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Mary Ryan

Researcher - Environmental Economics / Rural Development Programme Coordinator

Research Interests

  • Socio-economics and environmental measurement of organic farming
  • Extension, adoption & cost effectiveness of farm-level environmental mitigation measures
  • Knowledge Transfer & Supports for Farm Diversification
  • Farm forest economics and ecosystem services

Current Projects

  • Coordinator, EPA/DAFM funded AFFOR Afforestation Model
  • WP lead, DAFM funded GROFarmS Growing Resilient Organic Farm Systems
  • WP lead, Horizon Europe OH-FINE Organic Farming Innovation Network Europe
  • Partner, EU Agroecology Partnership funded SAFER Strengthening Agricultural landscape multiFunctionality through expansion of agroecological farming in EuRope
  • Partner, ENACT Evaluating National And EU Comprehensive Targets in Organics

Completed external projects:

  • Coordinator, EPA/DAFM WaterMARKE - Mitigating Agricultural impacts through Research and Knowledge Exchange
  • Teagasc lead, H2020 LIFT - Low Input Farm and Territorial, & DAFM FarmECOs
  • Teagasc/forestry lead, EPA SeQUEsTER (Scenarios Quantifying land Use & EmissionS Transitions towards Equilibrium with Removals) & CoFoRD ForRec (Forest Recreation)
  • Partner, InterReg Risk AquaSoil
  • Partner, SEAI Bio-Circle (forest bio/circular economy) 
  • FLINT Farm Level Information for New policy Topics
  • Coordinator, Coford FOROWN Forest Owners
  • Socio-economic lead, EPA Cosaint Cattle Exclusion from Watercourses
  • Socio-economic lead, DAFM Harmony High Status Waterbodies – Managing and Optimising Nutrients
  • Teagasc lead, COFORD ECOVALUE  Valuing Forest Ecosystems
  • Coordinator, COFORD FIRMEC  Forestry in Ireland – Modelling its Economics


  • PhD University of Galway
  • M.Agr. Sc (Env) UCD
  • B. Agr.Sc (Forestry) UCD
  • H Dip (Financial Mgt) WIT
  • Grad Dip (Public Mgt) NUI

Professional Membership

  • European Association of Agricultural Economists
  • Society of Irish Foresters

View Mary's publications on: Orcid | Google Scholar

Murphy, M., Ryan, M., O’Donoghue, C., Kilcline, K., Cullen, P., Ní Dhubháin, A. 2024. A natural experiment: assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon forest recreation use and preferences in Ireland. Forest Policy & Economics 

Cullen, P., Ryan, M., O’Donoghue, C., Meehan, N. 2024. Characteristics of water quality mitigation measures that lead to greater adoption on farms. Journal of Environmental Management, 58, 120698. 

O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M., Sologon, D., McLoughlin, N., Daxini, A., Daly, K. 2024. A Generalised Behavioural Model for Greater Adoption of Pro-Environmental Farm Measures. Journal of Cleaner Production 141631. 

Haydarov, D., O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M, Zhang, C. 2024. Local natural capital influences on the spatial distribution of farm incomes. International Journal of Microsimulation 0(0), 1-23

O’Donoghue, C., Geoghegan, C., Ryan, M. 2024. Farmland Afforestation: Forest Optimal Rotation Ages across Discrete Optimisation Objectives. Land Use Policy 139.  

Latruffe, L., Niedermayer, A., Desjeux, Y., Dakpo, H., Ayouba, K., Schaller, L., Kantelhardt, J., Jin, Y., Kilcline, K., Ryan, M., O’Donoghue, C. 2023. Identifying and assessing intensive and extensive technologies in European dairy farming. European Review of Agricultural Economics. Volume 50, Issue 4, September 2023, Pages 1482–1519,  

Leduc, G., Billaudet, L., Engström, E. Hansson, H., Ryan, M. 2023. Farmers’ perceived values in conventional and organic farming: a comparison between French, Irish and Swedish farmers using the Means-end chain approach. Ecological Economics Vol. 207, May 2023, 107767. 

Barnes, A., Hansson, H., Billaudet, L., Leduc, G., Manevska, G., Ryan, M., Thompson, B., Toma, L., Duvaleix-Treguer, S. Tzouramani, E. 2022. European Farmer Perspectives and their Adoption of Ecological Practices. EuroChoices 21,3 Special Issue on Insights into Transitions to Agroecological Farming. 

Mulkerrins, M., Lynch, B., Gorman, M., Russell, T., Ryan, M., Gottstein M. 2022. Could the influence of monitor farm programmes on practice change be BETTER? Lessons from sheep farmers and advisors in Ireland. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education. 29:5, 653-678. 

Duffy, C., Prudhomme, R., Gibbons, J., lanetta, P.P.M., O’Donoghue C., Ryan, M., Styles, D. 2022. Randomised national land management strategies for net-zero emissions. Nature Sustainability. 

Tsakiridis, A., O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M., Ó hUallacháin, D., Sheridan, H., Stout, J. 2022. Examining the relationship between farmer participation in an agri-environment scheme and the quantity and quality of semi-natural habitats on Irish farms. Land Use Policy 120. 106284. 

Duffy, C., Prudhomme, R., Duffy, B., Gibbons, J., O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M., Styles, D. 2022. GOBLIN: A land-balance model to identify national agriculture and land-use pathways to climate neutrality via back-casting. Geoscientific Model Development 15, 1–26.  

Ryan, M., O’Donoghue, C., Hynes, S., Jin, Y. 2022. Understanding preferences for farm afforestation.  Land Use Policy 114. 

Farrelly, N., Nemesio-Gorriz, M., Short, I., Ní Dhubháin, A., Tobin, B., O’ Hanlon, R., Earl, R., McCullagh, A., O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M. 2022. An outline of achievements in selected areas of forest research in Ireland 1960–2021. Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food xx, 1-11. 

O’Donoghue, C., Meng, Y., Ryan, M., Kilgarriff, P., Zhang, C., Bragina, P., Daly, K. 2022. Trends and Influential Factors of High Ecological Status Mobility in Irish Rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 816.