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Deer Tree Shelter, Hare and Deer Fencing Scheme

Deer Tree Shelters (DTS)

New forests

Funding for DTS is available for all Forest Types (FT) in addition to the Fencing Grant of the afforestation scheme. Participation is voluntary but can be used where there is a substantial risk of deer damage.

Forest Types 1 -7

The maximum DTS grant in pure broadleaf plots is €1,600/ha up to a maximum area of 3 hectares (note: alder is not eligible).

Minimum stocking required is 625 trees/ha by planting trees at a spacing of 4 x 4 metres.

Forest Types 10 - 12

The DTS grant can also be used in the 20% additional broadleaf areas (ADB) of conifer plots FT 10 - 12.

Trees in the ADB are planted at a spacing of 4 x 4 metres, equating to 625 stems per ha. 20% of the ADB stems/ha equates to 125 trees in the ADB.

The max DTS grant is €625/ha. The reduced grant rate reflects the lower treated area where 80% of the plot is conifer and the other 20% broadleaf (DTS treated area).

Existing forests

Support and standards for DTS in existing forests are the same as for new afforestation sites. Damage levels must be greater than 40% to be eligible.

DTS scheme participation is deemed successful and payment can be made where 60% or more of the broadleaf trees, evenly dispersed over the site are free growing and free from deer damage.

DTS management

On-going maintenance of tree shelters will be required to ensure stakes and shelters are secure and upright. Adequate weed control is carried out until trees are established. Shelters will breakdown over time and need to be removed to prevent littering.

Deer Fencing

A Deer Fencing Grant is available for FT 1 – 7 broadleaf forests where there is evidence of deer damage greater than 40% prior to second instalment payment. The use of Deer Tree Shelters (DTS) should be considered first.

Alternative construction types for deer fencing (e.g. A-frames) can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Forests cannot enter this scheme post second instalment grant, with the exception of sites eligible for application under the Reconstitution of Ash Dieback 2023 -2027.

Hare Fencing

A contribution of €4/m up to a maximum of €640/ha is available where there is evidence of hare damage greater than 30% prior to second instalment payment.

Forests cannot enter this scheme post second instalment grant, with the exception of sites eligible for application under the Reconstitution of Ash Dieback 2023 -2027.

Relevant publication

Further information

For further details, contact your local Teagasc Forestry Adviser.