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Tomás O’Leary - Sheep Award

Name: Tomás O’Leary

Enterprise: Sheep Farmer

From: Headford, Co. Kerry

Farm Size: 45Ha


Annual Tonnage:  Avg 14.2T Grass DM/Ha

  1. Grazings: 7.5T Grazings/Paddock/Year

Stocking Rate: 2.6LU/Ha

Output Kg/Ha: 921Kg/Ha (Liveweight Sold) 

Tomás is the 2018 Sheep Grassland Farmer of the Year. He is heavily involved with the Ring of Kerry Quality Lamb which is a local group of sheep farmers who came together in 2009 to market their lamb directly to the consumer. Tomás runs a 300 ewe mid-season lambing flock and brings all lambs except replacements through to slaughter. He has excellent grazing infrastructure and system of grazing.