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Dina Zandt

Postdoctoral Researcher (hosted)

Research Interests

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Czech Academy of Sciences in the group of Zuzana Münzbergová and am currently hosted at Teagasc in the group of Fiona Brennan. I am fascinated by the diversity in interactions between plants and soil microbiota, and their importance in driving plant community processes. One of my lines of research focusses on how microbial networks in soil, plant rhizospheres and roots are shaped by plant community stability, plant species competition and soil legacies. My second line of research targets the effects of temperature, precipitation and long-term recurrent drought on plant-soil-microbiota interactions. I currently mainly focus on data analyses of both plant and microbial communities and connecting these above- belowground patterns.

Current Projects

  • Soil microbial network topology in stable and instable grassland communities
  • Soil legacies as a driver of plant species competition
  • The role of plant traits in long-term plant community stability
  • SEEDclim: Temperature and precipitation effects on plant rhizosphere and root microbial networks
  • LTERStubai: Long-term drought effects on the seasonal asynchrony and plant-soil-microbiota interactions. In collaboration with Michael Bahn 
  • msGBS method development: unravelling species-specific rooting patterns in diverse grassland communities. In collaboration with Niels Wagemaker 
  • Plant-mediated soil legacy effects on long-term plant community development. In collaboration with the group of Hans de Kroon 


  • 2020 - PhD study, Department of Experimental Plant Ecology, Radboud University, NL (Prof H. de Kroon)
  • 2014 - MSc Biology, minor Adaptive Organisms (Honours), Radboud University, NL
  • 2014 - MSc Graduate Programme, Graduate School Experimental Plant Sciences, Wageningen University & Research, NL
  • 2014 - Radboud Honours Academy, ETH Zurich, CH & Radboud University, NL (Prof B. Studer & Dr EJW Visser)
  • 2012 - BSc Biology, trajectory Ecology and Physiology, Radboud University, NL

Dr. in 't Zandt has many peer reviewed published papers.  A full list of Dina's publications are available on :

Dina's Google Scholar account

Dina's Publons account

in ‘t Zandt, D., Hoekstra, N. J., de Caluwe, H., Cruijsen, P. M. J. M., Visser, E. J. W., & de Kroon, H. (2022). Plant life-history traits rather than soil legacies determine colonisation of soil patches in a multi-species grassland. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13850

in ’t Zandt, D., Herben, T., van den Brink, A., Visser, E. J. W., & de Kroon, H. (2021). Species abundance fluctuations over 31 years are associated with plant–soil feedback in a species‐rich mountain meadow. Journal of Ecology, 109(3), 1511–1523. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13574

in ‘t Zandt, D., Hoekstra, N. J., Wagemaker, C. A. M., de Caluwe, H., Smit‐Tiekstra, A. E., Visser, E. J. W., & de Kroon, H. (2020). Local soil legacy effects in a multispecies grassland community are underlain by root foraging and soil nutrient availability. Journal of Ecology, 108(6), 2243–2255. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13449

in ‘t Zandt, D. (2020). Together for the long run. Plant-soil legacies and co-existence in a species-rich grassland. Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL (defended on September 1, 2020). Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hans de Kroon; Co-supervisor: Dr. Eric J.W. Visser. Printed by: GVO drukkers & vormgevers, Ede, NL. ISBN: 978-94-6332-648-3 (https://hdl.handle.net/2066/221712)

in t Zandt, D., van den Brink, A., de Kroon, H., & Visser, E. J. W. (2019). Plant-soil feedback is shut down when nutrients come to town. Plant and Soil, 439(1–2), 541–551. doi: 10.1007/s11104-019-04050-9

in t Zandt, D., Fritz, C., & Wichern, F. (2018). In the land of plenty: catch crops trigger nitrogen uptake by soil microorganisms. Plant and Soil, 423(1–2), 549–562. doi: 10.1007/s11104-017-3540-2

in ‘t Zandt, D., Le Marié, C., Kirchgessner, N., Visser, E. J. W., & Hund, A. (2015). High-resolution quantification of root dynamics in split-nutrient rhizoslides reveals rapid and strong proliferation of maize roots in response to local high nitrogen. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66(18), 5507–5517. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv307

Read more about me and my work on the Journal of Ecology blog.