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Clover on Beef Farms

Does white clover increase beef animal live-weight gain?

Researchers in Teagasc Grange are examining how white clover inclusion in grassland swards effects animal performanc. Peter Doyle, Research Officer, gives more information. Read more about the research on white clover being done with the Derrypatrick Herd 

High levels of herbage production and animal performance from red clover

Red clover can contribute substantially to organic, low-input and conventional animal production systems due to its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen (N) and support of high animal performance.

Dr. Nicky Byrne, Research Officer in Teagasc Grange, explained that these benefits contribute to beef systems of improved farm gate nitrogen (N) balance, through a lessened need for fertiliser and feed, while maintaining high animal performance. Read full article on 'High levels of herbage production and animal performance from red clover' here - published July 20, 2023

Red clover: Availing of the benefits on beef farms

Chemical fertiliser prices reached new highs in 2022, many beef farmers looked at ways of reducing the amount of fertiliser that they applied on their farms. In this article, DairyBeef 500 Advisor Fergal Maguire highlights the benefits of red clover.

County Meath DairyBeef 500 farmer Aidan Maguire incorporated red clover silage onto 4ha in 2022. The first 2ha went in on the 1st of May. In 2022, Aidan harvested three cuts of silage and achieved one grazing from this field.

Read the full article on availing of the benefits of red clover on beef farms here Published June 21, 2023

Investigating the role of red clover on beef farms

The inclusion of red clover into silage swards has great potential and can contribute to future proofing beef systems by enhancing N balance and ultimately economic and environmental efficiency. Nicky Byrne, Donall Fahy, Peter Doyle and Paul Crosson, Teagasc Grange discuss their red clover research. Published May 11, 2022

Is Clover an option for my farm?

In this episode of the Beef Edge podcast former Teagasc researcher Deirdre Hennessy discusses all you need to know about clover swards. With the price of chemical fertiliser in spring of 2022 Deirdre highlights that clover most definitely has a role on all grass based systems. Learn more about clover as an option for your farm - and listen to the podcast here. Published March 26th 2022