All grant-aided forests must be fully protected from the time of planting. All fencing materials including posts and wire must meet standards required by the Forest Service (DAFM).
- Cattle: Three strands of barbed wire, plain wire along public roads
- Cattle/Sheep: Ordinary sheep netting or rectangular mesh sheep netting with one strand of barbed wire.
- Cattle/Rabbit: Rabbit netting with three strands of barbed wire.
- Rabbit/Hare: Rabbit netting with two strands of barbed wire.
- Deer: Rectangular wire mesh, 1.9m high or two lengths of sheep wire, one over the other. do not use barbed wire along the top
There is no requirement to duplicate existing stockproof fences such as rivers, substantial walls, or other stockproof boundaries with additional fencing. Electric fencing is not acceptable. Adequate access to plantations for management purposes should be provided using styles and or secured temporary openings in fence lines.
Where there is a serious risk of deer damage to broadleaf trees, additional funding may be available for the erection of a deer-proof fence. All deer fencing allowances must be approved in advance and will be based on the area enclosed and protected by the deer fence.
IS436 Standard
Fencing must be to the Irish Standard 436:2007 to claim the higher rates of grant aid. This standard aims to give an anticipated service life of 15 years where timber posts are in contact with the ground. The IS436:2007 covers a number of technical specifications which include;
- Permitted timber species
- Post sizes and diameters
- Timber preservatives
- Pre-treatment drying requirements
- Labelling and traceability of the end product
Only companies that are certified by the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) or equivalent, can supply IS436 fencing stakes suitable for use in the Afforestation Schemes. IS436 certificates are produced in duplicate, with the stake IS436 registration holder holding the original copy, and supplying the second copy to the person/company purchasing the posts. Registered suppliers of IS436 timber fencing and copies of this standard are available from the National Standards of Ireland (NSAI).