, p.175-185.

Almeida, G.K. de, Luz, A.R., Iuchi, T. (2015). Early bearing of six pear cultivars grafted on Pyrus calleryana in Southern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, p. 153-158 https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1094.18

Rufato, L., Machado, B.D., Luz, A.R., Marcon Filho, J.L., Hipolito, J.S., Kretzschmar, A.A. (2015). Effect of trunk girdling on growth and crop yield of 'Packham's Triumph' pear. Acta Horticulturae, v. 1, p. 265-268. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1094.33

Muniz, J., Kretzschmar, A.A., Rufato, L., Luz, A.R., Hipólito, J.S., Silveira, F.N. and Sander, G. (2015). The use of PGR and fertilizer on the 'Rocha' pear to increase the productivity. Acta Horticulturae, p. 367-372. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1094.46

Luz, A.R., Souza, D.S., Petineli, R., Meyer, G. de A., Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A. (2014). Plant growth regulators increase yield of Pyrus communis L. 'Williams' pear in Southern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, p. 325-330. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1042.39

Meyer, G. de A., Bueno, M.E.B., Luz, A.R., Kretzschmar, A.A., Rufato, L., Rufato, A.R. (2014). Decreasing shoot length in 'Fuji Suprema' apple trees with trinexapac-ethyl in Southern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, p. 319-324. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1042.38

Petineli, R., Luz, A. R., Macedo, T.A., Fagherazzi, A.F., Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A. (2014). Production of European pears grafted on quince Adams in the Serra Catarinense weather conditions. Journal of Agronomic Sciences, v. 3, p. 62-69.

Rufato, L., Machado, B.D., Kretzschmar, A.A., Bogo, A., Luz, A.R., Marcon Filho, J.L. (2014). Effect of high plant density on growth and production variables of European pear cultivars and quince rootstock combinations in Southern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, p. 71-76. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1058.6

Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A., Luz, A.R., Machado, B.D., Grimaldi, F., Muniz, J. (2012). Prospects for the pear tree cultivation in the altitude regions. Agropecuária Catarinense, v. 25, p. 35-41.

Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A., Bogo, A., Machado, B.D., Marcon Filho, J.L., Luz, A.R., Marchi, T. (2011). Vegetative aspects of European pear scions cultivars in combination with quince rootstocks in Urupema Santa 

Catarina State, Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, p. 207-213. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2011.909.22

Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A., Brighenti, A.F., Machado, B.D., Luz, A.R., Marcon Filho, J.L. (2011). Plant growth regulators increase productivity of 'Packham's Triumph' pear in Southern Brazil. Acta Horticulturae, p. 429-434. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2011.909.49

Book Edition

Luz, A.R. (2019). Pears: Cultivars, Production and Harvesting. 1. ed. Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, v. 1. 242 p.

Book Chapter

Luz, A.R., Grimaldi, F., Macedo, T.A., Sander, G.F., Fagherazzi, A.F., Fagherazzi, M.M., Santos, P.S., Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A. (2019). Management techniques to increase productivity of European pear trees grown in subtropical climate. In: Luz, A.R. Pears: Cultivars, Production and Harvesting. 1 ed. Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, v. 1, p. 171-204.

Almeida, G.K. de, Marodin, G.A.B., Luz, A.R. (2019). Precocity production of pear trees grafted on high-vigor rootstocks. In: Luz, A.R. Pears: Cultivars, Production and Harvesting. 1 ed. Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, v. 1, p. 111-140.

Marchi, T., Luz, A.R., Botelho, R.V. (2019). Methods for estimating chilling requirements in fruit crops. In: Botelho, R. V. Plant Dormancy: Mechanisms, Causes and Effects. 1 ed. Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, v. 1, p. 13-29.

Luz, A.R., Rufato, A.R., Marcon Filho, J. L., Muniz, J.N. (2012). Flowering and Pollination. In: Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A., Bogo, A. The pear tree culture. 1 ed. Florianópolis: DIOESC, v. 1, p. 38-53.

Luz, A.R., Rufato, L., Hipolito, J.S. (2012). Propagation. In: Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A., Bogo, A. The pear tree culture. 1 ed. Florianópolis: DIOESC, v. 1, p. 85-103.

Brighenti, A.F., Luz, A.R., Rufato, L. (2012). Plant Growth Regulators. In: Rufato, L., Kretzschmar, A.A., Bogo, A. The pear tree culture. 1 ed. Florianópolis: DIOESC, v. 1, p. 54-69.