Ian Short
Research Officer - ForestryResearch Interests
- Applied and alternative silviculture, predominantly of broadleaf forests
- Potential end-uses of broadleaf thinnings
- Agroforestry
- Continuous Cover Forestry
Current Projects
- Broadleaf Silviculture Project
- TranSSFor Project
- ContinuFOR Project
- Exploitation of small diameter alder
- Ash restructuring
- Small Woodlands on Farms
- MOOC For Change – Massive open Online Course for Forest Resilience (external website)
- RESONATE – Resilient Forests for Society (external website)
Past Projects
- Ph.D.: Queen’s University, Belfast. “Outputs, Ecological Interactions and Bioeconomic Modelling of a Novel Silvopastoral System in Lowland Ireland.”
- M.Sc. by Research: Waterford Institute of Technology. “Farm Forestry: Agroforestry For Development.”
- B.Sc. Agroforestry, University of Wales, Bangor
Additional details
Directions to his office: Ashtown Food Research Centre.
- Petrokofsky, G., et al. (2010). A participatory process for identifying and prioritizing policy-relevant research questions in natural resource management: a case study from the UK forestry sector. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 83(4): 357–367
- Short, I. and Jones, G. 2023. Transformation of Sitka spruce stands to continuous cover forestry (CCF): Synergies and trade-off. Forestry & Energy Review 13(1): 14-16.
- Tobin, B., Foreman, S., O’Reilly, C., Farrelly, N., Short, I., Byrne, K., Clancy, M., Xiao, L., O’Connor, M., Kent, T., de Miguel Muñoz, A., Coates, E. and Cronin, B. 2022. Short rotation forestry – The interface between agricultural production and conventional forestry. Forestry & Energy Review 12(2): 50-52.
- Irwin, R., Short, I., Mohammadrezaei, M. and Ní Dhubháin, Á. (2023). Increasing tree cover on Irish dairy and drystock farms: The main attitudes, influential bodies and barriers that affect agroforestry uptake. Environmental Science & Policy 146: 76-89.
- Irwin, R., Ní Dhubháin, Á. and Short, I. (2022). Irish dairy and drystock farmers’ attitudes and perceptions to planting trees and adopting agroforestry practices on their land. Environmental Challenges 9, 100636. DOI: 10.1016/j.envc.2022.100636.
- Irwin, R., Short, I. and Ní Dhubháin, Á. (2022) Increasing tree cover on Irish dairy and drystock farms: what are the main barriers and perceptions that impede agroforestry uptake? Forestry & Energy Review 12(1): 50-51.
- Farrelly, N., Nemesio-Gorriz, M. and Short, I. et al. 2022. An outline of achievements in selected areas of forest research in Ireland 1960–2021. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. DOI: 10.15212/ijafr-2020-0143.
- Irish Agroforestry Forum 2020. Why dairy farming and silvopastoral agroforestry could be the perfect match (PDF). Irish Farm Business - Dairying 7(2): 38-41.
- Marren, C. 2020. Small diameter alder research (PDF). Forestry & Energy Review 10(2): 14-16.
- Short, I., and Wilson, T. 2020. Research update: Continuous cover forestry research. Teagasc Advisory Newsletter: Forestry. June 2020. 4 pp
- Spazzi, J., O’Connell, J., Sykes, J., Short, I. and Garvey, S. 2020. The Hardwood Focus Group: Exploring utilisation potential of Irish broadleaf forests. Forestry & Energy Review 10(1): 24-29.
- Llana, D.F., Short, I. and Harte, A.M. 2020. Use of non-destructive test methods on Irish hardwood standing trees and small-diameter round timber for prediction of mechanical properties. Annals of Forest Science 77, 62.
- Wilson, E., Ní Dhubháin, Á. and Short, I. 2020. Transforming Sitka spruce plantations. TResearch 15(1): 32-33.
- Llana, D.F., Short, I. and Harte, A.M. 2019. Acoustic measurement differences on trees and logs from hardwoods in wet and dry condition. In: Wang, X., Sauter, U.H. and Ross, R.J. (eds). Proceedings: 21st International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. General Technical Report FPL-GTR-272. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory. pp. 561-568.
- Spazzi, J., Garvey, S. and Short, I. 2019. Developing new hardwood markets for Irish timber. Irish Forestry 76 (1&2): 60-72.
- Spazzi, J., O Tuama, P., Wilson, E. and Short, I. 2019. Comparison of three inventory protocols for use in privately-owned plantations under transformation to Continuous Cover Forestry. Irish Forestry 76 (1&2): 8-28.
- Pach, M. et al. 2018. Silviculture of mixed forests: A European overview of current practices and challenges. In: Bravo-Oviedo, A., Pretzsch, H. and del Río, M. (Eds.) Dynamics, Silviculture and Management of Mixed Forests. Managing Forest Ecosystems 31. Springer International Publishing, pp. 185-253.
