Brijesh K. Tiwari
Research OfficerResearch Interests
My primary research interests relate to novel food processing, extraction and preservation technologies, with a strong focus on investigation of biochemical and microbial kinetics in food and food products. I am particularly interested in the investigation of technological aspects (nutritional, microbial, enzymatic and chemical inactivation phenomena) in thermal and non-thermal processing studies.
A particular focus of my current research relates to the investigation of green and sustainable solutions to food industry challenges. In addition, I am interested in extraction technologies with particular reference to extraction of biomolecules from food by-products and waste streams
BSc. Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India. 2001
MSc. Central Food Technological Research Institute, India, 2003
PhD. University College, Dublin, Ireland. 2009
Professional Membership
Fellow of Institute of Food Science & Technology (UK)
Tiwari, B. K., Norton, T., Holden, N.M. (2013) Sustainable Food Processing, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.ISBN 978-0470672235.
Kadam, S. U., Tiwari, B. K., & O'Donnell, C. P. (2013). Application of novel extraction technologies for bioactives from marine algae. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61(20), 4667-4675.
Deora, N. S., Misra, N. N., Deswal, A., Mishra, H. N., Cullen, P. J., & Tiwari, B. K. (2013). Ultrasound for Improved Crystallisation in Food Processing. Food Engineering Reviews, 5(1), 36-44.
Brennan, M. A., Derbyshire, E., Tiwari, B. K., & Brennan, C. S. (2013). Integration of β-Glucan Fibre Rich Fractions from Barley and Mushrooms to Form Healthy Extruded Snacks. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 68(1), 78-82.
Ghafoor, M., Misra, N. N., Mahadevan, K., & Tiwari, B. K. (2014). Ultrasound assisted hydration of navy beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 21(1), 409-414.
Hossain, M. B., Brunton, N. P., Patras, A., Tiwari, B., O'Donnell, C. P., Martin-Diana, A. B., & Barry-Ryan, C. (2012). Optimization of ultrasound assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) using response surface methodology. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 19(3), 582-590.
Rawson, A., Brunton, N. P., Rai, D. K., McLoughlin, P., Tiwari, B. K., & Tuohy, M. G. (2013). Stability of falcarinol type polyacetylenes during processing of Apiaceae vegetables. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 30(2), 133-141.
Rawson, A., Tiwari, B. K., Tuohy, M., & Brunton, N. (2012). Impact of frozen storage on polyacetylene content, texture and colour in carrots disks. Journal of Food Engineering, 108(4), 563-569.