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Health and Safety check list for forestry operations

Prior to the commencement of any operation the Owner, Forest Works Manager, Contractor, Timber Purchaser, etc. should meet to discuss the health and safety issues.

The Owner, Forest Works Manager should provide the following documentation:

  • Site specific risk assessment, hazard map with emergency contact details
  • Emergency and contingency planning (e.g. GPS coordinates of the site, local doctor and emergency services, location of nearest defibrillator, etc.)
  • Monitor record 

The Contractor should provide the copies of the following documentation:

  • Insurance details, both public and employers liability
  • Competency certs and first aid certs
  • Equipment maintenance records
  • Safety statement
  • Operational risk assessment
  • Lone working policy and procedures if applicable 

They should also ensure that the appropriate equipment and signage are on site:

  • First aid kit and list of first aid trained personnel
  • Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the job
  • Site notices relevant to the operation
  • Hazard signs 

It is important to remember that you as a forest owner have a responsibility to look after yourself and others in your forest