- Short, I. and Hawe, J. 2018. Ash dieback in Ireland – A review of European management options and case studies in remedial silviculture. Irish Forestry 75 (1&2): 44-72.
- Short, I. and Hawe, J. (2018). Living with ash dieback - Silviculture systems for Irish ash. 8th Hardwoods Conference, Sopron, Hungary, 25–26 October, 2018.
- Llana, D.F., Short, I., O’Ceallaigh, C., Harte, A.M. (2018). Mechanical Properties Estimation by Non-destructive Testing of Irish Hardwood Round Timber from Thinnings for Construction Purposes. 8th Hardwoods Conference, Sopron, Hungary, 25–26 October, 2018.
- Wilson, E., Short, I., Ní Dhubháin, Á. and Purser, P. (2018). Continuous cover forestry: The rise of transformational silviculture. Forestry Journal 288: 38-40.
- Coll, L. et al. (2018). Knowledge gaps about mixed forests: What do European forest managers want to know and what answers can science provide? Forest Ecology and Management 407: 106-115.
- Sevillano, I., Short, I., Campion, J., Grant, O.M., Grant, J. and O’Reilly, C. (2018). Comparison of photosynthetic performance of Fagus sylvatica seedlings under natural and artificial shading. Environmental and Experimental Botany 152: 90-96.
- Wilson, E., Short, I., Ní Dhubháin, Á. and Purser, P. (2018). Transforming Sitka spruce plantations to continuous cover forestry. Forestry & Energy Review 8(1):38-40.
- Hawe, J. and Short, I. (2016). Broadleaf thinning in Ireland – a review of European silvicultural best practice. Irish Forestry 73:25-64
- Sevillano, I., Short, I., Grant, J. and O’Reilly, C. (2016). Effects of light availability on morphology, growth and biomass allocation of Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management 374: 11-19.
- Short, I., Hawe, J., Campion, J. and Byrne, R. (2015). A review of stumping back and case study of its use in the rehabilitation of poorly performing pole-stage sycamore. Irish Forestry 72: 58-77.
- Short, I. and Campion, J. (2015). How remedial silviculture can improve poorly performing pole-stage broadleaves. Forestry & Energy Review 5(2): 14-16.
- Bravo-Oviedo, A. et al. (2014). European mixed forests: definition and research perspectives. Forestry Systems 23(3): 518-533.
- Short, I. and Campion, J. (2014) Coppice-with-standards: An old silvicultural system with new potential? Forestry & Energy Review 4(1): 42-44.
- Short, I. (2013). The potential for using a free-growth system in the rehabilitation of poorly performing pole-stage broadleaf stands. Irish Forestry 70: 157-171.
- Hawe, J. and Short, I. (2012). Poor performance of broadleaf plantations and possible remedial silvicultural systems – a review. Irish Forestry 69 (1&2): 126-147.
- Short, I. and Hawe, J. (2012). Possible silvicultural systems for use in the rehabilitation of poorly performing broadleaf stands – Coppice-with-standards. Irish Forestry 69 (1&2): 148-166.
- Short, I. (2011). Tending and thinning of broadleaves: A simple guide to selecting quality trees. Forestry & Energy Review 1(2): 34-36.
- Short, I., Bulfin, M. and Radford, T. (2008). COST E42 Growing Valuable Broadleaves Silviculture Matrix: An Irish Example (PDF). Poster.
- Short, I. and Radford, T. (2008). Silvicultural Guidelines for the Tending and Thinning of Broadleaves (PDF). Teagasc
- Short, I., Radford, T. and Bulfin, M. (2007) BROADFORM – Silviculture of new broadleaved plantations: shaping, tending and thinning. Final Report. Submitted to COFORD.
- Short, I., Bulfin, M. and Radford, T. (2006). Formative shaping of broadleaf trees (PDF). Todays Farm 17(6): 26.
- Short, I., McAdam, J., Culleton, N. and Douglas, G. (2005). Establishment of a bovine Quercus silvopastoral experiment in lowland Ireland (PDF). Mosquera-Losada, M R, Riguerio, A. and McAdam, J. (eds.). Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management. CAB International. ISBN 0851990061.
- Short, I., Culleton, N., McAdam, J. and Douglas, G. (2005). Establishment of a silvopastoral agroforestry system in Co Wexford (PDF). Agricultural Research Forum 2005. ISBN 184170384
- Kent, T. and Short, I. (2004). Agricultural Uses – Study Module. A self-study educational CD-Rom. Europeans Using Roundwood Innovatively and Sustainably (EURIS). Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
- Collier, P., Short, I. and Dorgan, J. (2004). Markets for non-wood forest products (PDF). COFORD, Dublin. ISBN 1902696409
- Presentation (YouTube) to the sixth European Agroforestry Conference, Nuoro, Italy, 19 May 2022.
