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Clover150 Programme

Clover150 farmer group May 2022The uptake of white clover in grass swards on commercial farms has been slow, however there has been a rapid increase in 2022 and 2023, mainly driven by increased fertiliser prices. Establishing clover on-farm can take a number of years, thus reseeding an entire farm to introduce white clover into pastures is impractical and costly. There needs be a two-pronged approach - reseeding and over-sowing.

Clover150 is an on farm clover study establised in 2021. A group of 36 farmers from across the country enrolled in the programme. They had a range of land types, geographic spread and farming enterprises. In 2021 and 2022 white clover was established on the farms by a combination of reseeding and oversowing. The overall objective was to establish clover, reduce chemical N fertiliser and farm gate N surplus while maintaining herbage production.

Clover 150 Objectives

  1. Maintain herbage production > 14 T DM/ha
  2. Reduce N fertiliser - < 150 kg N/ha
  3. Reduced N surplus - < 130 kg N/ha and NUE to >40%
  4. Increase clover content - >20%
  5. Maintain farm feed self-sufficiency

Establishment Blueprint

 Target area reseeded (%)Target area over-sown (%)Target total Area (%)
Year 1 10 20 30
Year 2 10 20 30
Year 3 10 20 30
Year 4     10% + any ground that clover didn’t establish on

Group Average

YearAverage clover %Average area %Annual tonnageN - kg N/ha
2023 23 65 12.9 156
2022 18 61 12.6 156
2021 12 45 13.8 206
2020 <10 10 14.1 222

N surplus - Kg N/ha

YearNUE%N surplus -kg/haFertiliserConcentrateForageMilk salesAnnual tonnage - kg DM/ha
2021 32 175 206 42 7 73 13774
2022 39 137 156 51 12 75 12615
2023 36 140 156 56 12 67 12950

Nitrogen strategy for clover %

Clover content %Feb - Kg N/haMarch - Kg N/haApril - Kg N/haMay - Kg N/haJune - Kg N/haJuly - Kg N/haAug - Kg N/haSept - Kg N/haTotal
Grass Sward 24  36 20  22  28  28  21  23  212 
5 20  35  20  20  20  20  20  20  175 
10 20  35  20  15  15  10  15  20  150 
15 20  35  20  15  10  *SW  10  20  130 
20 20  35  20  15  *SW  *SW  *SW  15  105 
  • *Soiled water used whenever zero chemical N application
  • +25kg organic N applied

Get your guide to clover content below

Guide to Sward Clover content/Clover content scorecard 


The Clover150 team have the following observations - up to the end of 2023

The programme is a successful blueprint on legume incorporation on farms

Fertiliser usage, N Surplus and NUE% all improved

Some concerning trends

  • Dry matter production
  • Concentrate usage
  • Forage purchase
  • Milk sales