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JP Hammersley

JP runs a dairy calf to beef farm near Lattin, Co. Tipperary.

His goal is to earn €20/hour for every hour he works on the farm, as he also works off-farm as an engineer.

Naturally he is metrics focused and utilising high levels of high quality grass is essential to reach a high output for the farm and JP’s success.

This has been attained by splitting the 37ha farm into 45 paddocks, having excellent grazing infrastructure and reseeding.

He has been incorporating clover and will continue to do so through oversowing and full reseeding.

Calves are taken through to slaughter at 24-28 months mainly off grass but some are also finished out of the shed.

The farm is in the GLAS scheme, and JP has a strong focus on sustainable beef production.

In 2020, JP’s farm grew 10 T DM/ha.