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Crop Recording

Gatekeeper Cloud  supplied by Farmplan

Teagasc have partnered with Farmplan to provide a crop recording software package called Gatekeeper Cloud for Teagasc clients to record their farm records digitally on a simple to use cloud platform. 

The three year partnership with Farmplan aims to increase the number of farmers who record their farm activities on a digital platform.  The area of crop recording software is very crowded with desktop and mobile apps available to download however very few are suitable for Irish farmers.  Teagasc scanned the market to ensure the Gatekeeper Cloud software is suitable for Ireland and is easy to use by all tillage farmers.

Gatekeeper Cloud is an independent software provider who holds farmers data in a highly secure manor in compliance with all GDPR requirements. Growers can optat any stage to share their information with one or more of their advisors. 

Farmers who utilise this software will be in a position to calculate returns per crop, variety or field or farm and be in a strong position to make changes based on specific areas or across the farm.  The reports are suitable for Cross Compliance purposes

Gatekeeper Cloud is designed to save time and improve accuracy on farm, allowing farmers to set up records and enter data in just a few minutes. Being cloud-based, the software can be accessed via a web browser, reducing the cost of entry and reliance on specific hardware. Coupled with its accompanying in-field recording app, Gatekeeper Cloud will not only support more efficient daily workflows but make demonstrating compliance far easier.  Farmers can also connect to their advisor who is using Gatekeeper Agronomist to get field recommendations sent directly to their account. 

View some of the screens and reports here 

Whether a farm is reliant on pen and paper or spreadsheets, switching to a digital system brings numerous and immediate benefits. First and foremost, collating everything together in one place grants total visibility across the farm – essential for making more informed and effective decisions.  

The costs for Gatekeeper Cloud to Teagasc clients is discounted in the first three years of use to provide a simple, cost effective and low-risk entry point and get farmers off to a running start.

Farmers who purchase the Gatekeeper Cloud software will get intensive supports from Farmplan which include phone, webchat, videos, elearning, etc.  View some of the Gatekeeper Cloud supports here

How to sign up?

Teagasc and Farmplan have developed an enrolment form which farmers should fill in to express their interest.  If you have any difficulties in filling the form please contact your local advisor. See link Teagasc - Gatekeeper Enrolment Form

Note: A farmer needs to be current client of Teagasc and provide their Teagasc client number in order to avail of the software purchase discounts