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Native Forest Framework

The Native Forest Framework identifies at pre-application stage, the most appropriate native forest type - based principally on soil and vegetation. The following Forest Types (FTs) under the Afforestation Scheme of the Forestry Programme 2023-27 require the implementation of this framework:

It contains six different scenarios, together representing the main native forest types found in Ireland, together with their associated soil types. They are:

  • Scenario 1: Podzols (Oak-Birch-Holly Forest)
  • Scenario 2: Brown Podzolics (Oak-Birch-Holly with Hazel Forest)
  • Scenario 3: Brown Earths (Oak-Hazel Forest)
  • Scenario 4: Gleys (Alder-Oak Forest)
  • Scenario 5: Highly Modified Peat & Peaty Podzols (Pioneer Birch Forest)
  • Scenario 6: Alluvial Floodplains (Alluvial Forest)


Required planting mixture

Scenario 1:

(Oak-Birch-Holly Forest)

Planting mixture:

  • 30% Sessile oak 
  • 30% Scots pine 
  • 15% Downy birch 
  • 15% Rowan 
  • 10% Holly 

Scenario 2:

Brown Podzolics
(Oak-Birch-Holly with Hazel Forest)

Planting mixture:

  • 50% Sessile oak
  • 15% Hazel
  • 10% Downy birch
  • 10% Scots pine
  • 5% Wild cherry
  • 10% minor species (at least one of: hawthorn, holly, rowan, crab apple) 

Scenario 3:

Brown Earths
(Oak-Hazel Forest)

Planting mixture:

  • 40% Pedunculate oak
  • 20% Downy birch
  • 20% Hazel
  • 5% Hawthorn
  • 5% Wild cherry
  • 10% minor species (at least two of: holly, spindle, rowan, crab apple, alder)

Scenario 4:

(Alder-Oak Forest)

Planting mixture:

  • 50% Common alder
  • 10% Grey willow
  • 10% Downy birch
  • 10% Pedunculate oak
  • 5% Hawthorn
  • 15% minor species (at least one of: holly, hazel, guelder rose) 

Scenario 5:

Highly Modified Peat & Peaty Podzols
(Pioneer Birch Forest)

Planting mixture:

  • 45% Downy birch
  • 10% Rowan
  • 20% Scots pine
  • 15% Sessile oak
  • 10% minor species (at least one of: holly, hawthorn, hazel) 

Planting mixture (if the site is wet or on wetter parts of the site):

  • 50% Downy birch
  • 30% Grey willow
  • 20% minor species (at least one of: rowan, hazel, alder, pedunculate oak)

Scenario 6:

Alluvial Floodplains
(Alluvial Forest) 

No details available 

Further information