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Pine Weevil Conference

PW-IPM: Towards integrated pest management for pine weevil in Ireland

Tullamore Court Hotel, Wednesday 4 May 2022, 10.30-15.00 

Teagasc in association with Maynooth University and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) organised a free, one-day conference on 4 May 2022 focusing on integrated pest management for pine weevil in Ireland.

At this conference, experts from Teagasc, Maynooth University, Coillte, DAFM, private forestry and the UK covered topics including the lifecycle and management options of the large pine weevil, pesticide regulations, reforestation and continuous cover forestry. This conference was held as part of the DAFM-funded PW-IPM Project


The large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) can cause very substantial tree plant mortality in reforestation sites. Felling a coniferous crop produces a large increase in breeding material for the pine weevil, whilst plant material suitable for adult feeding is reduced. Young trees used for restocking are liable to be heavily attacked by adult pine weevils feeding on the stem from the root collar upwards. Heavy damage can completely girdle stems and cause plant death.

It is estimated that on average 50% of the seedlings on untreated sites in Ireland and the UK are killed by pine weevil during the first few years. European estimates indicate that the pine weevil is the most important pest of reforestation sites in Europe. This will increase the re-establishment costs substantially through the cost of insecticide application, replacing plants and additional weeding.

The PW-IPM project aimed to review current and potential management options to mitigate damage from the pine weevil in Irish reforestation. These findings were covered at the conference.

Conference agenda

10:30 Coffee and registration

11:00 Welcome and brief introduction by Chair (Nuala NiFhlatharta, Teagasc)

11:10 Pine weevil and PW-IPM project overview (Louise McNamara, Teagasc) 

11:30 Practices, experience and future developments (Colm Lyons, Coillte) 

11:50 Reforestation practice (John Casey, Teagasc) 

12:10 Pesticide registration, regulations and future outlook (Anne Marie Dillon, DAFM)

12:30 Light lunch (sandwiches)

13:30 UK experience (Roger Moore, Forest Research UK)

13:50 Continuous cover forestry (Padraig O’Tuama, private forestry consultant)

14:10 Pine weevil forecasting: predicting time of weevil emergence (Christine Griffin, Maynooth University) 

14:30 Panel discussion with Q & A

15:00 End