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  • To disseminate information regarding the Research in popular press and articles to stakeholders.
  • To disseminate the results obtained from the Research in peer-reviewed and popular articles.
  • To hold demonstration days related to the Research.
  • To create and manage a Project website for dissemination purposes.


  • Project website created, managed and continuously updated during the Project
  • Popular press articles to raise awareness of the Project
  • Demo sites illustrating the work of the Project will be established and associated literature, and where applicable demonstration boards, will be produced
  • Demo days will be held, with assistance from Teagasc Forestry Development Officers, to illustrate work being conducted by the Project and to disseminate results to stakeholders
  • Popular press articles will be written throughout the life of the Project

Peer Reviewed Publications


Broadleaf Silviculture National Demonstration Days

There have been two national demonstration days held per year on broadleaf silviculture (tending and 1st thinning) since the beginning of the project covering a range of species and additional related topics. Feedback from these demonstration days has been very positive. If you would like to provide additional feedback and/or comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Ian Short.

2014 16 October, Summerhill, Co. Meath
2014 17 June, Ballycrissane, Co. Galway
2013 10 July, Cloughjordan, Co Tipperary
2012 10 October, Dunnamaggin, Co Kilkenny
  19 April, Cordal, Castleisland, Co Kerry
2011 26 October, Cappamurragh, Dundrum, Co Tipperary
  20 April, Milltown, Co Cavan
2010 9 September, Dunmanway, Co. Cork 
  21 April, Summerhill, Co. Meath

Participants learning about the tending and first thinning of pure oak crops at the National Demonstration day held in Cappamurragh, Co Tipperary

 The B-SilvRD project has also had a role at numerous other demonstrations.

  • The tending, thinning and management of broadleaves was presented to UCD Forestry students for the day on 5 October 2012, 4 October 2013 and 26 September 2014.
  • On 19 March 2014, the Teagasc Ballyhaise Forestry students were shown work being carried out in Teagasc Kinsealy. They were shown the B-SilvRD Nelder trial and the old poplar trial by Dr Ian Short and broadleaf silviculture was discussed.
  • The management of ash was presented in the field at a hurley ash field-day in Dalgan Park, Co. Meath, on 22 March 2012.
  • The tending and thinning of ash was presented in the field at the BioEnergy 2011.
  • Tending and thinning of broadleaves was presented to farm-forest owners at a field-day in Clonbulloge, Co. Offaly on 23 February 2011.
  • Tending and thinning of ash was presented in the field at the Guild of Irish Hurlers Makers’ workshop “The use of Irish ash for hurley production”, Thurles, 5 July 2010.

Dr Ian Short (in the red hard-hat) presenting at BioEnergy 2011

YouTube video

YouTube video: Selecting and marking Potential Crop Trees, using the 2-stick method.

Posters and Boards

Presented at the Farm Woodland Forum 2015 annual meeting

Presented at the Farm Woodland Forum annual meeting 2015 and at COST FP1301 EuroCoppice meeting, University of Greenwich, 3-5 November 2014

Plant Biology Europe Congress, 22-26 June 2014, Dublin Convention Centre

Teagasc Moorepark Research Centre Open Day,3 July 2013

Irish Forestry, Woodland and Bio Energy Show, Birr Castle, 6-7 May 2011

This poster was also presented in 2012 at the Teagasc Talking Timber days:

  • 8 March Bailieborough, Co Cavan
  • 13 March Abbeyleix, Co Laois
  • 15 March Lough Rea, Co Galway
  • 21 March Macroom, Co Cork 

Irish Forestry, Woodland and Bio Energy Show, Stradbally, Co Laois, 10-11 May 2013



Dr Ian Short (l) and Steven Meyen, Teagasc Forestry Advisor (r) in the Teagasc forestry marquee at the 2013 Forestry Show, Stradbally.

Example Demonstration Day boards


The 2-stick method of selecting Potential Crop Trees (PCTs) in an oak alternate lines mixture

Powerpoint presentations

  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2015) Broadleaf silviculture - National Hardwood Conference (PDF 4 MB). National Hardwoods Conference, Enfield, 27 May 2015.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2015) Management of ash in Ireland in the light of ash dieback (PDF 2.5 MB). UK Farm Woodland Farm Annual Meeting, Organic Research Centre, Newbury, 18-19 May 2015.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2014) Management of ash in Ireland in the light of ash dieback (PDF 2 MB). Chalara All-Ireland Conference, Dundalk, 8 May 2014.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2013) Broadleaf Silviculture Research Sub-Programme. Presented at the Teagasc Forestry Development Department international peer-review meeting, Ashtown Research Centre, 21 March 2013.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2012) RMIS 6052: B-SilvRD Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at the Teagasc review of Forestry programme topics. Ashtown Research Centre, Dublin 15. 17 October 2012
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2012) Ash die-back Chalara fraxinea. Presented at the Teagasc Forestry Department meeting, Ashtown Research Centre, 16 October 2012.
  • Short, I. (2012) B-SilvRD: Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at the COFORD Council meeting, Portlaoise, 8 June 2012.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2011) RMIS 6052: B-SilvRD Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at the Teagasc Forestry Department meeting, Mellows Research Centre, Athenry, 7 July 2011.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2011) RMIS 6052: B-SilvRD Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at the Teagasc Forestry Department stakeholder’s partnership group meeting, Teagasc Tullamore office, 28 January 2011.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2011) RMIS 6052: B-SilvRD Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at the Teagasc Forestry Department meeting, Mellows Research Centre, Athenry, 27 January 2011.
  • Short, I. and Campion, J. (2010) RMIS 6052: B-SilvRD Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at the Teagasc Forestry Department meeting, Mellows Research Centre, Athenry. 1 October 2010.
  • Short, I. (2010) B-SilvRD: Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at a research collaboration meeting with Wood Energy project, WIT. 21 September 2010.
  • Short, I. (2010) RMIS 6052 Broadleaf Silviculture Research and Development. Presented at Teagasc RMIS meeting, Oak Park, Co. Carlow. 15 September 2010.
  • Short, I. (2010) Ash tending and thinning. Presented at the Guild of Irish Hurlers Makers’ workshop “The use of Irish ash for hurley production”, Thurles, 5 July 2010.

In-Service Training

In-service training of Teagasc Forestry Advisors was conducted at one of the B-SilvRD research sites in November 2011. The training consisted of exploring and discussing options for the management of poorly performing broadleaf stands.

In-service training of Teagasc Forestry Advisors was also conducted in November 2012 at a private broadleaf site and at an alder thinning site.


  • Hawe, J. (2014) Early thinning of ash, Fraxinus excelsior L., plantations in Ireland – thinning intensity and crop tree growth responses. Research M.Sc. thesis.
  • Short, I. (2011) Report of Foreign Travel to Italy, funded by the FORTEX project, 20th – 25th June, 2011. Submitted to the EU via Sylviron Ltd., Castlebar. Sylviron is the co-ordinator of this EU-funded Leonardo da Vinci VETPro (Vocational Education and Training Professional) placement programme. 29 pages.
  • Short, I. (2011) Report of Foreign Travel to Italy, funded by the FORTEX project, 20th – 25th June, 2011. Submitted to Teagasc. 29 pages.