- Irwin, Dhubháin, Short and Mohammadrezai (2022) Increasing tree cover on Irish dairy and drystock farms: the main barriers and perceptions that impede agroforestry uptake. Presentation at 6th European Agroforestry Conference, 19/05/2022.
- Irwin (2022) Increasing tree cover on Irish dairy and drystock farms: the main barriers and perceptions that impede agroforestry uptake. UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences Graduate Research Student Symposium. 08/04/2022
- Irwin (2021) Increasing tree cover on Irish dairy and drystock farms: Main barriers and perceptions to agroforestry uptake. Teagasc weekly sheep conference call, 21/09/2021.
- Present to Irish Agroforestry conference, 12th April; conference Panel Discussion held 20th April.
- Signpost webinar (YouTube), Introduction to Agroforestry, 24th September 2021.
- Broadleaf Silviculture (YouTube), video for IUFRO World Day, 28-29 September 2021.
- Hardwoods webinar, 7th October 2021.
- McAdam, J., Curran, E. and Short, I. 2020. Silvopasture as a climate-resilient sustainable grassland and forestry option (YouTube). Flash Presentation. International Symposium on Climate-Resilient Agri-Environmental Systems. Virtual. 4th – 6th November 2020.
- McAdam, J., Curran, E., Short, I., Houlihan, T., Kelly, L., Brennan, J., Byrne, J., Fagan, K., McGloin, S., Rabone, I. and Bright, C. 2020. Irish Agroforestry Forum - promoting trees on farms on the island of Ireland (YouTube). Flash Presentation. International Symposium on Climate-Resilient Agri-Environmental Systems. Virtual. 4th – 6th November 2020.
- Wilson, E. R., Short, I., Ní Dhubháin, Á. and Purser, P. 2020. Continuous cover forestry research in Ireland. Forestry Commission Tree Health Workshop [online] (United Kingdom). 10 December 2020.
- Wilson, E. R., Short, I., Ní Dhubháin, Á. and Purser, P. 2020. Research update: transformation of planted Sitka spruce stands to CCF in Ireland. Pro Silva Ireland Webinar. Online event (Ireland). 8 September 2020.
- The Research Field. Broadleaf tree plantations increasing in Ireland (audio):
- Short, I. and Hawe, J. (2018). Living with ash dieback - Silviculture systems for Irish ash (Fraxinus excelsior). 8th Hardwoods Conference, Sopron, Hungary, 25–26 October, 2018.
- Short, I. (2018). Productive Woodlands - a researcher's perspective (PDF). Presentation to Productive Woodlands Conference, Glenarm Estate, Co Antrim. 26 September 2018.
- Short, I. (2018). Ash dieback - silvicultural options? (PDF). Presentation to DAFM ash dieback review stakeholder meeting. 12 April 2018.
- YouTube video, 30 April 2018: Silvicultural education in Ireland: Challenges and opportunities. Native Woodlands conference, 30 April 2018.
- YouTube video, 6 May 2017: Growing quality broadleaves. TIMBER 2017, Stradbally Hall Estate, Co Laois.
- YouTube video, 23 October 2015: Selecting and marking Potential Crop Trees: the 2-stick method
- Short, I. (2010) Ash Tending and Thinning. Invited presentation. Guild of Irish Hurley Makers workshop: “The use of Irish ash for hurley production”, Hayes Hotel, Thurles, 5 July 2010.
- Short, I. and Radford, T. (2009). Tending and Thinning of Broadleaves. Invited presentation to the IFA, 18 June 2009.
- Short, I. and Kent, T. (2004). Agroforestry: A land-use system with potential on Irish farms (PDF). 8th Institutes of Technology, Science and Computing Research Colloquium, 26–28 May, 2004.
- Kent, T. and Short, I. (2004). The perceptions of farmers to afforestation in Ireland (PDF). 8th Institutes of Technology, Science and Computing Research Colloquium, 26–28 May, 2004. [Oral presentation]
- Edward (Ted) Wilson, Ph.D. candidate – Transformation of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) plantation to continuous cover forestry
- Rachel Irwin, Ph.D. candidate – "Small woodlands on dairy and drystock farms"
- Colin Marren, M.Sc. – Exploring potential end-uses of small diameter alder (Alnus glutinosa)
- Dr Susan Foreman (2019), Ph.D. – "Impact of competition on the early growth and physiological responses of potential short-rotation forestry species in Ireland".
- Dr Ignacio Sevillano (2016), Ph.D. – "Morphological and physiological responses of Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings to light availability".
- Jerry Hawe (2014), M.Sc. – "Early thinning of ash, Fraxinus excelsior L., plantations in Ireland – thinning intensity and crop tree growth responses".